February 5, 2021
A little over a month ago, I received a free two-month introduction to a Guidepost devotional publication called Mornings with Jesus. There are many ways to begin the day in the word, and I utilize probably a half-dozen different devotions, each providing its own unique look at scripture based on who is writing and their experience they match with God’s word.
Today’s was a good reminder about people. It was based on Psalm 84:1: God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence. (TPT) Cynthia Ruchti wrote about randomly meeting someone at a motel’s continental breakfast. The chance encounter reminded her of the "Jesus bond" people have, even when we do not know one another from before or even for very long. The “Faith Step” for the day: Watch for moments of unexpected Jesus bonds today. Celebrate each one as a joyful gift.
Chance encounters at the grocery, in elevators, restrooms, waiting rooms, etc., can provide connections that Jesus is waiting to show us and help us celebrate. For those of us who are introverts, it may be a stretch. But it can also be a gift.
Blessings. And prayers.
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