June 7, 2014
I followed with interest the election for a new bishop in another synod as they held their assembly yesterday and today. The process for the election is completed by ecclesiastical ballot, meaning that any active pastor in the ELCA is eligible to be included on the first ballot. Once the names listed are verified, a certain number of those with the most “votes” are carried forward to the next ballot. The process continues until there is a clear winner based on percentage of votes (please note, this is a very brief and simplified description of the process).
What is perhaps the most important part of this process, however, is the reliance on prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring forth names and votes. It is an amazing process to watch and/or be a part of. The election was completed in that synod and a new bishop-elect has been chosen. It is someone who most folks seemed not to expect or to have thought much about until the process began. It’s a clear indication that the Holy Spirit is at work in the process.
Our synod will be going through a similar process next year. Already people have begun to wonder who the next bishop will be. A colleague, in her blog, appealed for a stop to this wondering, along with any activity of “campaigning.” “Is there any way we can stop all of these side conversations before the assembly,” she asked. “Like the disciples who were told to wait on the Spirit before the Day of Pentecost, let’s allow the Spirit to do what she does so well. Let’s wait and be surprised,” she continued.
Lots to think about on the Eve of Pentecost, don’t you think?!
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