Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day #168

June 17, 2014

One of the topics we talked about today at Campfirmation was an answer to the question, “Does Jesus ever surprise you?”

Now, the youth didn’t have too much to say in response to this question. We’re still in the beginning stages of getting them to talk, share, and engage in discussion. But it got me to thinking. How could I answer that question in any other way than, YES! All the time!

For example, whenever I think that life has backed me in a corner and I cannot see a way out, I can be surprised by a phone call or email that gives me an idea or a way to accomplish exactly what I need to, with no doubt about where it initiated.

Often where Jesus surprises me the most is in his unconditional love. Over and over I am given chance after chance, forgiveness after forgiveness, healing after healing. It’s truly amazing how Jesus loves me. And loves you.

How might you have been surprised by Jesus recently?


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