Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Day #2670

April 23, 2021

The only constant in life is change, and there are changes happening with friends of ours. A colleague/friend and her husband will soon be moving to Washington where she has a new call. So while I am excited for her, and them, because they will be closer to family, I am sad for us. We have enjoyed their company many times and had many wonderful conversations. It will be hard to see them go. 

So today we invited them to our home for one last sleepover before we all attend a wedding tomorrow. What a gift to be able to entertain them, to have more meaningful conversation, and to share laughter and even some tears. Friends are definitely a gift!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2669

April 22, 2021 

On this Earth Day, I am reminded of all that God has made - all we need. And we are honored to enjoy God’s gifts and be good stewards of them. 

What can each one of us do? All that we can, whether large or small, to care for the earth, the air, the water, the land, the creatures and one another.

Happy Earth Day!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2668

April 21, 2021

There is something exciting about discussing love, relationship, commitment, and weddings. The future is to behold, the possibilities endless, so much to learn about one another and to grow into together. 

It is my wish that every relationship could be guaranteed to work out, that no couple would face the sadness, grief, and heartache of a breakup. There is no such guarantee, however. Odds are not in that favor. But there is something that can help keep a relationship solid…communication. Talking to one another. Being honest with one another. Risking ourselves to say what is on our heart, yet doing so in love. 

Communication. It is vital, and not only for married couples, but for all relationships. That includes ours with God, also. God deeply desires to hear from us, whatever is in our hearts and on our minds. It is vital. And to that I pray: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2667

April 20, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 23. I invite you to read this scripture in the translation you most enjoy. Perhaps it is the King James Version (he leadeth me), the New King James Version (he leads me), the New Revised Standard Version (and leads me), or The Message (you find me). 

What I find is that the translation does not really matter, because this Psalm is one of the most well-known pieces of scripture. In fact, this is the second time Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture has included a part of this particular Psalm. What is it about these words?

What stands out to me as I read it again is the amount of action found here. Not just any action, either, but God’s action. Whether it is leading, restoring, guiding, etc., God is providing. So that. So that we may know God’s love, presence and peace, always. 

Perhaps in the end it is the promises we find in these words that makes this Psalm so important and loved, both in life and in death. We want to know that we are loved and cared for, and our loved ones are loved and cared for, for eternity. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Day #2666

April 19, 2021

It’s Spring. This says it well and made me smile: 

This picture taken out our backdoor this morning shows it well:

From fishing in sunshine and warmth a couple days ago to this!! Yep, it’s Spring!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2665

April 18, 2021

At the Congregational Council retreat time today, we practiced an ancient way of looking at scripture called Dwelling in the Word. The process begins with prayer, then hearing a piece of scripture read once, followed by a moment or two of quiet reflection, then the same scripture is read a second time. Following that, folks are invited to get into pairs to discuss three questions about the scripture - what caught your attention; what question would you want to ask; where might the Spirit be nudging us in what we hear in this text (or some variation of these may be used). Finally, each pair is asked to share in the larger group what they heard their partner say (in this way we practice listening to one another, as well as to God). 

I have been a part of this practice many times, often using the same scripture text. I am always, always amazed at the new insights uncovered each time. It reminds me that we all have insights God gives us based on our experiences and that each one has value. There is always something to learn from one another. 

God is directing God’s church, I truly believe, and with that assurance, where we go next will be revealed in the proper time. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2664

April 17, 2021 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for councils. Today was a 2-hour Zoom meeting of the Synod Council, making decisions about the upcoming Assembly and more. This group of folks are gifted and committed to the work of the church, and I am thankful to be a part of them.

Tomorrow, the council of the congregation will meet to do some learning and dreaming. I give thanks for these nine people and trust God to lead and direct the time, as well as the decisions. I am also thankful for the Director for Evangelical Mission who will lead us. She is a gift to our synod.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2663

April 16, 2021 

For a couple of hours in the afternoon of a beautiful day, this man found happiness. 

Definitely fishing is his happy place. And I had a nap - nice!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2662

April 15, 2021

There are times when a conversation happens at just the right moment with just the right person and you know you are on holy ground. The ideas come quickly and easily. The dreams of what could be become more exciting and realistic the longer you talk. Before you know it, the sky is the limit and the possibilities endless. 

Perhaps none of the dreams or ideas discussed today will come to fruition, yet all important things have a beginning somewhere. So never settle or dream too small; God's ministry might just be in the midst of those huge ideas. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Day #2661

April 14, 2021

The word for the day - and the week - is BUSY. How does it happen that my schedule can become so packed? Albeit, all that is there is important and I enjoy. From talking with colleagues, walking with folks in times of need, planning for worship, having Bible Study, and more, I am glad I do what I do. Yet, having a little less scheduled in the same week would have been helpful. And maybe smart. So, I am reminded how important it is to pray. And breathe. God is with me and for that, I am deeply thankful.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2660

April 13, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, verse 41a: While in their joy they were disbelieving and still wondering. (NRSV)

As someone pointed out to me, how encouraging for us that the disciples were filled with joy, yet they were still disbelieving and wondering. How could this man standing before them be the same Jesus they had followed for years and then watched die on a crucifixion cross? How wonderful that he was alive, but could they believe their own eyes?

This thought brings me back to the day I came home from school to find a strange car parked in front of our house. Who does that car belong to, I asked my mom. Wait until your father gets home, she said. After dad finally came home, we all went out to look at this strange car. It was then that my dad said, it belongs to you. It’s yours. What, mine?! My car? I was thrilled to have wheels (a definitely used but new to me car), but I had a hard time believing it was true, and kept wondering why. Why had my parents helped me get a car (it was so I could drive back and forth to school and work, after my High School graduation). 

That feeling of joy and yet disbelief over something as insignificant as a car must have been only a fraction of what those disciples felt. It is hard sometimes to believe what we see. It is even more difficult to believe what we cannot see - the physical body of the resurrected Jesus. And yet, does that mean it is any less real simply because we struggle to believe? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2659

April 12, 2021 

If you know me well, this is an appropriate smile for the week:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2658

April 11, 2021 

Today we finally gathered the Confirmation Class together, in person, and watched the movie, “Luther.” In this Catechism teaching year, we find it appropriate to learn a little about Martin Luther, who wrote Luther’s Small Catechism. Yes, the 16th century reformer whose name became a part of our denomination. 

Now for my confession: I have probably watched this movie a half-dozen times. But today, I began to finally put it all together. I better followed who were the ones trying to silence Luther, the ones who tried to escalate his changes to a violent overthrow, and what he was really trying to accomplish and change. 

But the important part, I heard something Luther said that I do not remember from any of the previous viewings - “We preach best what we need to learn most.” I do believe that the one who most needs to hear the message/sermon each week is me. I need to hear over and over that God loves us, and all of creation. I need to hear that God desires us to love others, all others. I need to hear that God’s grace is abundant and free. I need to hear it, because I need to continue learning it. 

Thank you, Martin Luther, for this insight. And thank you, confirmation students, for the opportunity to see the movie once again. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Day #2657

April 10, 2021 

This year's Satisfied Saturday lands on Siblings Day. So today I am thankful for other only children who understand what it is to not be able to relate to having siblings. 

Okay, that is a bit “tongue in cheek.” But I am grateful that not all brothers and sisters must be related by DNA. In other words, in the Kingdom of God, I have tons and tons of siblings and I am thankful for each and every one. 

Happy Siblings Day - brothers and sisters in Christ!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2656

April 9, 2021

On April 9, 1945, Lutheran Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged at Flossenburg concentration camp in Germany for helping plot an overthrow of Hitler that never happened. His memory and writings are still significant today, some 75 plus years later. 

What made Bonhoeffer so memorable? Perhaps this quote from his book, Life Together, can help us understand: 

“God has put this Word into the mouths of humans in order that it may be communicated to others. When persons are struck by the Word, they speak it to others. God has willed that we should seek and find the living Word in the witness of brothers and sisters, in the mouth of human beings. Therefore, Christians need other Christians who can speak God’s Word to them. They need them again and again whenever they become uncertain and discouraged, for by themselves they cannot help themselves without belying the truth.” (Bonhoeffer, Life Together, 1954, p 22-23, language modified to be more inclusive).

A reminder we do need one another from a man deeply hurt - even killed - by others. Hmmm…

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2655

April 8, 2021

After a couple of days off following Easter Sunday, I was back at it today. Office time, visits, questions, phone calls, etc. But the highlight of my day? A grin (even a chuckle) from a couple of the folks I visited. While I will always believe prayer does the most good for someone in need, a smile can also be of help. What a privilege to bring that small gift.

Blessings. And prayers.

PS I am also still trying to wrap my mind around it being past Lent and Holy Week. Really - April 8th?!?! Where is this year going?!

Day #2654

April 7, 2021 

Warning…rant coming. 

Why do people in the service industry not return phone calls?! We need some work done at our home and have called twice to ask a particular person to come and look at what is needed. I am sad to say we have yet to have a return phone call, even after he said he was interested in the job. 

This is not the first time a call has gone unreturned, either. It seems to be more of the normal way of “doing” business - or rather not doing business. What has happened to customer service?! Why do folks even waste their time to be in business?! Do they have too much to do and can afford to just turn people off?! Or is it just us?! Does this happen to others, too?!

Ok, now that I have that out of my system, my apologies. But what a way to spend some of my time on a day off - trying to track down a call back (oops - guess I wasn’t quite finished ranting - sorry). 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2653

April 6, 2021 

This week’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 1 John 1:9-10: 9If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. (NRSV)

For years, this scripture shaped the beginning of our worship service. Lutheran Liturgy almost always has at its onset the confession we are taught in this scripture - we make God a liar if we claim we are without sin. And intrinsically, sins. 

Sin (singular) is understood as the overall condition of separation between humanity/creation and God. It began early with the independent streak of humanity. Thereby, we are born into that separation - not apart from God, but not in union with God. Sins (plural), therefore, are acts we commit out of that condition. They are ways that we dishonor God and our fellow humans/creation because we are turned in on ourself. 

In other words, we think of ourselves first, and thereby commit sins against others. It is humbling to consider that even though I try to do all the right things, I cannot on my own. I need God and God’s forgiving grace. 

Perhaps we have lost something because we do not say the same words each and every week. Perhaps we have gained something because we have to be more intentional in saying and hearing our confession rather than speaking it from memory. Either way, the end result is the same - we need God. And God responds. Always!

Blessings. And prayers.

Also, I could not let MT Day go by without a shoutout: 

Day #2652

April 5, 2021

A smile for this week:

Just a boy on his scooter enjoying a beautiful afternoon. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2651

April 4, 2021

It’s back! Sunday has come! And we can confidently declare yet again - Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

I am thankful that the weather held today and several of us were able to gather outside for an early “Son”rise worship service.

And I also pray this is the LAST holiday we will feel it necessary to only live-stream/record a service. Yet, even worshipping apart cannot strip us of the hope and joy that Christ is risen! Amen! Alleluia!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2650

April 3, 2021 

On this Holy and yet Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for those who care for the dying or dead. I am reminded of the women who gathered the spices and oils to prepare Jesus’ body for burial. I also deeply appreciate the funeral home, hospital, nursing home, and hospice workers, along with all others who perform these caring acts. What a holy way to honor someone and assist their family and loved ones. 

As Mother Teresa used to say, “We can do no great things, just small things with great love” (inspired by the d365 devotion for today). However, for those grieving, this is a “great” thing. Thank you and God bless and keep you.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2649

April 2, 2021 

On this Good Friday, we again joined with our neighbors across the alley for a worship service of the events of this holy day through the lens of the 23rd Psalm. It was a meaningful worship service with word and visual reminders of the suffering, humiliation and death of Jesus - the cross, the hammer, the crown of thorns, and more. It was very somber and sobering. 

With that in mind, it is good each Good Friday to remind myself that “Sunday is coming.” Thanks be to God!

Blessings. And prayers. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Day #2648

April 1, 2021 

Perhaps it is ironic that Maundy Thursday occurs this year on April Fool’s Day. What could be more ironic than Jesus sharing a meal, his last, with the disciples who would soon run away at his most vulnerable point, not to mention one of them would be who actually betrayed him? Also, the focus of his message at that last supper was love and the disciples' need to love one another. How ironic is that?! 

Suffice it to say, it has been a strange Maundy Thursday. No worship service. No recorded message (having read the entire passion on Sunday, it seemed strange to double-back to this day). No first Holy Communion celebration. It was almost the biggest April Fool of all as this ongoing pandemic cried once again - stay at a distance from one another. 

However, the joke is ultimately on the pandemic, for God’s message is still with us. God’s promise is still with us. God is still with us. Not distant, but as close as our breath. On Maundy Thursday and every day!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2647

March 31, 2021 

These words from Mary Alice Birdwhistell in the devotion d365 are certainly good ones to ponder and share:

Steve Jobs shared the following in a Stanford University commencement speech: “I [once] read a quote that said, ‘If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.’ Since then, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been, ‘no’ for too many days, I know I need to change something.”

On the last day of his life, Jesus could do so many different things. However, he shares a meal with his friends and then washes their feet. Jesus knows these friends will abandon and betray him, but he chooses to spend the last day of his life showing them selfless and extravagant love.

If today were the last day of your life, what would you do? What would you not do? How will you embody the simple yet radical love of Jesus?

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2646

March 30, 2021

Today’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 118:24: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (ELW)

This is not the first time this particular verse has been chosen for “Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture” (See note #1932). That God is in the midst of all of our days is a source of great hope and promise. Especially as we are in the midst of Holy Week. 

But, what does it look like to really rejoice and be glad in every day, especially the ones filled with doubt, fear, grief, anger, etc? Is this even a possibility? It is hard to imagine that Jesus rejoiced and was glad on Maundy Thursday as he ate his last supper with the disciples. He knew the one who would betray him was at the table. He knew the pain his followers would endure in the hours that followed. Then there is his own suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane as he prayed for the cup to pass from him. Suppose he was able to still rejoice and be glad for that day? 

Then, lest we forget about Good Friday as Jesus hung like a common criminal on a cross, mocked and spit on. Rejoice and be glad? Really? What could have helped the human part of Jesus rejoice and be glad at that point was perhaps his Godly part. The part of him that knew the rest of the story. The part of him that could trust God with his whole being. The part of him that gave away his whole self, knowing that through his suffering and separation, others would be able to not suffer or be separated. Looking at it from this perspective, there was certainly rejoicing and gladness. Beyond compare!

For us, in those days when we struggle to find reasons to rejoice and be glad, we can be assured that God is with us. We may not have a Godly part of us (as Jesus was fully human and fully divine), but God’s love for us is solid and secure and everlasting, no matter how we feel. And in that assurance is reason and hope, to yes, rejoice and be glad in each day, for they are all made by our God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2645

March 29, 2021 

Perhaps this is less of a "smile for the week" and more of a visual reminder of its events. God be with you, once again, in this journey.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2644

March 28, 2021

Once again, Palm Sunday has come and this year we read the entire Passion of our Lord according to the Gospel of Mark. It was quite moving. While it is always difficult to hear what Jesus endured for us, it is humbling to be reminded that it was all done out of love. God’s love for the creation God made good. 

It was also moving to celebrate Holy Communion in the middle of reading chapter 14, just after hearing about Jesus celebrating the final supper with his disciples and the new covenant made through his body. Again, a covenant made out of love. God’s love - for you and me, each and every one of us, both individually and corporately. 

So as we once again have entered the holiest of weeks of the church year, we are reminded that God loves us. And while we will not be celebrating all the regular services of the week together once more, that does not change the promise or the assurance of God’s love. Nothing does!

Blessings. And prayers.