Friday, February 23, 2018

Day #1514

February 22, 2018

Last evening was the first of our faith sharing as the Lenten weekly worship services. I took the opportunity to share some of my own story and four others will follow each Wednesday. After the service, I began to second guess the idea. I wondered, is this something that will really be helpful for folks?

So when the February 22nd “Daily Grace” devotion came from the Women of the ELCA, I was blown away. This is what it said:
The Bible records countless times crowds gathered around Jesus, and times when individuals came to learn from him and to be healed by him. How did they know to show up? They didn’t read a post about Jesus that went viral on social media. Jesus didn’t have flyers up in the local coffee shop. They likely showed up because someone they knew shared their story. We all have a story to tell about our encounters with Jesus. When we tell our stories, we strengthen and encourage those around us. And I believe we strengthen ourselves too. How has God called you to participate in God’s mission by sharing your faith story?  
My goodness. There you go - it is important to share our stories. Sometimes we are disciples, coming to Jesus to learn. And sometimes we are apostles, being sent out to share about Jesus and what our time with him has taught us. So while there will only be opportunity for a few to share this time, I’m looking ahead to ways even more might participate down the road. After all, like Tiffany C. Chaney wrote above, “we all have a story to tell” and it’s important we share them!


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