Monday, June 2, 2014

Day #151

May 31, 2014

The forum time for today at assembly consisted of a presentation by Rev. Mike Ward. He is serving as trainer of the Companions, a critical piece of the NC Synod’s initiative, “Forward Together.” He said a couple of things that really stuck with me.

The first was: “people give to vision.” When an organization has a clear vision of where they are going and what they are doing, people respond to it, not only with their time, but with their financial resources. It seems to be that people want to know their hard-earned money is being spent wisely, and an organization with a clear vision is a good investment. Well, a vision they can be on board with. Congregations that struggle to identify what they are doing in a particular place at a particular time, well, just struggle. In many ways. It begs the often asked question (and one the initiative focuses on): what is God calling us to be in this place. What is God's vision for us?

The second I summarize this way: tell the stories of what God is doing so that others can tell them, too. In other words, get the word out. Sometimes folks have a hard time seeing the connections until they are pointed out. Not that they are not paying attention, but it’s hard to see the forest when you’re amongst the trees. It’s why I enjoy writing this blog and making a Daily Intersection - what speaks to me of God’s work in a day and how I either connect to it, or how I see someone else connecting to it. Because, if we don’t tell the stories, who will? What a tragedy they somehow be lost! And what poor stewardship of God’s gifts.

After all, isn’t that the basis of Holy Scripture. The stories being told so that others can tell them, too!!


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