February 15, 2018
Another deadly shooting at a school. Another deadly shooting, period. When will this end? When can or will we ever feel safe again? How did things get like this? Or has life always been this way, we just hear about it more often? Is there a way to improve things for future generations?
I don’t know about you, but it does seem that the warning signs of hopelessness and despair are ignored more often today. Perhaps folks make light of them, turn away from them, or just don’t know what to do with them. It also seems that overall we don’t know our neighbors and, in general, don’t want to become involved with what’s going on around us. You know, the thought that if I leave them alone, I hope they'll leave me alone.
It’s frightening to me to think there were “warning signs” that may have gone unattended for this latest shooter. Am I missing something in someone around me? Do I, and others, need more training to watch out for one another? Do we simply need more nosey neighbors (I couldn’t get away with anything when I was a kid because someone was always watching)? Is there a deeper problem or issue in the world and we are only trying to find a way to address a symptom and not the disease?
All of those thoughts were swirling around when I read this in the “God Pause” devotion by Dave Scherer: "As James Baldwin said, "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.""
And he also wrote: “We can now face the toughest challenges that our world faces knowing that we belong to God.”
How do we face the tough challenges of today? Through legislation? Through prayer? Through more restrictions and laws and monitoring? I wish I had an answer. I wish I had a way to comfort those who face unimaginable grief this day. I wish I had a way to reach out to everyone who feels violence is an answer to being bullied or ignored to let them know that there is another way - there is a Light that shines in the world that brings grace and unconditional love for everyone. I wish I knew how to heal the body, mind and soul of every hurting individual. I wish I could take away the fear and anger in the world. I wish I could instill more mercy and justice.
For now I wonder if we can face the challenges together and help bring healing? Somehow?! I believe we can, with God’s help. I do have hope, even in the midst of what seems like overwhelming discouragement.
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