Saturday, July 20, 2019

Day #2012

July 5, 2019

July 5th marks the 100th anniversary of Lutheran Outdoor Ministries. What foresight folks had to put aside these places of retreat where youth and adults can get away from the regular routine to be renewed through learning and fun and grace. What an impact these places have had on the church, also - campers who come frightened and anxious but leave filled with joy and excitement; campers who come shy and nervous about leading but leave emboldened to share their faith and take on roles of leadership “back home”; counselors who come for a summer (or several) and one day discern a call to ordained ministry or learn how God is a part of whatever their chosen vocation; pastors who come to teach but leave more educated about youth and young adults and serving and having fun learning about Jesus. 

I give thanks for the camps that have helped shape my faith and understanding: Lutherock, Lutheridge, Camp Agape, Kure Beach Retreat Center, and Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. And I give thanks for the over 100 more in the ELCA where folks are right now learning and playing and growing in Christ. 

Happy anniversary and well done! May there be many, many more years to come!


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