Sunday, December 19, 2021

Day #2898

December 7, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew, chapter 1, verse 23: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” (NRSV)

Emmanuel, another of Jesus’ names, means God is with us. Yet what does that really mean? In the person of the Holy Spirit, God can be everywhere, right?! The Holy Spirit, like the wind, can be felt anywhere, especially in the wind of breath, as close as our heart. So why Emmanuel?

Perhaps one clue to the need for the person of Jesus can be found in his humanity. There is more than simply an idea of wind or breath to the human Jesus. There is a baby, a young man, a living, breathing adult with temptations, feelings, hopes, and prayers. A man who suffered and died. A man who loved and cried. A man who experienced what we do. Yet a man who was more than any other. Who, as God, was able to accomplish more than any other. Resurrection. Victory over death. And, ultimately, right relationship with God forever. Eternally!

This is Emmanuel. This is God with us. This is our Savior, Jesus the Christ. So, as we inch closer to celebrating his birth some two thousand years ago, may the promise of his presence with us eternally, and ours with him, give us all hope. And peace.

Blessings. And prayers.

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