Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day #2058

August 20, 2019

All too soon, it was time to say goodbye to Simon and family and head to Baltimore for my training. But before the day ended, there was a little baseball in order. One of the items on my hubby’s wish list has been to see a professional baseball game. So here we are, ready to cheer on the Orioles!! 

We had fun and they even won! All in all, a good evening.

But more importantly, there is Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture, which comes from Luke 18:16: Jesus called for [the disciples] and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (NRSV).

This was chosen specifically for this coming Sunday’s worship as a part of the Back to School Blessing. Yes, Jesus shows a special interest in the children, but then he basically says that all of us should receive the kingdom as a little child. What is significant about receiving as a child? Seems to me that would include openness, a simple trust, and an inquisitive nature. Perhaps those are a part of what Jesus meant. 

But I also think it means joy. As we waited in the airport Friday, there were lots of children to watch. Some of the most fun was having a child catch my eye and me smiling at them. Inevitably the child would smile back, sometimes shyly, but more often with joy because someone smiled at them. As has been said, smiling at children who catch your eye helps them see joy and acceptance in the world. I say, smiles are contagious. And one of the ways I imagine Jesus looking at us, with joy and acceptance. 

May your day be filled with the joy and exuberance of a child and may the kingdom be yours. After all, Jesus desires to give the kingdom to us and opens his arms in welcome. 


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