Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day #205

July 24, 2014

A fun way to introduce kids to church camp is a program called Agape Day Camp. Counselors from nearby Camp Agape ( copy.html) bring the experience to the kids, instead of the kids going away to the camp. The typical day runs from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with all the fun, music, crafts, play, etc. of camp away, except the kids get to sleep in their own beds at night.

This week the experience came to us, and the church where I serve, along with about five others, have helped make the event happen. Tonight was the annual cookout - a time of celebration, review, and fun. Even in the midst of torrential rain and thunder storms, the enthusiasm of those who were able to participate this year was evident. What a joy! And what a great way to celebrate the sharing of Jesus’ love! Thanks Camp Agape!!


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