Friday, December 17, 2021

Day #2891

November 30, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Philippians 1:3-5: I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.

Years ago, when I was blessed to work with a very thoughtful boss, the first part of verse 1- I thank my God every time I remember you - became somewhat of a mantra. Those words were written at the bottom of every letter (and there were many!) that left his office, most of which I prepared. Often when answering the phone, the caller would mention receiving a letter and how much that line meant to them. Not only did they appreciate knowing they were remembered to God, but also that my boss was thankful for them.

I cannot read these words now without giving thanks for that boss. He has taught me many things over the years I have known him, but the importance of telling people you are thankful for them might be the best lesson. After all, God is a God of relationship and must be most pleased when relationships between humans are nurtured. Certainly, thankfulness - and speaking it out loud - is important for a solid relationship of any kind.

Blessings. And prayers.

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