Monday, October 20, 2014

Day #292

October 19, 2014

People ask many questions about heaven. Often they are about our loved ones. Things like, will we know our relatives when we get there? Will the relationships we have on earth continue there?

Obviously, there is much we do not know about what eternal life will really be like, but I like to imagine there is an ongoing reason we have relationships here on earth. Especially familial relationships. After all, why would God bother with having us born into a specific family if those relationships didn’t matter except here on earth? (I do realize that not all family relationships are good and healthy. Some would just as well be contained only to time here on earth, but my question/thought refers to the good and healthy ones.)

We spent some time today with my uncle and aunt. This is my mother’s younger brother and his wife. It had been too long since we got together! We enjoyed a meal and talked about generic things, until we began swapping stories about my grandma and my mother - two of my absolute favorite women of all time. We laughed. We teared up. We nodded our heads in agreement and shook them, too, over tales of the quirkiness of both women.

Overall, it was a grand time of remembering. And continuing a relationship that I’m so thankful was here on earth - and pray will continue again one day at the feet of Jesus.


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