Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day #161

June 10, 2014

Last night and tonight, I spent the better part of four hours each facilitating the training of a Call Committee. A couple of years ago, I was trained by the Synod to be a trainer of committees that are formed in our denomination's congregations to be the front line spiritual discernment group for calling a pastor to a congregation where there is a vacancy. (The final discernment of calling a pastor is determined by a congregational vote, but a Call Committee is responsible for identifying the person to be recommended for vote.)

It has been my pleasure to train several of these groups so far, and I am always inspired and encouraged by doing so. It is also a time for learning about myself, honing leadership skills, and watching the Holy Spirit at work. Generally these groups consist of between six to eight people, who may have served in their congregations for many years in various capacities, but have come together in this particular configuration for a particular task. Bringing the group to cohesiveness is one of the major goals and anticipated outcomes of the training, along with helping them prepare for conducting conversations with candidates (pastors in the process of seeking calls).

So I give thanks for another of these opportunities and pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance of these wonderful news friends in ministry I have met.


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