Sunday, June 27, 2021

Day #2731

June 23, 2021 

I mentioned we were going on vacation this week. Well, we have had a couple of days of nice rest, relaxation, reading, taking walks (and naps), but today we spent the afternoon on the lake. 

The day was perfect - warm (not too hot or cool), partly cloudy, and just what we hoped. Here are a couple of pictures that show the story:

A beautiful place and a fun day!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2730

June 22, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 5:39-40a: When [Jesus] had entered, he said to them, “Why do you make a commotion and weep? The child is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him. (NRSV)

A leader of the synagogue has approached Jesus, begging him repeatedly to come with him to his daughter and heal her. She is near death and Jairus, the leader, is desperate for Jesus’ help. Not surprisingly, Jesus goes with him. However, on the way Jesus is somewhat delayed by another person in need and when he arrives at Jairus’ home, there is a commotion. The young girl is presumed dead. The healer is too late. 

So when Jesus declares she is not dead, but asleep, the mourners, family and friends laugh at him. They LAUGH at Jesus. 

My first thought were the numbers of nay-sayers who have laughed at Christians for centuries. Why would you believe in something you cannot prove? Isn’t faith just for those who are weak? Why would you give your time and money to something so flawed and human-filled? These, and many others, are things people say that seem to mean they are laughing at us. 

Perhaps we should think deeply on how Jesus responded to those who laughed. He was not deterred from his mission. He put the nay-sayers outside (I think so they would stop being a distraction) and went to the girl, taking along her parents and those who had come with him. Then he healed her. He did what he came to do. He did not try to convince those who laughed to believe. He did not let their ridicule sway him. No, he simply completed his mission. 

So can you imagine those who witnessed the miracle believed? I can. And the others? Well, they would either believe or not. Perhaps for some, Jesus could never do enough to convince them and they would always laugh at him. Yet, with Jesus’ love and grace, he never stopped trying. For that, I give thanks and praise. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2729

June 21, 2021 

Now here’s a smile for the week that speaks for itself:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2728

June 20, 2021 

To all the men out there who are loving, caring, honest, upright, ethical, strong examples...thank you! Happy Father’s Day!! Please know you make a difference in other people’s lives and you are appreciated! And this goes for great-grandfathers, grandfathers, uncles, nephews, brothers, cousins, step-fathers, godfathers, and friends, also! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2727

June 19, 2021 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am pleased to hear folks say, I want to DO something. Talking is good, but what can we do to help someone else? It reminds me of the tagline for the ELCA: God’s work. Our hands. It is meant to remind us that we are the hands God needs - and uses - to do for others. 

But what do we do? Where is God calling us? And to do what? At least the question is on the table - what can we do? I believe when we are open like this, God will lead. The most satisfying piece is having willing hands and hearts! Thanks be to God!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2726

June 18, 2021 

The word for the day - thankful. For a beautiful near-end of Spring day that also happened to fall on a Friday (day off!). We took advantage of the nice day to run errands and such - because we are getting ready for vacation next week (imagine a big smile on my face 😉). All in all, a simply nice day!

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Day #2725

June 17, 2021

For nearly the last year and a half, every month the same topic is discussed at the council meeting - how to respond to the pandemic. It is the desire to try and keep all thoughts, understandings, fears, doubts, etc. in mind and then decide what is best for the most. We struggled, discussed and prayed once again, hoping we are doing the best thing. 

So once again my prayer: Almighty God, grant healing and hope to our world as we experience a pandemic and whether it is concluding. Give us insight in making decisions and peace that you are in the midst of all we do. Amen. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2724

June 16, 2021

Pastor and author Rob Bell had this to say in his book, What We Talk About When We Talk About God (a good read).

It’s one thing to sing about God and recite quotes about God and invoke God’s name; it’s another [to] be aware of the presence in every taste, touch, sound and embrace.

I literally said “that’s it!” out loud when I read those words. Being aware of God's presence in everything is putting the heart and mind in faith. In fact, that is the basic purpose of this blog, to help me see God more clearly every day. And if it helps someone else do the same, all the better. 

God IS present in all places at all times. I firmly believe that! So where did you experience God today? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2723

June 15, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 4:37-39: A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But [Jesus] was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. (NRSV)

While we are in the midst of a summer sermon series focusing on some of the Old Testament story highlights, the gospel is being read but not expanded on. I miss talking about some of the nuggets in the ministry of Jesus. Like this one. Jesus and his disciples are going across the lake when a storm comes up. The boat is being swamped and yet Jesus is asleep. He is not in the least concerned or affected by the wind and waves.

I have to admit, the thought occurred to me that perhaps Jesus became grumpy about being awakened from a nap. I know I feel that way. Since I rarely get the opportunity to take a nap in the middle of the day, being disturbed when I do makes me a little irritable. No wonder Jesus speaks quickly to the wind - peace, be still. 

With that idea aside, however, the disciples should have known that nothing would happen to them while Jesus was in the boat. Well, maybe that is being a little too hard on the disciples. After all, Jesus is with us in the boat, too, because he is with us always. Yet, we worry. Will we perish? Will we be persecuted? Will we be misunderstood? We also know of folks who had Jesus with them, who were believers, yet they were harmed or even killed. What, then, about us?

Perhaps the lesson is not that Jesus saves us from every calamity, but that Jesus is with us. In the boat. Always. No matter the storms that rage, Jesus is there and at peace, offering us that same peace with him.  

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2722

June 14, 2021

There was a good reason to smile today, and really all week. On the anniversary of her ordination, our Godson’s mother was asked to be the Senate of Pennsylvania's Guest Chaplain and to offer prayer for its opening. Here is a picture I took while I was able to watch online, which really made me smile!

And if you would like to hear her prayer, this is the link: Senate Opening Prayer (keep watching, she begins at about the 25 second mark). I must say I am very proud of her!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2721

June 13, 2021

What a joy it is to attend the installation of a pastor at a congregation. It is second best to an ordination. And a great opportunity for pastors (and many others) to gather together in celebration. 

A good friend and colleague was installed today at a congregation in the same town. I look forward to having her close-by and working even more closely with her. 

But I have to wonder, why does this look like I’m separated from the others?! Oh well, it was a joyous day!

Blessings. And prayers.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Day #2720

June 12, 2021

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for the Missouri River and being able to live near it. Within an hour we can load up, leave home, drive to the beautiful countryside, and be on the water. What a gift! Enjoying a beautiful day? A bonus. 

The time with Boomer and the hubby? Precious! They were both smiling and so was I.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2719

June 11, 2021

A quick trip to the capital city included finding a new place to eat. Cajun! 

Yep, this is shrimp and grits. No, it isn’t exactly the “southern cooking” we grew up on, but it was still a yummy meal. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2718

June 10, 2021 

It’s somebody’s birthday today! Yep, this boy is now 4 years old.

He looks excited about it, doesn’t he?!?! Not so much, but he certainly enjoyed his birthday bones. 😋

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2717

June 9, 2021

Wednesdays have returned to being busy days. Today included two Bible Studies and a home visit, interspersed with conversations, an appointment, phone calls, emails, reading, etc. Add them all together and time goes by quickly. 

Sadly, the thing missing now from previous Wednesdays is time with the High Schoolers. Perhaps next school year will allow for that to take place, also. Meanwhile, I rejoice in what we can do. Thanks be to God!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2716

June 8, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is from Mark 4:30-32 - [Jesus] also said, “With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade.” (NRSV)

Jesus teaches in parables - stories that come alongside lessons that have a way of sticking with us. And as stories go, they can have a different impact on each person. What one person understands as the essence of the lesson might contain a different nuance in the next. Then, the more we hear the parables, the more we get out of them. They are genius ways Jesus used to teach. 

With this particular parable, we humans tend to get caught up in details (like the fact that the mustard seed is not the smallest of all seeds on earth), instead of receiving the overall message: the surprise, the mystery of God and what God can accomplish through even the smallest beginning. What we think of as something insignificant can grow into something huge, giving hope to hundreds of others. 

This idea reminds me of the story of Family Promise (see this website for more information: Family Promise) How could a chance encounter someone had with an individual grow into a nationwide ministry? Much like the planting of a mustard seed - through God’s mystery. 

My takeaway this time of hearing the parable - do not discount what seems insignificant because God can transform it into something major for the Kingdom of God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Day #2715

June 7, 2021 

Here is a smile for the week (I saved it from last week to share today). It was twin day during Spirit Week, the last of the year. This picture is Simon "twinning" with his best friend.

Yes, they do look a little like twins, both wearing orange, green and glasses. However, Simon’s friend doesn’t normally wear glasses. 

What a way to show solidarity with your best friend. It makes me smile. And I love it!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2714

June 6, 2021 

What a joy it was this morning in worship to talk about the creation accounts in Genesis. It is something we are doing this summer - talking about some of the major accounts in Old Testament scripture. Creation seemed the logical place to start. 

Also, it was wonderful to have input from others. Folks took the invitation to supply questions to me of what they wondered about and thereby helped craft the message. Fun!

Bottomline about Genesis 3:8-15? God created it all! Faith helps me believe that - the faith God gives. Therefore, I believe that however we have arrived at where we are, God is behind and in it all. Thanks be to God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2713

June 5, 2021

On this Satisfied Saturday, and the second and last day of a virtual assembly, I am grateful for technical gurus. We had a few of those helping out this week, and their knowledge, patience, and ability to troubleshoot was amazing. And deeply appreciated!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2712

June 4, 2021

First day of assembly done. And with what seemed like only a few glitches. Yay!

As we celebrated the first day of assembly, our Godson celebrated his last day of 4th grade. Whew, what a year! It looks as though you weathered it well and grew in many ways. Love!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2711

June 3, 2021

It is time for Synod Assembly. For the last few months, the Synod Council and Staff have been thinking and planning for how to make this gathering happen virtually. Thanks to the Synod’s Director for Technology and Communication, most of the details have been worked out. However, it was time today to make a practice run. Much like a wedding rehearsal, it was somewhat intense. Whew!! 

Prayers that nerves calm down and all goes well. Surely it will! However, I admit being on the elections team for virtual voting through a whole new system is just a tad nerve-wracking. My nerves need to calm down as much as anyone else's. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2710

June 2, 2021

As time goes by, more and more things get “back to normal.” Today we added one more, Men’s Square. Eight of us gathered for breakfast at a local restaurant, followed by some discussion about scripture. It was good to gather again to share, ask and ponder.


Perhaps one day, all gathering will return and the pandemic will be completely behind us. We can certainly pray for that day to happen...soon!

Blessings. And prayers. 

Day #2709

June 1, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 3:24: If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. (NRSV)

Walls. Separation. Break-up. Disagreement. There are dozens of words that come to mind to describe this verse. We all have examples of what division looks like and have probably lived it. 

Following division is enmity. Anger. Bitterness. It’s ugly. Life changes and can possibly never be the same. We hurt when it happens. 

What Jesus was referring to when he made this statement was having been accused of having Beelzebul, a demon. He was not acting as the scribes thought he should and they consequently put a label on him (which, unfortunately, also sounds familiar). His example, described in the scripture as a parable, makes sense. How could Beelzebul succeed in dividing him(it)self? He/it could not - a kingdom divided cannot ultimately stand. The division will break it apart. 

What does this mean for us? We know disagreements will happen, they are normal. However, can divisions be repaired? One place to start is through making a commitment to listen to the other’s perspective. And when it is our turn, be honest in speaking about our own. Then, by trusting God’s grace, and giving some, also, there is always room for reparation. Always!

Blessings. And prayers.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Day #2708

May 31, 2021 

On this Memorial Day, not exactly a smile for the week, but a moment of gratitude. And a prayer of peace and comfort for those who mourn the ultimate sacrifice made by their loved one. Thank you is not sufficient. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2707

May 30, 2021

Today in worship we honored graduating high school seniors - two of which were able to attend. 

Congratulations to these fine young men. And prayers for you as you take your next steps in life and faith. 

And congratulations to all those who graduate this year from college, etc. Well done!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2706

May 29, 2021 

Well, at the risk of making a BIG mistake and jinxing it, I will talk once again about how great the weather forecast sounds. Yes, spring may just be here, after all! Even the weather forecasters are amazed that the Memorial Day Weekend should be sunny and warm. Yay!!! Especially since we plan to have a couple nights away camping - first trip of the season, here we come. Woohoo! 

So, yes, on this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for my newfound hobby - camping. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2705

May 28, 2021

The word for the day - thankful, for a good veterinary check-up for Boomer. After his ear problems (see Day #2683), we were not certain how it would go. While the doctor cannot tell for certain if his ear is completely healed, he is pleased with the progress. Thanks be to God!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2704

May 27, 2021

Well, the day began with the peace talk going well, I believe. What a wonderful event, and I enjoyed connecting with some leaders in the community. It was fun.  

Then I had a nice lunch with great conversation.

Finally, after a few days away helping friends begin their move, hubby came home. Boomer and I were certainly glad. (This is the picture we sent hubby last evening while Boomer was anxiously awaiting daddy’s return.)

All in all, a very good day. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2703

May 26, 2021

I have a unique opportunity tomorrow - I have been invited to speak about peace to a group called Early Risers. Begun forty years ago, this group meets the Thursdays in May, at the early hour of 7:00 am, to hear from local folks and raise money for a different ministry in town. This year’s recipient is Peace Place, hence the subject matter.

I am not certain how I was chosen as a speaker, but it is an honor. Now I am wondering, what can be said about peace? Yes, Jesus promises to give us peace - just before his crucifixion - at a time when he must have been feeling anything but peaceful, not to mention how his disciples had to be feeling, but thinking about speaking of peace made me feel a little less than peaceful.

Then a memory came to me from when I worked in an insurance office. I was miserable and complained a lot. Every day I talked to my mother and told her again how unhappy I was, how much I hated it. I was filled with anything but peace, until one day she asked if I realized what the common denominator was in my complaints. I said, of course, it’s that office. She said, no, it is you. While I was mad at first, I realized she was right. I was the one mostly contributing to my misery and blocking the peace I was desperately praying to receive. The peace God wanted to give me. The peace that could come as I believed and trusted God loves me. 

And the rest has come to me. Let’s see how it goes tomorrow. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2702

May 25, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 6:8: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” (NRSV) 

Many years ago (about 40) I heard for the first time the hymn, Here I Am, Lord, written by Dan Schutte.  If you have never heard the hymn, you can listen to it here: Here I Am, Lord

The hymn made me cry then and still does today. It was one of the first times I thought God might be calling me to be a pastor. Why not me? Better yet, why not you? Maybe not to be a pastor, but to be a voice for God and God’s love, certainly. 

Whom shall God send? Here I am. Send me. Send you. There is certainly plenty to do and say.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2701

May 24, 2021 

I think the creativity of this deli owner in helping foster good manners is a reason to smile this week…

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2700

May 23, 2021 

What a glorious worship service - one that included an Affirmation of Faith. 

After two years of Confirmation instruction, a youth is ready to affirm for themselves the promises made for them at their baptism. I think of our godson who was teeny tiny when he was baptized, unable to even talk. His parents and us, his godparents, along with his family and congregation, made promises to raise him in the Christian faith. We pray for him, he is taught, he is brought to worship, and one day, we all pray, he will affirm for himself what we said for him years ago. 

It is a sign of God’s grace - baptizing an infant - that shows God chooses us; that God loves us first; that God comes to us. And it is a sign of the love of an assembly to watch a young person affirm that faith God gives them that they have helped nurture. 

So thank you for allowing me today to be a part of an important step in your life of faith. God bless you. 

Blessings. And prayers.