Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Day #2611

February 23, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 8:31: [Jesus] began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. (NRSV)

Each time I read this passage, I put myself into the disciples’ shoes (sandals). I cannot imagine how upset they were when they heard this from Jesus. Great suffering, rejection, death - no wonder they missed the last part he said about rising again. That would be easy to miss with my mind trying to grasp the rest. 

As Mark 8 continues, Peter reacts. He takes Jesus aside and rebukes him. Don’t say this, Jesus! It can’t be true! And I can put myself right there with Peter. We NEED you, Jesus. We can’t do this thing called life without you. You have to be here with us. We’ll be lost. We have come to depend so much on you. Little Miss Fix-it that I can be would want to try and figure out something else, some other way. 

Little did the disciples understand that what would happen would be so much better than they could imagine. And that it would be the salvation of millions. It’s no wonder Jesus tells Peter he is focusing on the humanness of things. But, can you blame him?!?! Peter doesn’t know the rest of the story, like we do. 

Yet, don’t we also try to put Jesus in our box? We NEED you, Jesus. We can’t do this thing called life without you. You have to be here with us. We’ll be lost. We have come to depend so much on you. Fix it, Jesus. Sound familiar? It does to me. 

Lord, have mercy, and teach me to wait on your way! Amen.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2610

February 22, 2021

This says it all, I think, as the smile for this week:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2609

February 21, 2021

Warning…rant coming. ðŸ˜¡

Let me start by saying it is not anyone’s fault. But let me also say there could have been a fix, if I had only paid closer attention. 

Anyway, I have determined (as many of my colleagues), that technology is both a blessing and a curse. Today it was a curse. Folks work so hard to make recordings for worship, and much money has been spent to make them the best quality we can. But then today….the sound had a glitch. My microphone wasn’t working properly and it was difficult, almost impossible, to hear me. 

Now, let me also say that the sermon is not the “be all” of worship. But, it is frustrating, I know, for folks not to be able to hear. And I apologize for that happening today. Suffice it to say, I think I know what to do in the future if this happens again. For certain, there may be a pause, a “correction” or even a “do-over.” Or, simply, the pastor may just bust out crying. Haha!

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Day #2608

February 20, 2021 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for warmer weather and sunshine. After many days of below 0 high temperatures, to reach above 30 with sunshine is a treat. It feels like spring. Almost.

Well, it is 60 degrees warmer. :-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2607

February 19, 2021

At Christmas, I was given a devotion book called Dancing from the Inside Out by Westina Matthews. The devotions are actually a compilation of “essays about ordinary events” that the author wrote in various times and places about her life. I was intrigued. After all, this blog is much the same (could there one day be a book here? Hmmm). 

But anyway, the last devotion, which I read today, really spoke to me. After a full week of Executive Committee meetings and Council meetings for the congregation and the synod, the title caught my eye: What’s Next?

The author explores the question in light of making New Year’s Resolutions and a revelation she had that instead of waiting for some date in the future to begin something, what about doing it NOW. What about making today the beginning in exploring what is next? After all, tomorrow will come and what will we be doing? Great question! For us as individuals and as congregations and as synods and as the church.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2606

February 18, 2021 

Today felt like we won the lottery. We were successful in getting appointments for our first COVID vaccine the beginning of next month. One more small step, hopefully, toward helping end this life-changing pandemic. Have mercy, dear God!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2605

February 17, 2021 

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. 

Those words mean more than just Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. They are words of promise and hope, even though they remind us of our mortality. For we do not make the journey of Lent, or of death, alone. God is with us, and caring for us, for eternity. 

May God give you peace as we begin another Lenten journey toward the Easter promise of resurrection.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2604

February 16, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Genesis 9:12: God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations. (NRSV)

Over the course of my life, I have been blessed to see many rainbows. I remember as a child trying to find the end of the rainbow and the legendary “pot of gold.” I have photographed many rainbows, and just the other day caught a little bit of a “snow”bow. 

But perhaps the most memorable was the rainbow I once actually drove through. Yes, drove through. It was a rather surreal experience. I remember feeling a little tingly all over afterward, which was probably more about the rarity of the experience instead of some magical rainbow "pot of gold."

With all the experiences of rainbows, it gives me joy to read Genesis 9 again. Here it is recorded that God said: the rainbow is more than just something beautiful, it is a sign; a sign of an agreement I am making with all of creation, for now and forever, to never destroy what I have created in a way similar to the Great Flood. 

This agreement is hope-filled in times of flood, fire, storms, severe cold, wind, and heat, weather we all experience at some time or another. Yes, we may suffer and have loss in these "storms," but God is not going backward on the covenant. Because, in the end, God never breaks the covenants God makes. 

So the next time I see a rainbow, I will smile and remember to give thanks for God’s faithfulness to covenant. Always!

Blessings. And prayers.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Day #2603

February 15, 2021

I was invited on FaceBook to share five pictures that bring me joy, one each day and in random order. No explanations or comments, just the pictures. I share the five here, in the order I shared them on FaceBook, hoping something brings you a smile for the week:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2602

February 14, 2021

On this Valentine’s Day, it was good to “feel the love” by interacting with several folks. Even if most of the encounters were virtual, it was good to see, hear and exchange thoughts and learning with others in Virtual Coffee Fellowship time, Confirmation Class (the youth really wowed us with their insights regarding the Ten Commandments), and a drive-by goodbye for a member who is moving to another state. 

Being online does not duplicate the joy of seeing others in person, being in the same space to learn and grow from one another, but it certainly does help. May you be blessed with opportunities to interact with others by phone, handwritten notes, email, virtual meetings, or whatever way works best. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Day #2601

February 13, 2021

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp and Christikon. These are two local camps of our denomination who collaborated on recording a worship service to be shared with congregations on this Transfiguration Sunday. 

The recording includes a worshipful taste of camp music and original liturgy. There is a thoughtful sermon about mountaintop experiences. And an invitation to remember camp ministry in our stewardship. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this worship experience for Sunday. 

Thank you to these leaders in this expression of the church who help shape and form young folks. You are a gift to us all!

Blessings. And prayers. 

Day #2600

February 12, 2021 

Our Bishop scheduled a Convocation “Light” today. It was a good opportunity to gather (by Zoom) and hear some updates and reflect on some important questions. 

The gathering reminded me of something I read earlier in the week about the power of asking good questions. Questions that take us beyond yes or no answers and delve deeper into another's feelings and thoughts. Questions that are about learning about them, not directing their answers. 

Formulating good questions takes practice. They come from a desire to really know and hear the other. I am grateful for the questions asked and shared today. And for the opportunity to get to know my fellow colleagues even better, because we share a lot of similar experiences in this odd and difficult time. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2599

February 11, 2021

Hubby can still surprise me. He gets a big ATTA BOY! 💕

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2598

February 10, 2021 

Something to help us smile while we are in the middle of this string of below 0 temperature days (and that is the HIGH temp - under 0). 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2597

February 9, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 9:9: As they were coming down the mountain, he ordered them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. (NRSV)

This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday. Just before the church begins the annual journey of Lent, we again hear the account of Jesus taking three of his disciples with him to ascend a mountain. While there, they are visited by Moses and Elijah and Jesus transfigures before them. Even his clothes become dazzling white. 

That is quite the mountaintop event. However, many of us can pinpoint what we might call a “mountaintop” event. A moment or time when we have felt particularly close to God or that God felt particularly close to us. I have been on retreat weekends that I did not want to end or in places where the presence of God seemed especially real. And just like the disciples, I did not want to leave. 

Which brings us to the verse for today - Jesus orders (stronger than tells) the disciples not to tell anyone what they had seen. What?! The first thing I have wanted to do is tell people what I experienced. But, I have learned two things. Sometimes, you have to “be there” to understand an experience. Trying to explain how God was present can fall flat. Perhaps that is why it is called an experience. There is a need to observe the event yourself. 

The other thing is I have learned is that others have much skepticism about mountaintop experiences. I have felt it myself, wondering what in the world someone else is trying to tell me. Were they dreaming? Also, I have wanted to understand what it could mean - was there a purpose and, if so, what it was. And, perhaps most importantly, are they trying to say that unless I experience this, or something like it, my faith is not strong enough?

Perhaps these are why Jesus was adamant the disciples keep quiet until later, when his end would only be a new beginning. It would be the resurrected Jesus who would help the disciples better understand what they had experienced and what it meant for the world. Then they would be really ready to share all that had happened. 

So when we have these mountaintop experiences, perhaps the most basic of learning is to wait for God to help us know what and when to tell and how. And simply let the transforming power of the event in us speak for us. It will. It does. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Day #2596

February 8, 2021 

Here is a smile for the week, and a reminder that all things can present a challenge:

All I can say, is that with the forecast for this week, I am thankful for the heated seat! And will use it wisely!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2595

February 7, 2021

One of the most challenging invitations I receive as pastor is to come to the bedside of someone for whom life on this earth is nearing its close. It is an invitation into a thin veiled space between us and God, one I hold dear and with gratitude. Yet, it is difficult to walk with others for whom this time and space is heart-wrenching and hard to understand or accept. I am grateful God has given us promises, and that the church provides resources for prayer and worship to remind us God is with us. And I am beyond thankful for prayer. But with all that said, it can be a time that is challenging to body and spirit. Grief is real and as I have said, it is cumulative. And none of us are exempt.

But to then leave that space and have a chance encounter with a young person full of welcome and excitement at seeing one another can cause the heart to soar and the spirit to be renewed. And I do not believe those encounters are totally by chance. I believe that God watches out for us and knows what we need and when we need it most. I am beyond awed by God’s provision. And hopeful we do not miss that it is actually God in those times who is smiling and offering us a hand. 

Blessings. And prayers. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Day #2594

February 6, 2021 

Today, on Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for much needed precipitation. Yes, it is cold. Yes, it is snowing. But there is moisture falling that the ground desperately needs. 

Thank you, God, for sending what is needed. Amen. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2593

February 5, 2021

A little over a month ago, I received a free two-month introduction to a Guidepost devotional publication called Mornings with Jesus. There are many ways to begin the day in the word, and I utilize probably a half-dozen different devotions, each providing its own unique look at scripture based on who is writing and their experience they match with God’s word. 

Today’s was a good reminder about people. It was based on Psalm 84:1: God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence. (TPT) Cynthia Ruchti wrote about randomly meeting someone at a motel’s continental breakfast. The chance encounter reminded her of the "Jesus bond" people have, even when we do not know one another from before or even for very long. The “Faith Step” for the day: Watch for moments of unexpected Jesus bonds today. Celebrate each one as a joyful gift. 

Chance encounters at the grocery, in elevators, restrooms, waiting rooms, etc., can provide connections that Jesus is waiting to show us and help us celebrate. For those of us who are introverts, it may be a stretch. But it can also be a gift. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2592

February 4, 2021 

Today is World Cancer Day. Praying for all those who are currently in a fight with this disease, giving thanks for those who have conquered it, and remembering those who are now at eternal rest from their battle. 

How long, O Lord, will this disease create such havoc and despair?! Lord, have mercy!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2591

February 3, 2021

I have said before that one of the things I miss right now is spending time each week meeting with the High School Youth. But today I had opportunity to text with one of the college youth, and to see another one who dropped by the office. What joy! 

I am so fortunate to be able to visit with folks when they drop by the building. And look forward to the day we will be able to see each other again regularly!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2590

February 2, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 1:29: As soon as [Jesus and the disciples] left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. (NRSV)

The five men leave the synagogue and enter Simon’s house, but his mother-in-law is ill. Did they know before they went that she was sick? Did they find out after they arrived? Was this the reason Simon invited them there? Did he have plans for Jesus to heal her? Or was this simply the usual activity - worship, home, a meal, rest, an opportunity for fellowship? 

How often have our Sundays been similar - worship, lunch, a nap. When my mother first began to attend worship with us, she looked forward to the promise of lunch afterward. However, she knew she was not invited to lunch unless she went to worship. ;-) I do not know how much the promise of time with hubby and I, and a meal, played a part in her beginning to attend worship, but I was grateful that became a part of her Sunday, and ours.

We miss those times right now. The pandemic has created social distancing and that has become more of the norm. One day we will return to worshipping together in the same building, and having time for fellowship, but what about the healing? There are many we know who would benefit from the touch of Jesus and his lifting them up. 

Perhaps the point, however, is not the immediate healing. Perhaps there is something to learn in the ritual - gather, learn, worship, scatter, and expect Jesus to be present through it all. The healing will come in the way it is meant to, because Jesus IS present. Always.

Blessings. And prayers.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Day #2589

February 1, 2021

This is certainly a picture that will have me smiling this week…

Our Godson's pure joy on a snow day!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2588

 January 31, 2021 

Following an upbeat and first of its kind virtual Annual Meeting, hubby and I took a little ride not far from town. There is a ferry that runs in the summer crossing near this part of the river, but today it was simply a beautiful view. 

Did I mention it was an upbeat Annual Meeting? I give thanks! And for a beautiful day and place of God's creation, I give thanks!

Blessings. And prayers.