Monday, July 1, 2019

Day #2007

June 30, 2019

The following was written by Shelley Cunningham in the daily devotion, God Pause:
So why do you follow Jesus? Take some time to mull it over, and jot down your best two or three reasons. They don't have to be complicated or overly theological. They just have to be true for you. Because the beautiful thing is, the One we follow promises to lead each of us--wherever we may be, and however we may need to be led. 
This is something good to ponder, and to do. It’s important to think through why we do what we do in following Jesus, so that we can easily, and authentically, share an answer with others. So, why DO you follow Jesus? 

Then, what a great adventure followed worship as several teams of folks went out into the neighborhood to pick up litter. It was a way of being the church in the community as we cared for the area around us. What was fun was to hear about the interactions with folks - why are you doing this? Where are you from? And perhaps the best - folks who simply said, Thank you (or shouted it from cars as they drove by)! 


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