Saturday, December 28, 2019

Day #2188

December 28, 2019

On the fourth day of Christmas, an additional “funny” for the week:


Day #2187

December 27, 2019

Sometimes all I can give is my time, my ear and shoulder, a prayer, and show some compassion. Thanks be to God I was available. 

Thanks be to God for some good news! 

And thanks be to God for a great conversation with a caring person. 

Really good for the third day of Christmas!


Day #2186

December 26, 2019

What to do on a beautiful day? Some exploring of the beautiful countryside!!


Day #2185

December 25, 2019 

On the first day of Christmas, we wish you a joy-filled season, with the peace of Christ enveloping your hearts and minds! 

Merry Christmas!!!!


Day #2184

December 24, 2019

Today’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 2:7: And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. (NRSV)

The she is Mary. The baby is Jesus. The manger, his first “home.” No address, no servants, no palace. Soon to be on the run from Herod who wishes to destroy him. His story has no proof. His story must be taken on faith. Yet, it is an event that is good news of great joy for ALL. 

Jesus, unlike any other human before or since, Son of God, Love’s pure light, we give thanks for your coming and pray that you help us in our unbelief of this amazing news - Jesus Christ is born.

With that said, what an awesome evening of worship! Here is a picture taken by a member from the balcony (thank you) of Silent Night being sung at the Family Worship service (using kid-friendly glo sticks for candlelight).

And a picture of the late evening Candlelight Worship. 

Rejoice! Rejoice!! 


Day #2183

December 23, 2019 

With all the pictures I have seen of Elf on the Shelf, I thought perhaps this might bring a smile for the week. 

Don’t get me wrong, Elf on the Shelf can be very creative. Yet, it can also be a “little much!” Well, “buck in the truck” is a "little much," too, but it made me chuckle. Hope it did you, also.


Day #2182

December 22, 2019

What a glorious day!! The first part was a wonderful Cantata in worship. The choir, along with a very talented reader of the lessons, did a fabulous job of singing the story of Jesus’ birth.

Then….today marks the beginning of longer daylight hours. I am thankful, especially as I remember that soon we will celebrate, once again, the birth of the Light of the World, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The Light no darkness can overcome! The Light who came to earth out of love! Thanks be to God!


Day #2181

December 21, 2019 

After briefly accompanying a saint of the congregation in the thin place between life and death, this quote from Clarence the angel in It’s A Wonderful Life seems quite appropriate: “No man is a failure who has friends.” (Note: certainly Clarence would now say, “No person…). The movie conveys an important reminder that “each person’s life touches so many others and leaves a hole when they aren’t there.” 

Yes, each person’s life does touch others in ways we may not even know. In thinking about that, here is a question I hope to be more deliberate about in the new year: How intentional am I in making contacts with others be as positive as possible? 


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Day #2180

December 20, 2019 

It was 50 degrees today. FIVE ZERO! After all the snow we have had this fall, it’s looking like the first couple of days of winter will feel like spring. As we ran errands to finish last minute “to do” items, we saw someone who summarized the crazy weather like this: “It seems the weather thinks it’s Easter, not Christmas!” 

Well said.


Day #2179

December 19, 2019 

A Simon does...Simon plays. We are so very proud of him and his first piano recital!!!

You are doing so well! Keep up that practicing. 


Day #2178

December 18, 2019

Today was a very odd Wednesday - no study at Men’s Square, no noon Bible Study, no Confirmation class or W.O.W. The year is coming to a close and Wednesday’s schedule is a little different because of the upcoming holidays. 

But never fear, there was still opportunity to be available for someone. So while I was in a “different” place, it was a place of hope and help. And I am honored to have been available. God is good - and so is flexibility. 


Day #2177

December 17, 2019

Tuesday’s thoughts on scripture comes from Matthew 1:23: “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” (NRSV)

A story that has been around for a long time comes to mind as I read these words. May this story be a blessing to you as we ponder the upcoming celebration of the birth of Jesus, God with us.
There was once a man who didn't believe in God, and he didn't hesitate to let others know how he felt about religion and religious holidays, like Christmas. His wife, however, did believe, and she raised their children to also have faith in God and the metaphysical meaning of Jesus the Christ, despite her husband's disparaging comments. One snowy Christmas Eve, the wife was taking their children to a Christmas Eve service in the farm community in which they lived. She asked him to come, but he refused. “That story is nonsense!” he said. “Why would God lower Himself to come to Earth through a man called Jesus who became the Christ? That's ridiculous!” So she and the children left, and he stayed home. 
A while later, the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into a blizzard. As the man looked out the window, all he saw was a blinding snowstorm. He sat down to relax before the fire for the evening. Then he heard a loud thump. Something had hit the window. Then another thump. He looked out, but couldn't see more than a few feet. When the snow let up a little, he ventured outside to see what could have been beating on his window. In the field near his house he saw a flock of wild geese. Apparently they had been flying south for the winter when they got caught in the snowstorm and couldn't go on. They were lost and stranded on his farm, with no food or shelter. They just flapped their wings and flew around the field in low circles, blindly and aimlessly. A couple of them had flown into his window, it seemed. The man felt sorry for the geese and wanted to help them. The barn would be a great place for them to stay, he thought. It's warm and safe; surely they could spend the night and wait out the storm. So he walked over to the barn and opened the doors wide, then watched and waited, hoping they would notice the open barn and go inside. But the geese just fluttered around aimlessly and didn't seem to notice the barn or realize what it could mean for them. The man tried to get their attention, but that just seemed to scare them and they moved further away. He went into the house and came with some bread, broke it up, and made a bread crumb trail leading to the barn. They still didn't catch on. 
Now he was getting frustrated. He got behind them and tried to shoo them toward the barn, but they only got more scared and scattered in every direction except toward the barn. Nothing he did could get them to go into the barn where they would be warm and safe. “Why don't they follow me?!” he exclaimed. “Can't they see this is the only place where they can survive the storm?” He thought for a moment and realized that they just wouldn't follow a human. “If only I were a goose, then I could save them,” he said out loud. 
Then he had an idea. He went into barn, got one of his own geese, and carried it in his arms as he circled around behind the flock of wild geese. He then released it. His goose flew through the flock and straight into the barn and one by one the other geese followed it to safety. He stood silently for a moment as the words he had spoken a few minutes earlier replayed in his mind: “If only I were a goose, then I could save them!” Then he thought about what he had said to his wife earlier. “Why would God want to lower Himself to be like us? That's ridiculous!” Suddenly it all made sense. That is what God had done. We were like the geese--blind, lost, perishing. God had His Son become like us so He could show us the way and enlighten us. That was the meaning of Christmas, he realized. As the winds and blinding snow died down, his soul became quiet and he pondered this wonderful thought. 
Suddenly he understood what Christmas was all about, why Jesus the Christ had come, so that we could become the sons and daughters of the Living Christ. Years of doubt and disbelief vanished like the passing storm. He fell to his knees in the snow, and prayed his first prayer: “Thank You, God, for coming in human form to get me out of the storm!”

Day #2176

December 16, 2019 

For those who know me, this is appropriately funny. 

And just in case you’re thinking about it, dear hubby - you would definitely need the helmet. :-)


Day #2175

December 15, 2019

As I shared on Day #2173, we hosted the annual Staff Dinner. As they were leaving, each staff member received a card from me. One of the folks got to their car and then realized theirs was missing. We began searching. That evening, and several times on Saturday, we looked everywhere we could think of - under the porch, under the furniture, in the garbage, you name it. All to no avail. I even said a prayer asking that God might lead us to find the card.

When we came home from worship/lunch, hubby and I decided to drive further down our street, just in case we might see the bright red envelope. And there, just laying on the sidewalk in front of the third house down from ours, was the envelope. Yes, it was soaking wet, but it was there. We couldn’t believe it. What are the odds?! When I dropped it off by the home of the staff member, we were all elated. 

Honestly, praying to find lost things is not something I generally do. But, it was a good reminder that God cares about ALL things in our lives, and wants us to come to God in prayer, about anything. No matter what it is! Today, my prayer is THANK YOU!!!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Day #2174

December 14, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. For a less crowded calendar. Fewer “obligations.” A great conversation with one of the family. And more. All in all, a simply thank-filled day!!!


Day #2173

December 13, 2019 

What an enjoyable evening! The staff gathered at our home for dinner (I should have taken this while the folks were still here!). 

Anyway, we laughed. We got to know one another better. We even had some first-time introductions. I am blessed to work with some very dedicated, talented, and fun people. And I am grateful for each one of them!! 


Day #2172

December 12, 2019 

Even in the midst of a really busy week, it was good to attend the Manheim Steamroller show. And to do so with friends made it even better. 

What a wonderful show with more beautiful Christmas music to enjoy and help us “prepare.”


PS That is definitely a "close-up" of the hubby! And our friend really was having fun. :-)

Day #2171

December 11, 2019

Today’s intersection came at W.O.W. (Worship on Wednesday for youth and families). The story for the evening was John in the wilderness, calling out to folks to “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.” 

The craft that went along with the Bible Story was making paper megaphones. Megaphones?!?! For youth?!?! Suffice it to say there was a lot of “shouting” going on. But then, something wonderful happened, they began to sing through their new "toy" - Go Tell It On the Mountain. How awesome to hear joy over Jesus being born, even (maybe especially) at full volume!!


Day #2170

December 10, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 1:20: But just when [Joseph] had resolved to [dismiss Mary quietly], an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. (NRSV)

Finally, we get to hear about the birth of Jesus in this season of Advent and it is Joseph's perspective. Told that the baby in Mary’s womb was conceived by the Holy Spirit, he is understandably not quite sure about it all, until the angel appears and his eyes, and heart, are opened. He is told there is nothing to fear in taking Mary as his wife and helping raise this baby Jesus. 

When we do the work/call of the Lord, is there anything to fear? Faith says there is not, but our “good sense” makes us wonder. When I began my first call, I wondered (and feared) a lot - why me? How could I be helpful for folks in their darkest days? Would I make good decisions? What about the mistakes I would make? Okay, truth be told, I still wonder. I know in my heart there is nothing to fear, because God is with me, but sometimes my head convinces me to try and work things out on my own. Fortunately, I am quite often reminded to not be afraid!

There is much to learn in Joseph’s response. And much to ponder as we come nearer to the end of Advent and the beginning of the Christmas Season. 


Day #2169

December 9, 2019 

The funny for the week is appropriate as we decorate the tree. It’s artificial, but still..


PS This is our tree...

Day #2168

December 8, 2019 

On this second Sunday of Advent, the scripture pointed to expectations. Who is Jesus, really, John wants to know? Is John’s question possibly because Jesus was not as John expected him to be? But then, is Jesus as we expect him to be? 

Then the Advent Study focused on love. How is God’s love different from human’s love? Where do we see God’s love at work in the world? I am grateful for faith-filled conversation. 

And then the afternoon included attending the Symphony Concert. There is so much talent in this town!! Here they are warming up, ready to perform. 

As we were leaving the concert, we saw the former organist. It is always a delight to run into him. I thanked him for the beautiful concert and said, I think with all this music the Christmas Spirit may finally be descending upon me. He just laughed and said, let’s hope so. After all, I thought, how can it not?!?!


Day #2167

December 7, 2019 

I suppose this is an applicable summary of a day in the life of a pastor - write a sermon, provide a funeral worship service, have a baptism. What a day! 

I believe a prayer is in order: Thank you, Almighty God, for the strength to complete the needed tasks, the trust of a family to accompany them in dark days, and the growing faith of a young man. You provide all that is needed, and I am grateful. Grant your tender mercy to all who are in need, especially this family. Instill the needed faith into us all, especially this newest member of your family. Amen. 


Day #2166

December 6, 2019

The weather was almost perfect for the annual Christmas Stroll. We enjoyed walking around a bit and had to stop at the 1969 tribute for a (rather dark) photo opp. 

Oh, yes, Yellow Submarine - have to love it with Christmas lights in the background. 

Suppose the Christmas Season really is coming. At least my schedule and calendar says so. :-)


Day #2165

December 5, 2019 

Oh my - it is a busy time! Tonight I am very thankful for a chance to relax and enjoy some music. The congregation is host to An Evening with John Floridis - a fundraiser concert for the local Family Promise. Floridis is a local musician who provides these concerts as a way to show support to this ministry and help them financially. 

All is ready. And thank you, John, for a lovely evening!


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Day #2164

December 4, 2019 

The day began wonderfully - a normal Wednesday filled with laughter, teasing, learning, even meeting a new colleague and having a delightful conversation. Then it imploded at the end with frustration and losing my patience. Hmmm….could the schedule be just a tad overloaded? Losing my patience is usually an indicator that I’m running on that rotten “me power” and a warning to take a break. However, a quick look at the calendar doesn’t allow for that to happen. Therefore, I need to remember to stop and pray: Come, Lord Jesus, refuel my soul and spirit, and give me delight in the midst of a busy time. Amen! And amen!


Day #2163

December 3, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 35:1a: The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom. (NRSV)

What can be more hopeful than the blooming of flowers in spring? Those first buds are amazing to see following the fallow of winter and fill us with hope for a new season. Flowers blossoming in the desert can bring even more joy, as wilderness and dry land surprisingly give way to beauty with the coming of just a bit of moisture. 

As we journey through this season of Advent, waiting to celebrate once again the coming of Jesus as a babe in a manger, we also wait the coming again of Jesus at the end of all things. What joy that will be upending a world that seems awfully barren at times - filled with the desert of fear and illness and the dry land of hopelessness and anger. Jesus brings drops of cool water to our world now, and promises to bring floods in the future. We can rejoice in hope at this promise!

(Photo courtesy of our vacation through Idaho in 2008 - a field filled with wildflowers in spring and a hopeful sight now as we near winter.)


Day #2162

December 2, 2019 

After using eating donuts as an example of one of my temptations at Bible Study last Wednesday, this made me laugh. Hopefully it also brings a smile your way this week. 


Day #2161

December 1, 2019

And so it begins…Advent. The four-week season of coming, waiting, preparing. I found these thoughts from Michael Binder in the Daily Devotion God Pause to be a helpful and good start. They are based on the hymn, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel:
On this first Sunday of Advent, we wait. We are expecting a great gift. Like a child who can hardly wait to rip open a Christmas present, we wait with anticipation for a gift that will change our lives, a gift that will rescue us from things holding us back, a gift that will speak to the losses we've experienced this year, a gift that will help us realize that we are not alone. In the first verse of this hymn [O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear] we describe the gift we are waiting to receive. We're waiting for the gift of Emmanuel, God-with-us. That's the gift we need more than any other -- the gift of being more aware of God's presence among us. Jesus -- God in human flesh -- is that gift. May we be more aware of the presence of Jesus as we enter this season of Advent. 
Another good beginning was Bishop Laurie preaching today. Thank you for sharing God’s word!

And lastly, our Moravian Star is shining bright on this first Day of Advent. 

May your season be filled with joy and peace-filled anticipation. 


Day #2160

November 30, 2019 

A story shared on FB from a mom who has been taking her kids to Worship On Wednesday is definitely today’s intersection. Worship on Wednesday is a ministry geared toward youth that our congregation is sharing with another one, along with confirmation class, and I’m grateful for the collegiality with others. Here is the story:
K (names withheld) has been acting very different, after having what he said was a nightmare, that kept him up for almost 2 hours a couple weeks ago. Sometimes he’s afraid to go in to his room by himself even during the day, or has wanted J (sister) to sleep with him every night. At “Kid Church” (Worship on Wednesday aka W.O.W.) they painted a stained glass cross. Last night while tucking him in, I put it up in his window and told him Jesus will always keep him safe. This morning, sitting here watching Bubble Guppies, he randomly said, “Mommy, Jesus was patting my back.” I said, “he was? When was he patting your back?” K, very matter of factly, stated, “Jesus was patting my back when I went to sleep last night.” 
Now there’s quite the intersection, and quite the moment of comfort!! Praying that all kids might be able feel this type of safety/comfort. 

Also, here is a Thanksgiving trip photo of Simon - at the beach, in the south, in the sun with his feet in the ocean, which all looks really good right now because of the snow we have here. 

All weather references aside, you certainly are growing up fast! And handsome!!!


Friday, November 29, 2019

Day #2159

November 29, 2019

These words written by Molly Shoulta Tucker in the “Think” portion of the devotion d365 spoke to me today, and I share them with you. They are based on Philippians 4:8-9:
When was the last time you were scared? I mean really scared? 
Have you ever feared what others say about you? That you may not have enough? That someone might do a better job than you in athletics, academics, or extracurriculars? I have always struggled with these fears. 
Fear makes our brains do crazy things. It causes us to become critical of others and ourselves; it causes us to suspect the worst; it causes us to label others as “good” or “bad” because it’s much easier to put people in boxes than to believe the best in their intentions. 
Fear is part of being human. Paul urges the church at Philippi to think on things that bring life, joy, and peace to their hearts and minds. This doesn’t mean we’ll never fear, but it means that our fear won’t control our thoughts and actions. To me, it’s comforting to know that Jesus experienced fear but didn’t let it hinder his ministry on earth. What steps can you take to make sure fear doesn’t control you?
Prayers for God to replace your thoughts of fear with peace and trust and joy. Amen!


Day #2158

November 28, 2019 

On this Thanksgiving, I share the post I placed on FaceBook: Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family! May your life be filled with blessings, your heart full of joy, your mind filled with gratitude for God’s love and grace, and peace be with you now and always.

I am grateful for a wonderful day of joy and food and laughter and celebration. Actually, every day there are these reasons to be grateful - thanks be to God!


Day #2157

November 27, 2019

Even though all the snow coming down made the night look more like Christmas Eve than Thanksgiving Eve, an ecumenical worship service was glorious. There was joy as folks from several denominations came together to worship, participate in singing a wonderful Combined Choir anthem, and hear solid preaching from one of our Lutheran pastors. It was a pleasure to host this worship service planned and given by the GF Ministerial Assoc, colleagues I appreciate and am blessed to serve with. Thanks be to God for the opportunities when we can, and do, celebrate and worship together!


Day #2156

November 26, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 11:3b-4a:  He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth. (NRSV)

Years ago I witnessed a person running away from robbing a bank. I was sitting in the church building at Bible Study when someone running through the parking lot outside the window caught my eye. Turns out he had reason to run - he had just robbed the bank next door to the church building. The police came to the church asking if anyone had seen anything. I was certain I could identify the man - he was wearing white, had a beard, etc. I even sat down with a sketch artist. All to no avail, because when the man was caught, turns out he didn’t look anything like the picture I had in my mind (and he didn't have on white, either). Even though my “eyes had seen,” they were mistaken. I am thankful someone wasn’t arrested based only on what I thought I “saw,” since my eyewitness account couldn't be trusted.

How many times do we make judgement based on what we think we see? Or what we think we hear? For me, more often than I wish to admit. Thankfully God makes judgement with righteousness and equity. God sees and hears the truth, always, and responds accordingly. Amen - let it be so.
