Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Day #2887

November 26, 2021

This is from the Daily Devotion taken from writings of Henri Nouwen:

Community is like a large mosaic. Each little piece seems so insignificant. One piece is bright red, another cold blue or dull green, another warm purple, another sharp yellow, another shining gold. Some look precious, others ordinary. Some look valuable, others worthless. Some look gaudy, others delicate. We can do little with them as individual stones except compare them and judge their beauty and value. When, however, all these little stones are brought together in one big mosaic, portraying the face of Christ, who would ever question the importance of any one of them? If one of them, even the least spectacular one, is missing, the face is incomplete. Together in the one mosaic, each little stone is indispensable and makes a unique contribution to the glory of God. That’s community, a fellowship of little people who together make God visible in the world.

Is there a place in the mosaic where you are missing? In these last months of COVID, I lament those who are missing for various reasons. The “face is incomplete.” The community is lacking. 

However, I also realize the "faces" may not physically be in the same place, yet the contribution of each person is as important as ever. And as vital. My prayer is that you realize you are important and that you have an essential place in the mosaic. And if I can help in any way, please let me know. Please!

Blessings. And prayers.

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