June 23, 2014
Last night we began a week of Vacation Bible School with two local congregations. What fun to be with folks from different backgrounds of faith, yet neighbors, friends and co-learners. The pastor of the other two congregations and I are taking turns facilitating the adult class. Tonight was his turn to lead and one of the comparisons he made reminded me of the recent hike up Craggy Pinnacle during Campfirmation (see day #170).
Tonight we were talking about the growth of faith that comes in the midst of difficult or challenging times. He related how someone once told him to notice that often when you hike up a mountain, the vegetation at the higher elevation becomes more stunted and sparse the further you go. It’s like the trees are unable to grow but so high and the plants struggle to thrive. The wind on top is more fierce, the temperatures cooler, and growing is more difficult. Yet, as you come down the mountain, the trees grow taller, the plants are greener and the vegetation more densely populated. The conditions in the valley, it seems, are right for growth.
The comparison was pointed out to our life of faith. When we are on the mountaintops, growth can be more difficult. I related it to being harder for me to step out of the way and let God grow me on the mountaintops. Said another way, when things are going well and I am riding high, so to speak, I tend to think I am in control and in charge. It’s hard for God to get a foot in the door. Yet, when things are tough or challenging or frightening, I am more open and willing to God, even begging for God to take charge. It is in the valleys where God’s glory, might and wonder-working power grow in me as faith, trust and hope. The vegetation of faith thrives.
This was a beautiful, and timely, comparison. At what places or times is your faith most likely to grow?
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