Monday, April 19, 2021

Day #2658

April 11, 2021 

Today we finally gathered the Confirmation Class together, in person, and watched the movie, “Luther.” In this Catechism teaching year, we find it appropriate to learn a little about Martin Luther, who wrote Luther’s Small Catechism. Yes, the 16th century reformer whose name became a part of our denomination. 

Now for my confession: I have probably watched this movie a half-dozen times. But today, I began to finally put it all together. I better followed who were the ones trying to silence Luther, the ones who tried to escalate his changes to a violent overthrow, and what he was really trying to accomplish and change. 

But the important part, I heard something Luther said that I do not remember from any of the previous viewings - “We preach best what we need to learn most.” I do believe that the one who most needs to hear the message/sermon each week is me. I need to hear over and over that God loves us, and all of creation. I need to hear that God desires us to love others, all others. I need to hear that God’s grace is abundant and free. I need to hear it, because I need to continue learning it. 

Thank you, Martin Luther, for this insight. And thank you, confirmation students, for the opportunity to see the movie once again. 

Blessings. And prayers.

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