Friday, August 28, 2020

Day #2432

August 28, 2020

And the year begins - happy 4th grade!!!

And this for your mom:

Love you all!!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2431

August 27, 2020 

Dear Godson,

Today I had a troubling conversation with your mom. School starts tomorrow and she is worried about you and your brother. She’s having a really tough time at work, too. And the upcoming wedding is proving difficult to plan. She has a lot on her right now and I must admit, I'm worried. 

So I’m writing to remind you that the decisions she makes are meant to be in your best interest and for your protection. That is her job as mom, and she makes them out of love. 

So please be safe, do your best (as I know you will), and hug each other regularly. She loves you and we do, too!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2430

August 26, 2020 

Hubby posted on FaceBook this picture of Boomer in honor of today being National Dog Day, and I wanted to share it here (he looks so peaceful!): 

But perhaps the best “intersection” moment today was being reminded of the need to talk and share thoughts and experiences. Listening to one another is so important, and I am grateful for a faithful group who do so regularly. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2429

August 25, 2020

Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Romans 12:12: Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. (NRSV)

Paul’s words to the Romans can speak to us today, can’t they?! Hope, patience, perseverance in the midst of all that is going on seems impossible, doesn’t it?! 

On our own, I believe it is. It is hard to keep our minds and hearts filled with hope, patience and even to be consistent in prayer. Or when we do pray, to know what and how to pray. 

Thankfully, God knows our difficulty. And God is with us. It doesn’t make suffering any easier, I know. But it does give me assurance and peace knowing that I am not alone! I hope it does you, also. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2428

August 24, 2020

Perhaps this list of school supplies for 2020-2021 will help us all smile this week:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2427

August 23, 2020 

Today we celebrated a Back to School Blessing in worship. Oh, what a different, and challenging, year this will be. Attend school or do virtual learning? Send children with masks and pray for the best? It’s more than difficult, it’s heart-wrenching. 

But today we stood in solidarity with students and teachers and administrators - all those going back to educate and be educated - and prayed for them. As someone shared, it was a powerful moment. Yes, it is, whenever we stand together as one body. 

Lord, place your protective hand on all those who are going back to school. Watch over them and give them joy in learning and safety and health in doing so. Amen.  

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2426

August 22, 2020

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for laughter. Which includes being made to laugh by those I love, and being able to make those I love laugh. What a wonderful stress-reliever!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2425

August 21, 2020

Well, it was another busy day, but a productive one. Visits made, continuing education that was a very helpful reminder about the advantage of Coaching (the process of helping someone tease out their deepest God-given desire and the ways they know within themselves how to achieve it), prayer, scripture, deep conversation, and a little more accomplished in the garage. Whew…what a “day off!” 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2424

August 20, 2020 

At the end of this very full day of meetings, both in person and Zoom, I am reminded of the level of frustration folks are feeling because of this pandemic. That level runs deep and the results of the stress can be short tempers, finger-pointing, anger, frustration and accusations. 

Do we all agree about the seriousness of this pandemic? No. Do we all agree on how to help keep one another safe? No. Are we all willing to do the most we can? Sadly, no. Can we all agree to love one another and speak kindly to and about one another? Oh Lord, I pray so. 

And while I’m praying, Lord, if you would please, send a cure or bring an end to this disease! Soon! Amen.  

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2423

August 19, 2020 

Today I had the honor and joy of leading the August Bible Study from the Women of the ELCA’s Gather, magazine. This summer, the studies have been about “Just Love,” love lived out in ways of justice. This month was about love lived out in civic affairs. The scripture focused on the Israelite midwives disobeying the Pharaoh’s orders to kill all male Israelite babies when they were born. Their obeying God’s law of life was worth risking their own lives by disobeying the Pharaoh. 

Yesterday, we were reminded of the anniversary of women earning the right to vote (even as we remember that right was not immediately given to ALL women, as women of color were much later in receiving it). Their civic actions of disobedience in standing against the “law of the land” led to rights and privileges women have today. What would we have done without their willingness to risk for what they thought was perhaps a Godly way to be - fairness and equity for ALL?

So to all the women who have stood in solidarity in the past to help those who would come later, thank you! Your sacrifice and willingness to risk is remembered and deeply appreciated!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2422

August 18, 2020

Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Romans 12:4-5: For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. (NRSV)

Have you ever wondered why there are so many denominations in the protestant church? Isn’t the church the one body of Christ? And isn’t the church the people, all around the world, who believe in and follow Jesus (or attempt to)? So why isn’t there just “one?” 

And why do we disagree over so many “little” things? Things that don’t really seem to matter in the end? I know it is confusing to me as to why there are the divisions. And it also makes me sad. Because we bicker over our differences, and let them divide us, as if one is right and all the others are wrong. 

And if we are honest with ourselves, we know we do similar things (argue, divide, bicker) in each of our denominations and even in our individual congregations. What if, instead of trying to figure out who is right and/or wrong, we considered each of us as parts of the same body with different functions? Hmmm….what if?!?!

Blessings. And prayers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Day #2421

August 17, 2020 

The smile for this week is one of Godson’s brother at the start of another season of soccer. This is something of "normalcy" and what he loves. Doesn't it show?!

Hope his joy helps you smile, too! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Day #2420

August 16, 2020

The word for the day - rejoice!! For a baptism and the welcome of a little one into the Family of God through that sacrament. I have been blessed with baptizing all three of this couple’s children and what a joy!

Welcome to the family!! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2419

August 15, 2020 

The Intersection of Faith and Life for today came as we celebrated the life of one of the members of the church. In this time of pandemic, having funerals or memorial services is challenging. And odd. 

This particular family decided to have a private, family-only worship service, which meant the community was unable to surround them. That makes this time especially hard. But on this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for these things: the service was recorded so folks can watch later and the prayers, cards and calls from the community can still let the family know others care. 

With that said, however, I realize this is certainly not the only family in this difficult situation. Many have decided to postpone services, not to have anything at all, or to do something at the graveside only. I worry about those in the grieving process without the “norm” available. Prayers this pandemic isolation will soon be able to end!!!!! Lord, have mercy!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2418

August 14, 2020

It’s finally time for an update on the project. You remember, the expected 2-3 day one (see Day #2413) to finish the interior of the garage? A planned stay-cation to complete a project! 

Well…things did not go as expected. I needed to delay stay-cation one day for a work emergency. Also, the walls and ceiling took twice as much paint, and three times as much time, as expected. 

So, five days later, it is done. The garage is cleaner than it has ever been, and looks good if I say so myself, but there is still work to do to replace everything. That can come later.

There is good news to report: a much cooler week meant the temperature to work was comfortable, there was no "incident" with the ladder, I only spilt a small amount of paint, hubby and I had some quality time together to talk and laugh while we worked, and the dog didn’t get in the paint. 

So….WOOHOO it’s (almost) done! It’s good to mark that project off the list. And to all those who do this type of work for a living, way to go! You deserve applause!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2417

August 13, 2020 

August 13 is Left Handers Day. In honor of hubby and many other friends and family:

And yes, I are in your “right mind!”

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2416

August 12, 2020 

This prayer from the devotion d365 written by Gina Yeager-Buckley spoke to me and I just had to share: 

Oh God, there is a day ahead or a day just finished. Whatever this day brings, help me live it with purpose. I want to make the things that happen today make a difference to you and to your world. I want the things I learn, the conversations I have, the challenges I face to shift me and help me grow as your disciple. Amen.

What a wonderful prayer to pray each and every day. Amen and amen!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2415

August 11, 2020

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture today comes from Matthew 15:25: But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” (NRSV)

A little backstory is helpful - a woman from Cana, the “wrong” side of the tracks according to the Jewish people, shouts after Jesus for him to have mercy on her daughter who is tormented by a demon. I am certain she expected Jesus to at least make a reply, but he does not answer her at all. Then the disciples beseech Jesus to send her away. Jesus' reply is that he came only for “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” In other words, she is not on his radar and his comment sounds as though she does not “deserve” his mercy. 

The woman does not, however, give up. She ignores even further the “laws,” or at least the social mores, and approaches Jesus, speaking directly to him. The rest of the story is that Jesus does hear, and even grants her request. 

So, did Jesus change his mind because of their encounter, or did he always know his mission and used this encounter as a teaching moment for the disciples and all who followed? That question has been debated, and I suppose will be, forever.

Perhaps the bottomline is not to have a definitive answer to the question, but a thankful heart and mind that Jesus DID come for all. That his love, mercy, and grace knows no boundaries. 

No boundaries at all. Thanks be to God!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2414

August 10, 2020

In honor of Snoopy’s birthday (he was introduced on this day in 1950), the smile for the week is one of my favorite of his poses:

May your week have some of these joy-filled type moments!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2413

August 9, 2020

So the plan for this week is a stay-cation. We have a project to complete - the finishing of the interior of our garage, which has only partially been taped and mudded, and none of it painted. We have been hoping to complete this for years now. 

So...everything in the garage has been moved either to the middle or the basement, someone is coming in the morning to finish the taping/mudding, the paint and other supplies have been purchased, and we are ready. Two, maybe three days, and we should be done. Fingers crossed. 

But for tonight, dinner with friends is a good way to start some time off. A little bit of normalcy, a few laughs, and a good meal and we’re off!

Blessings. And prayers. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Day #2412

August 8, 2020 

Satisfied Saturday…today I am thankful for being at the right place at the right time. At least, that is how I see it. Perhaps it is “luck.” Perhaps it is God’s timing. Perhaps it is being open to others and flexible with plans. Whatever it is, I am thankful that sometimes (not always), I “show up” when the time seems just right. (I also realize that sometimes I don’t show up when I needed to or should have - forgive me, God continue to prompt me, and help me listen better!)

Blessings. And prayers.

Oh, and happy 7th birthday to our Great Niece - she's the one on the right (our niece, her aunt, is on the left). 😊

Day #2411

August 7, 2020

The word for the day…thankful. For time to read; a friend who plans to get a project completed for us; nighttime prayers by phone with a young one; great conversation; a good meal; time with the hubby; the knowledge that God hears prayers; technology that finally seems to be working; folks who understand and accept an apology; a mown lawn; someone's trust in me; birthdays of friends and family; and the list goes on. Oh, and homemade ice cream…YUM!

What a thank-filled day! Amen!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2410

August 6, 2020 

Sometimes just the sound of someone’s voice on the phone brings a smile and a moment of gratitude. I know I have said this before, but I need to hear it again for myself…is there someone that needs to hear your (my!) voice? I feel certain the answer is YES!

So for the phone calls today…thank you!! You are an inspiration!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2409

August 5, 2020

Today I would like to give a shout-out to a local business who did a great service for the congregation. Have you ever felt you were drowning in paper? Well, we are not any longer. Lots (I mean LOTS) of duplicate records and old, unneeded documents, were safely and securely destroyed by Paper Shredders. It feels good to have this epic feat accomplished, and to have a business give their time and service is deeply appreciated. 

If you need a shred company, let me know. I have one to recommend!

Now, on to the next project - get some work accomplished that was put on the back burner. Yikes!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2408

August 4, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Romans 10:15: And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (NRSV)

I will always remember the message one of my classmates gave in seminary that included the above line about beautiful feet. She invited (strongly) that we all remove our shoes and socks and look - really look - at our feet and see them as beautiful. 

Now, how many feet do you think are actually “beautiful?” I certainly don’t consider mine to be. Yet, here’s the thing - we humans look at, or see, beauty on the outside. God, however, sees beauty on the inside, especially when we are sharing God’s message of love and grace and inclusion (the Good News). 

So, fellow apostles (God’s messengers), the next time you look at your feet, try seeing them as God does - beautiful, and sent to proclaim God’s Good News message. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2407

August 3, 2020 

This wisdom from Snoopy certainly seems appropriate as a smile for this week. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2406

August 2, 2020 

As can happen, the very thing I gave thanks for yesterday, let us down today. Grrr! The technology that has allowed us to film worship, and even stream live on YouTube, failed. The Wifi signal was too weak in the sanctuary due to an unplanned update, and the signal kept going in and out. This created frustration, I am certain, to those viewing and certainly to those filming/uploading. To be apologetic is one thing. To be frustrated while trying to worship, another. It certainly was not anyone's fault, but very frustrating. 

So at the end of the day, I wanted nothing more to do with anything technological. That feeling will pass, but in the meantime, grrrr…

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2405

August 1, 2020

Satisfied Saturday - today I am thankful for technology, and a new phone. The old one filmed many a sermon and helped us get worship online when we had to stop gathering in person, but it was about at its end. These phones do have a limited shelf-life, I have discovered. So today I spent quite a bit of time transferring files and data. And fortunately, most has been successful. So thanks for an easier transfer process, the ability to get a new phone, and the technology that helps us all stay connected. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2404

July 31, 2020 

The word for the day - troubled. There are many who are experiencing deep hardships and pain these days. How can I help? Is there anything I can really do? Is prayer helpful? How will things be resolved or improved? 

For now, the lament, and the prayers, continue. How long, O Lord? Lord, have mercy! Place your healing touch and the assurance of your presence on them all!!! Amen!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2403

July 30, 2020

About a year ago I was invited to be part of a research project through the University of Notre Dame specifically regarding pastors in their second calls. I am not certain how my name came up, but it has been an interesting and rewarding experience, and a blessing. There have now been two lengthy interviews, a year apart, and I have one more to go. 

I am thankful for this person who is tasked with asking me deep questions and really listening to my answers. How did you become a pastor? What challenges have you faced in being female in this role? How have you handled conflict in your congregation? What are your strengths? Where are your weaknesses? What has been the most rewarding? Who have been your mentors and role models and what part have they played in helping you establish your pastoral identity? These questions, and more, have given me opportunity to give thanks for the saints I have been fortunate to be in relationship with, think deeply about what feeds me in this call as pastor, and dream of what my hopes are for the future. 

This process has reminded me, once again, of how important it is to be heard. Also, that there is a need to take intentional time to concentrate fully on God’s call and the joy there is in it. May we all have the opportunity to do similar in our Christian lives!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2402

July 29, 2020

With yesterday being Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture, I saved another “Intersection” moment for today. Our bishop held one of two Zoom Check-in Meetings to see how pastor-type folks are doing in the midst of this pandemic time. It was a good time of being heard and cared for. She asked us questions to consider and then gave us time to share our responses in small groups. So here are a few of the questions that you might find helpful, too. And if you would like to share your answers with me, feel free to be in touch.

  • Where are you emotionally? 
  • Where/how is your mind?
  • Where are you spiritually? 
  • What does it mean to be the church in this time?
  • Where/how is your own church?

Interestingly, and not too surprising, many of the answers shared were similar - weary, scattered, numb, dry, who knows, all over the map. But there is also one thing that seems most appropriate - prayer. 

So please know there are many prayers - and often. Lord, have mercy!

Blessings. And prayers.