Sunday, April 25, 2021

Day #2665

April 18, 2021

At the Congregational Council retreat time today, we practiced an ancient way of looking at scripture called Dwelling in the Word. The process begins with prayer, then hearing a piece of scripture read once, followed by a moment or two of quiet reflection, then the same scripture is read a second time. Following that, folks are invited to get into pairs to discuss three questions about the scripture - what caught your attention; what question would you want to ask; where might the Spirit be nudging us in what we hear in this text (or some variation of these may be used). Finally, each pair is asked to share in the larger group what they heard their partner say (in this way we practice listening to one another, as well as to God). 

I have been a part of this practice many times, often using the same scripture text. I am always, always amazed at the new insights uncovered each time. It reminds me that we all have insights God gives us based on our experiences and that each one has value. There is always something to learn from one another. 

God is directing God’s church, I truly believe, and with that assurance, where we go next will be revealed in the proper time. 

Blessings. And prayers.

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