Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Day #2570

January 13, 2021

This morning I was mentioned on FaceBook. Well, I wasn’t named, but the comment was about me. Someone posted on another person’s comment that they had asked their pastor years ago something like this: in light of the consistent teaching about love and grace, how do we learn about being responsible for our actions in life? I was the pastor who was asked that question. 

My first response, I have to admit, was that this person thought our denomination’s teaching was less than stellar regarding responsibility for our actions and that we are all about “anything goes” because of grace. But I reached out to the person and privately said: “I pray that when you asked me the question you mention in that post that I answered something like: we are responsible for our actions out of response to the love and grace God bestows on us. We are to love and show that same grace to all others. It’s like the “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” we pray all the time. And unfortunately we fail at doing this and God bestows more grace for another chance. All that being said, I’m not certain how I answered you, but I hope it was something like that, if anything at all. The years have helped to form me, too, as a Christian.”

I am so thankful I reached out in this manner. The person responded to me in a positive way, stating they were helped to realize there is some personal responsibility for their own relationship with Christ that centers around grace. 

Wow! What a start to the day. That was a lot before I even had breakfast. But I am grateful for the Holy Spirit who works overtime helping guide and teach what we humans often fumble at doing.

Blessings. And prayers.

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