Thursday, October 13, 2016

Day #1016

October 12, 2016 

This from Megan McDermott in the devotion, d365: 
Sometimes the teacher stays with us more than the subject. I'll always remember my third grade teacher and the way she comforted me when I was upset about my grandmother being sick. But I don't remember specifically what I learned in third grade. I can't remember all the finer points of AP World History in high school, but I do remember feeling encouraged by my teacher when I shared my anxiety about college. With God, the idea that the teacher's presence can be more important than the lessons is even more true. God's instructions should help us become better, kinder people – but getting better is not, ultimately, the point. Being a Christian is not about meeting certain standards or getting it right. It is about coming to know God, our friend, our maker, and our great love.
This really spoke to me, especially as I consider Confirmation Class, and all the ways we “connect” with one another. It’s more the feeling of being loved and cared for, not only by God, but by one another, that resonates and “sticks.” 

May you feel God’s loving presence with you, today and always.


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