Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Day #2219

January 28, 2020

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is based on Micah 6:8: He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (NRSV)

On one of the first days of seminary, our Old Testament professor gave us a Pop Quiz. On one side of the paper were quotes of “famous scripture.” On the other side was a list of the chapters and verses where those quotes came from. Our task was to match them up. Most were easy, except the one from above. I had no idea about this one. Somehow, in all the years of studying and learning before seminary, I never remembered hearing/reading it. Which seems unbelievable now, considering the importance of this message given from God to the prophet Micah.

What seems to be God's message is a reminder that our sacrifices, and even our worship, are less important to God than what we do for others. It seems we often try to please God through sacrifice and worship, thereby attempting to get into right relationship with God on our own. Or without considering there is more to loving God than just what is in it for us. There is also loving neighbor, and the reminder that we are “powered” by God to do all we do (the walking humbly with God), relying and trusting God for all of our lives, and giving God the glory for all of our accomplishments. 

I give thanks for the quiz that day. It made me realize how much there was to learn. And this scripture coming up Sunday reminds me there still is much to learn. And do. 


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