Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Day #2401

July 28, 2020 

Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 14:13: Now when Jesus heard [about the beheading of John the Baptist], he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. (NRSV)

Perhaps some of us are spending way too much time alone these days, staying home as much as possible, and we have difficulty identifying with this verse about what Jesus does. But I think there is something important here. Jesus gets really bad news about John the Baptist and his response is to go out to a place by himself. Perhaps he went to pray. Perhaps he went to think through what happened to John and how it foreshadowed what his own experience would be. Perhaps he just needed some time to think, mourn, be alone. But it was not to be. The crowds needed him, wanted things from him, and followed him.

Have you ever wanted to get away from it all? Turn off the phone, the television, the computer, the radio, the bills, the appointments, the problems, the news, etc., etc., and just have time to think and pray? Where might you go? How long would you hope to stay? How soon, do you think, it would be before someone found you?

Years ago when things were really rough for hubby and I and the bad news kept rolling in, we dreamed of just getting in the car with as much cash as we could put together and driving away. Going off the grid. Forever, if possible. We didn’t do that, of course, and it turned out just as well that we didn’t, but we were sorely tempted. Instead, we found ways to take short breaks, pray together, and eventually made it through the troubles of those days. Because people needed us, and the answers only we could provide. And, we realized, we were not alone in the midst of it all. God was with us.

If you are feeling like Jesus, wanting to get away by yourself, may you remember and be assured God knows how and what you are feeling. And knows what you need. And is with you. 

My prayer is that peace settles into you soon. God loves you and so do I.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2400

July 27, 2020 

The smile this week is for folks who like to play cards, but are missing getting out to do so. Or, maybe, it's for folks who happen to like cats. Or, maybe, it's a smile for the cleverness of folks who put these ideas together, poking a little fun at our lives these days. Either way, here goes…

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2399

July 26, 2020

Oh what a beautiful day!!! The weather and it being Sunday.

I do miss folks, however, on Sundays. Oh, I am definitely thankful to see the people I do, but there are also ones I miss. Hopefully, we can see one another soon! Meanwhile, please know my prayers are for you ALL!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2398

July 25, 2020 

On this Satisfied Saturday - I am thankful for my hubby. In the over 30 years we have been together, we have been through a lot of things, good and bad, fun and challenging. Fortunately, in the times when I am struggling, he is my rock. And when he is struggling, I try to be his. Oh, and we laugh together...almost everyday. 

Now, please know, we don’t always agree, or want the same things, but we somehow work it out. So, yes, I am thankful for him, and not just today. ;-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2397

July 24, 2020 

Happy Homecoming Anniversary Boomer. 

Here is a picture of the day we brought him home three years ago, laying beside hubby’s favorite chair.

Now here is a picture today beside the same chair (notice the front "foot" of the chair in both pictures). Hard to believe he's the same dog!

It’s been a busy three years with you, Boomer. Thank you (most days - haha) for being our dog.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2396

July 23, 2020

The word for the day - thankful! For rain - something that does not always come toward the end of July. Praise and thanksgivingGod!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2395

July 22, 2020

On a Zoom meeting today with colleagues, one of them spoke about how they had recently been pondering the words invite and invitation. They asked questions like, who is invited? What does having an invitation mean? What does not being invited mean? How do different people respond to an invitation? Is there an invitation you are waiting for, but it does not seem to come? 

What if we think of the invite or invitation as coming from God? Does that affect our answers to these questions? And what about the question of not being invited? Is there anyone who is not invited? Some interesting ideas to ponder. 

Then another of my colleagues mentioned seeing a quote from Bishop Elizabeth Eaton - never waste a good crisis? At the outside this sounds rather flip, and confusing. What is a "good" crisis, after all? Well, a crisis is actually a turning point (and yes, there can be good or beneficial crises), so perhaps it takes a crisis to move us into something new. Could that be what she ultimately means? So, if we are in the midst of a crisis with this pandemic, what do we need to be doing so we don’t waste this opportunity? 

It may take us a while to figure this all out. But, certainly, there are things I hope we are learning. A couple of things about me I realize is how much I miss gathering with folks without restraint, giving and receiving hugs, and seeing smiling faces not hidden by masks. I hope I am learning to appreciate those simple joys, and enjoy them without hesitation, when they can come back.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2394

July 21, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Romans 8:38-39: For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NRSV)

I could not resist thinking more deeply about these verses, which are two of my absolute favorite. “NOTHING (emphasis mine) can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Not Covid-19. Not fear. Not anger. Not doubt. Not loneliness. Not despair. Nothing. Absolutely nothing! 

These words are often read at funerals. I think they bring comfort and help us remember that even though our loved one may be separated from us physically, the love of God keeps us connected. That is a hope-filled promise. 

But I also think they are important as we face whatever we do in life, and maybe even more so right now. Who could have known how things would change in the last six months? And many wonder if God is angry or has turned away from us. May we be reminded that nothing separates us from God’s love. What an awesome promise!

Soak in these words from Paul’s letter to Romans. Read them again and again, if that helps. And rest in the promise: “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Amen. Amen. Let it be so!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2393

July 20, 2020 

Hope you cannot resist smiling this week when looking at this cutie, no matter what the day is like?! 

And I hope your days go well!

Blessings. And prayers.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Day #2392

July 19, 2020 

Today there is Good News (the Gospel of God), Good Feedback about Worship, Good and Faithful Volunteers, and Good Grief….we’re LIVE!! Worship is LIVE now at 10:00 am on Sunday. WOW! Who would have ever thought?!?! 

Blessings. And prayers.

PS Check out the YouTube channel, OSLC Great Falls. And thank you to everyone who helped/helps make this happen. 

Day #2391

July 18, 2020 

One of my FaceBook friends is posting something she is thankful for every day. I thought I would give it a try, too, except once a week. So I’m calling it Satisfied Saturday. I think it is good preparation for Sunday, too, to be intentional about remembering something I am content with (which is another word for thankful) and for which there is biblical precedent - such as in Hebrews 13:5b: “be content with what you have; for [God] has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (NRSV)

So on this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for those with gifts for treating others medically - doctors, nurses, lab techs, therapists, phlebotomists, emergency personnel, and more. You are amazing!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2390

July 17, 2020

Fridays are often days for running errands. Out and about once again, I am thankful to see more folks are wearing masks. Yes, our governor asked it be a requirement in most businesses, but I’m glad to see many folks complying. I know it’s not comfortable and has created lots of tension these days, but I also pray that it helps with this pandemic we are battling. Until there is a better solution, thank you to everyone who is trying to help! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2389

July 16, 2020 

The longer I am a pastor and the more folks I get to know, I find that one of the most important things is for folks to be heard. Simply heard. It can go a long way toward reconciling relationships, lessening the stress of or in a situation, validating a person’s value, etc. 

So then, why is it that the older I get, the more I seem to think "my advice” needs to be given?! Remember, I need to tell myself, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2388

July 15, 2020

Oh Happy Day!!! And congratulations!!!! Simon, your momma said yes and has gotten engaged to a wonderful man. 

Prayers for you and all your family as you make plans and move into the future together. I couldn’t be happier for all of you!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2387

July 14, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture this week comes from Matthew 13:24: [Jesus] put before [the crowds] another parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field. (NRSV)

Now, who would not sow good seed?! I occasionally receive a packet of seeds from an organization that sends them as a fundraiser. They are supposed to be a mixture of flower seeds, but who can tell what they really are just by looking at them? Some seeds are long and narrow, some round and puffy, some tiny, some larger. And the flowers (or vegetables or trees or whatever) that grow from them look absolutely nothing like the seed, and sometimes nothing like what is on the package, either. :-)

But in the rest of the parable that Jesus tells in this chapter, an enemy came and planted weeds among the good seed. Well, let’s just get rid of those pesky weeds right away, or at least as soon as we can tell what they really are, declares the ones who planted the good seed. However, the master says no, let them all grow together until the final time of harvest. Then the master (who, for the children of the kingdom, is God) will make the determination, and decide the fate, of which is weed and which is grain.

Yet, I still wonder why an enemy was allowed to create such havoc?! And why the “good seed” has to be in with the weeds, suffering along because the weeds take nutrients and moisture away from the good seed? 

Wait...what about the times I do that? What about the times I am more concerned about my own needs than someone else’s? What about my sin?! So, am I a good seed or a weed?! 

In God’s wisdom and grace, God gives time for the seeds, and the children, to grow into what they are called to be - children of God. God gives us time and has patience. I am certainly thankful for God’s abundance of those two gifts, especially since mine is often lacking. 

I trust you, O God, to be the divine determiner and judge. And I pray you help me when my trust falters!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2386

July 13, 2020 

I had to smile at the cleverness of whoever thought of this.

Hope this Monday’s smile brings some joy to your week, too! And let's also hope there is NOT a large whale waiting to swallow any of us! ;-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2385

July 12, 2020 

Another Sunday means another glorious day of worship. I am so thankful for the faithful who attend and who watch from home as a reminder of the vastness of God’s Kingdom. In these times of trying to understand this pandemic and be careful, the rhythm of worship brings me comfort. 

And..I have to admit I’m looking forward to a couple of days out of the office. Summer is for vacation, right?!?! Have to get those "lazy days" in somehow. :-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2384

July 11, 2020 

Some days, the best reminder of God’s intersection of faith and life comes from completing routine tasks like cleaning, laundry, paying bills, etc. I give thanks for a home to clean, clothes to wash, money to pay expenses, and all the things God provides. And the energy, time, and ability to do them!

Blessings. And prayers.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Day #2383

July 10, 2020

This is a day late. Godson Simon and his family were on their way yesterday to FL for vacation when they made this stop in Virginia. His mom said something in the post on FaceBook about these kids being grumpy. I can only imagine, it’s a long drive. But I think this picture simply shows love!

Have a good trip. Be safe. Have fun. Sure do miss you all!!! And love you. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2382

July 9, 2020

As I slug through paperwork from the past, making certain records are up-to-date, I give thanks for the history of the congregation and its saints. The church (made up of the people), is blessed by those who have (and still do) devoted time, energy, prayer, financial resources, tears, laughter, disagreed and compromised. Thank you all for your ministry and caring. Well done, faithful and caring servants. You are an inspiration and teach me well!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2381

July 8, 2020

Hubby and I went on an impromptu drive this evening. We enjoyed seeing some beautiful country.  The fields are still so green. And, as usual, there was wildlife - including a grouse and her chicks (probably a dozen) as they hurried across the road. Hope you enjoy the pictures - we certainly enjoyed seeing the countryside:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2380

July 7, 2020 

Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 13:3: And he told them many things in parables, saying: “Listen! A sower went out to sow. (NRSV) 

We have made it to the parables in this Season after Pentecost. Oh, parables! Why parables, Jesus?! I have often asked that question. I never did well on those tests that had you make comparisons - apples are to oranges as water is to _______. Huh?!?! What am I supposed to learn from that sentence?! And yes, I also have trouble just reading about something to learn rather than being shown or told about it. 

Well, maybe there is a reason for me to better appreciate parables. Jesus is showing something here. First, he asks us to listen. Then he begins with “a sower went out to sow.” What is he sowing? Where? Is it a garden, a field, a yard? What will be the results? And, the ultimate parable question, who does God represent in the story? 

As Jesus continues this parable/story, he shows us the answers to many of those questions. It appears the sower is spreading an abundant amount of seed everywhere he goes. And the results, well, the sower doesn’t need to worry about them. 

As for who represents God - perhaps we each make our own decision about that question. And, as I often find, the answer can change over time as we grow in faith and life experiences. 

Ahh, parables. Stories. Doesn’t everyone enjoy a good one?! And maybe even learn something about God and themselves in the process?!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2379

July 6, 2020 

Having once lived in a log home ourselves, and understanding their intricacies and appreciating their workmanship, hubby and I enjoy watching the television show, Barnwood Builders. In a recent episode, as he often does, Mark visited a home they reconstructed to show the audience the finished product. 

When I saw a sign hanging on the wall with the following words, I laughed. Hope it brings a smile to you this week, too!

House rules:
You are NOT allowed to do ANYTHING that begins with the words....
"Hey, y'all watch this!"

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2378

July 5, 2020 

As we continue to worship with the awkward, often frustrating, protocols necessary in this crazy time, we were gifted today with a guest musician. Alyssa with the Symphony and Cascade Quartet played for prelude and postlude. And…she happens to be one of those who benefitted from our member’s award (See day #2374), as is also our organist Madeleine. 

We are blessed to be a congregation with musicians who share their talents, and invite their friends to do the same! What joy in the midst of a difficult time!

Blessings. And prayers.

PS To watch the service, you may follow this link: July 5, 2020 OSLC Worship Live

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Day #2377

July 4, 2020 

Happy 4th of July! 

As we watched a bit of the Capitol 4th celebration, the host introduced the singer for God Bless America with this reminder - this “song that is over 100 years old is needed today more than ever.” Amen!!

Here are the lyrics written by Irving Berlin for you to ponder, and maybe even use in prayer:
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains to the prairies
To the oceans white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home
Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2376

July 3, 2020

Another year has gone by since this dear friend of mine died. 

This second year is a reminder that the process of grief cannot be rushed. Or predicted. 

Prayers today for all of those grieving. May the Lord surround you and give you peace! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2375

July 2, 2020

One of the things my pastor used to do for folks was to pray over the phone with them when he couldn’t get there in person. It meant a lot to me to witness him do this, and became something I wanted to do for others, also. 

Today I had that chance, once again. Oh, it isn’t quite the same as being there in person to pray with someone, but prayer is prayer and God hears us wherever we are. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2374

July 1, 2020 

On what would have been the 190th birthday of Paris Gibson, a founding father of the town where we live, the 11th annual Paris Gibson Award was given to one of our congregation’s members. She has done much for this town, and is deserving of the award “established to honor the citizen who best embodies the vision and excellence exemplified by Paris Gibson.” 

I was able to attend the ceremony in the park where a tree has been planted in her honor. There were many folks there to cheer her on (she's the one on the right) and she graciously accepted the accolades. And passed along the $500 award to the charity of her choice - local quartet and quintet musicians. Way to go!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2373

June 30, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture for today comes from Romans 7:20: Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I that do it, but sin that dwells within me. (NRSV)

I just won’t eat it. I don’t care if it’s sitting right in front of me, taunting me. I am strong and have enough willpower to avoid putting it in my mouth. It’s not good for me. It’s full of fat and sugar and NOT on my diet. It’s purely sinful to even look at it. I’ll just walk away.

But even from the other room, it calls to me. Soon it becomes all I can seem to think about. How good it would be. I mean, how much harm can just one donut do?!?!

It’s not what I want to do, but I do it anyway. Gobble it down. And feel horrible afterward. Where is that willpower I thought I had?!?! What brings me to do what I don't want to do? Paul calls it the sin that dwells in me - that desire to have what I want when I want to have it. After all, sin says it's all about me.

Now eating a donut is certainly not the most sinful thing I could do. But isn’t it a good example of how I cannot just will myself not to do what I don’t want?! So Paul then writes in Romans 7:24b-25a: Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (NRSV)

God, through Jesus Christ is our rescuer from ourselves. And grace is the life raft. Yes, thanks be to God through Jesus Christ. Amen!

Blessings. And prayers.