Monday, June 23, 2014

Day #172

June 21, 2014

The theme for the camp I’ve been talking about all week is the seasons of the church year:
     A - Advent
     C - Christmas
     E - Epiphany
     L - Lent
     E - Easter
     P - Pentecost
Which all week we say spells the word ACELEP (not really a word, but we make it one). Well, in closing worship today, the pastor pointed out that all week we have been wrong. A-C-E-L-E-P really spells...Jesus. Well, not actually, but here is how he explains it.

All year long, the different seasons (ACELEP) really point to one thing - Jesus. In Advent, we have hope in the coming of Jesus Christ and focus on preparing the way for him. In Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, God come into the world. In Epiphany, we have Jesus revealed to us as light of the world through particular scripture readings. In Lent, we are encouraged to turn from our selfish ways and rely on Jesus. In Easter, we celebrate God’s win over sin, death and the devil through Jesus’ death and resurrection. In Pentecost, we celebrate Jesus sending the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct us in our lives and throughout the season, focus on ways Jesus spoke to our faith and life in Christ.

So...A-C-E-L-E-P really does spell Jesus. All the time, every day, every hour, our lives celebrate Jesus. Pretty cool intersections!

And, by the way, the wedding was beautiful. The bride and groom planned really well and it was truly a worship service, filled with joy and celebration.


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