July 9, 2019
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 10:29: But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” (NRSV)
This line comes from the “Good Samaritan” part of scripture. It is perhaps the most widely incorporated scripture into our daily life. Good Samaritan laws even come from this reading. But who wanted to “justify himself” and why?
Seems a lawyer has come to Jesus to test him - what must I do to inherit eternal life, he asks. Don’t you wonder what he hoped to gain through his test? Would Jesus answer with something like, follow me, and the lawyer would think he “had him” for claiming to be God? Who knows, but Jesus takes the question seriously and responds with God’s law of love: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”
His answer should satisfy the lawyer, but it doesn’t because he wishes to “justify” himself. Perhaps he wishes to show Jesus he understands better than Jesus might think he does, so he asks, “and who is my neighbor?” The one who looks like me, who thinks like me, who lives beside me or goes to the same congregation for worship? Is my neighbor the one who is friendly or reciprocates my kindnesses?
In true Jesus fashion he answers by telling a parable. His question to the lawyer, then, is who is the true neighbor? The one who shows mercy, the lawyer admits, and Jesus tells him to “go and do likewise.”
Wow! There’s the tough part, right?! Go and show mercy - to those who don’t look like me, think like me, live beside me or sit in the same pew, or who isn’t friendly or cannot reciprocate.
What Jesus asks is hard - and honestly, nearly impossible. Good thing “inheriting eternal life” is a gift from God because of grace and not what we do to earn it!!