Monday, February 12, 2018

Day #1498

February 6, 2018

After the reminder on Day #1496 of how important I believe it is to take care in how we speak to one another in this community of life, the daily study from Richard Rohr spoke volumes to me. He wrote:
How can we be peacemakers? It begins by being peace ourselves, by connecting with the source of peace within. It means standing up in nonviolent resistance to systems of injustice. It involves learning the skills of nonviolent communication and conflict resolution.
While I know he is talking about so much more important things than bulletin typos, nonviolent communication and conflict resolution begins by talking with one another, even when that is so very hard to do. But how we begin a difficult conversation really can set a direction for how it goes. With that in mind, may the source of peace, the Holy Spirit, always be my guide and my teacher!


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