Friday, August 30, 2019

Day #2068

August 30, 2019

On this 100 anniversary week of Charlie and Nancy Russell being at the Calgary Stampede to show his paintings, hubby and I spent some time in the C. M. Russell Museum looking over his work again. It’s quite the task, and gift, that 32 of the pieces taken to Calgary have been assembled into this one showing called Return to Calgary. It’s also quite the privilege to see this work that speaks so vividly to the west and life here over 100 years ago. To learn more, visit the website C. M. Russell Museum


Day #2067

August 29, 2019

When the week began, it seemed impossible all would be accomplished. Well, with the help of some dedicated and wonderful staff, work items were checked off the list. It feels really good, too! I’m very appreciative!!


Day #2066

August 28, 2019 

What could be a better reminder than this?!


Day #2065

August 27, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 14, verse 11: “For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (NRSV)

At the end of a parable Jesus tells as a response to watching guests vying for places of honor, he reminds them the exalted will be humbled and vice versa. Quite the reminder to not think too highly of ourselves or our position.

This reminds me of a time I went to a dinner where some folks were due to be honored. I found a seat, thinking I was near the back of the room and introduced myself to the folks sitting with me. They were kind and quiet, and had some family members also sitting with them. Later, as the “program” part of the dinner began, I found out this quiet and kind couple were actually the ones being honored. I was so embarrassed - first that I had made a mistake and sat at the table of honor, and second that I didn’t realize who they were. 

No wonder Jesus reminds us to remember our “place.” After all, we are who we are only because of our relationship with God - and because of God, we have a place at the table. With that in mind, why should we be concerned of where our “position” is, especially if it means belittling or judging someone else? 


Day #2064

August 26, 2019 

Here is a laugh for the week in honor of my musically talented friends:

And in honor of National Dog Day, this is where Boomer spends his time waiting for his daddy to come home - right by the back door. No way daddy will get by him without a greeting!!


Day #2063

August 25, 2019

And just like that, summer vacation from school is almost over. Today was the time to bless the students, teachers, and staff, reminding them they do not return to school alone. God is always with them and our prayers are, also. 

It was a joy to bless and pray over them, and to see the congregation stand in support of all those who work to learn, teach and support the students. God’s blessing for a wonderful year of learning. 


Day #2062

August 24, 2019 

Today was the annual Pig Roast for the congregation. What a beautiful afternoon we had - perfect weather, delicious food, great fellowship and conversation, and gracious hosts. Another reminder that being part of a congregation, and doing what I do, is truly a blessing. 

Thank you to everyone who helped make today a fun day!!!


Day #2061

August 23, 2019

We were reminded today, as we finished up our Continuing Education, that when we receive Holy Communion we are the body of Christ receiving the Body of Christ (I didn’t catch who originally said this, but the quote is amazing!). That’s certainly something to think about the next time I receive the sacrament. 

And there was worship…oh, my goodness, it was amazing. The soloist literally caused me to have goosebumps. I’m so thankful she shared her gift with us - true Amazing Grace.

Then, at the end of the day, I am home, ready to sleep in my own bed. It’s been a great week, but when it’s time to be home, it’s time. :-)


Day #2060

August 22, 2019

At worship during the second day of Continuing Education, we were asked to explain to our neighbor what our answer is to the question, “why does Jesus matter?” I talked to my new friend about growing up never feeling like I was enough, or could do enough, or could do what was expected correctly enough. It was hard always feeling like I came up short, especially with God. But then I heard about grace and how Jesus lived, died and rose again because of his pure love for me. His actions of grace meant I was more than enough - I was loved and accepted. But the best news is that his actions of grace are for us all - we are ALL loved and accepted by Jesus. And that is why I believe Jesus DOES matter, I told my friend (with tears in my eyes)!!


Day #2059

August 21, 2019 

The day after we left was back to school day. Here’s the handsome Simon on his first day back.

Prayers for a wonderful year of learning, fun, making friends, and growing!


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Day #2058

August 20, 2019

All too soon, it was time to say goodbye to Simon and family and head to Baltimore for my training. But before the day ended, there was a little baseball in order. One of the items on my hubby’s wish list has been to see a professional baseball game. So here we are, ready to cheer on the Orioles!! 

We had fun and they even won! All in all, a good evening.

But more importantly, there is Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture, which comes from Luke 18:16: Jesus called for [the disciples] and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (NRSV).

This was chosen specifically for this coming Sunday’s worship as a part of the Back to School Blessing. Yes, Jesus shows a special interest in the children, but then he basically says that all of us should receive the kingdom as a little child. What is significant about receiving as a child? Seems to me that would include openness, a simple trust, and an inquisitive nature. Perhaps those are a part of what Jesus meant. 

But I also think it means joy. As we waited in the airport Friday, there were lots of children to watch. Some of the most fun was having a child catch my eye and me smiling at them. Inevitably the child would smile back, sometimes shyly, but more often with joy because someone smiled at them. As has been said, smiling at children who catch your eye helps them see joy and acceptance in the world. I say, smiles are contagious. And one of the ways I imagine Jesus looking at us, with joy and acceptance. 

May your day be filled with the joy and exuberance of a child and may the kingdom be yours. After all, Jesus desires to give the kingdom to us and opens his arms in welcome. 


Day #2057

August 19, 2019 

In a wonderful twist of fate (and irony), Simon and his family live in the same town as some of my hubby’s cousins, and within a short distance of others. So the cousins (and spouses) had a chance to gather for some family time. Can you believe we didn’t take one single picture?! :-( Oh well, the memories are in our hearts and minds…until we gather again. Hopefully soon!

Also, here is a chuckle for the week. I can relate to this many days, but not since we've been on this trip. Too much to write about is more like it. So here's to my author friends, and anyone else with a similar thought. 


Day #2056

August 18, 2019

The day began with worship at the congregation where our Godson’s mom serves. Beautiful sanctuary! Wonderful worship.

But then the afternoon was beyond compare. Time with Simon and his brother…pure joy!!!

Then here’s one of just Simon and me. Love that boy's smile!!! LOVE you, Simon!!! I'm/we're so thankful to be with you!!


Day #2055

August 17, 2019

Oh, how the hassle of yesterday's travel nightmare was worth it!!! Being able to spend time with our Godson’s mom is precious!!! It's been too long!! 

Although enjoying some Carmen’s Ice Cream is almost as good - not quite, but almost. Carmen’s has been a part of my hubby’s whole life because it was founded by a family relation on his mother’s side. 

Isn’t it amazing how some tastes transport you back in time to wonderful memories. And put a smile on your face. Yum!!


Day #2054

August 16, 2019 

Today turned out to be a very, very long, LONG, and frustratingly bad flying day!!!! Delays, less than helpful airline employees, crowds, and more delays all combined to become a real test of our patience. When we finally settled into our room, it was about 1:30 am tomorrow, after beginning at 6:30 am today. I know the trip will be worth all the hassle of today, but the sooner I can forget these last hours, the better.

Yet, there was some humor in the airport. A gate agent made a call for someone to come to the counter and a man behind us happened to stretch at the same moment, raising his hands high into the air. The agent, over the microphone, said, “Is that you, sir?” No, he said, I’m just stretching, and then under his breath said, wow, that’s embarrassing. Out of my mouth popped, “Good thing you aren’t at an auction. I think you would have just bought something,” to which we all had a good chuckle. 

So thanks to the airline employee for giving us something to smile about. And thank you, God, for ultimately having a safe trip.


Day #2053

August 15, 2019

The following seemed not only worthy of sharing, but essential to remember. It is from the WELCA Blog, Daily Grace, and was adapted from “Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings” written by Donna Hacker Smith in the May 1992 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.
I often think that God created children in order to keep theology under control—a sort of safeguard against theologians. One evening when my step-granddaughter Samantha was about four years old, we were relaxing and watching a Cubs game. As the room grew darker, I asked if she wanted a light on. “Why?” she asked. “Because I don’t want you to be afraid of the dark,” I replied. “I’m not afraid,” she answered firmly. “I’m not afraid because you’re here.” She put her arms around my neck and gave me a hug. Salvation is as simple as that. Because God is with me, I’m not afraid. There is no place I will go, no experience I will endure, no darkness I will confront without the presence of my loving Savior to strengthen me. Beneath all the fancy theological language it comes down to this: Because I am with my Lord, I’m not afraid.

Day #2052

August 14, 2019

It is no secret that I treasure Wednesdays. What could be more heartwarming than beginning the day with a Bible Study group? But when one of the folks shares that their most important moment was recently when God spoke directly to their heart, giving them assurance and peace, it is nearly impossible for the day to get any better. 

Thank you, God, for your presence and unexpected grace-filled moments. Help us to always notice them!


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Day #2051

August 13, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Hebrews, chapter 12, verse 1: Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us. (NRSV)

Being surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses gives me such comfort and peace. There are saints from the past who taught and mentored me, and saints of the present who pray for me, encourage me, critique me, and serve with me. There is strength in community, even when there are challenges that can also come along with it. History teaches me that I can run this race of life and discipleship much easier and farther when accompanied by others. And I am grateful God created us to be in relationship. 


Day #2050

August 12, 2019 

The laugh for the week? Just this…


Day #2049

August 11, 2019 

This line from a prayer by Pastor Fred Fritz in the daily devotion, God Pause, seems a good one to remember and pray regularly: “Let Christ’s love move me and move through me.”

How might the world be different if more of us let Christ’s love move us and move through us?!?! I can only imagine!!


Day #2048

August 10, 2019

I had the honor of accompanying a family by providing a Memorial Service for their beloved son/brother/uncle. The man’s death came quite a while ago, but the family was struggling with their grief. As we talked, I was reminded of the importance of gathering to remember, to celebrate a life, to lay a loved one to rest and hear the words of assurance that they have been commended to almighty God. 

Yes, it seems impossibly difficult to “go through” a service, and I understand the desire to delay it, but once again I am grateful for the practice and appreciate its gift. And I am praying for peace for the family.


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Day #2047

August 9, 2019 

Three things marked an intersection of faith for me today:
  • Smokey the Bear turned 75 today. I wonder how many forest fires have been prevented by his gentle reminder that only YOU can prevent forest fires. Happy anniversary and thank you for reminding us to be good stewards of God's creation!
  • At the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, the celebration kicked off for commemorating 50 years of ordaining women in the Lutheran Church (2020 marks 50), 40 years of ordaining women of color, and 10 years of ordaining folks in same gender committed relationships. Wow!
  • And this reminder from author Wesley Granberg-Michaelson. In his book Future Faith: Ten Challenges Reshaping Christianity in the 21st Century, he quotes Jean Varier: “For any community to thrive, there must be more members who can say “me for the community” than those who say “the community for me.”” That is something to certainly think deeply about!

Day #2046

August 8, 2019 

Today was the monthly Ladies: Let’s Do Lunch. It is such a wonderful time for laughter, good food (and great service today!), making friends, and being together. But what I also find remarkable is that in just over two years of doing this once a month, we have not been to the same place twice! 


Day #2045

August 7, 2019 

The word for the day - busy. Work getting done, folks being met, study being accomplished, prayers being said, laughter bringing joy, decisions being made, etc. What a JOY Wednesday can be!


Day #2044

August 6, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Hebrews 11:1: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (NRSV)

The first step is to figure out what conviction here means. According to the dictionary it is a “firmly held belief or opinion.” That helps. So it seems assurance is having confidence that what is promised is what will happen and conviction is believing what the promise is.

This reading goes on to talk about the promise God made to Abraham that he would be the father of many descendants and, really, a nation (the Israelites), even though he was too old to hardly think about having children when God told him he would. I can imagine that would make having confidence in the promise difficult!

Perhaps you have had someone promise you something you doubted might happen. Of course I can get that for you; you don’t have to worry, we’ll be there to fix the problem right away; the check is in the mail; etc. Sometimes those promises sound empty and we don’t see how they might actually happen. But with God's promises, there is a different perspective than with human ones. Humans can have all the good intentions in the world, but not be able to follow through. God, however, is not limited by the things humans are - time, money, resources, energy, a clean heart. 

Sometimes it is still difficult to imagine God's promises being fulfilled, and the evidence can even seem to the contrary (think of hunger, pain, death, etc). Yet, when we are able to take a breath (or a hundred) and trust in faith, God can surprise us beyond imagining (and people can, too). 


PS As we continue in prayer this week for the ELCA Churchwide Assembly, one of the first orders of business was the (re)election of Elizabeth Eaton to the office of Presiding Bishop. Prayers continue as they work through business, etc., this week. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Day #2043

August 5, 2019 

The laugh for the week is actually more a cause to smile. 

Hopefully this “gift” a neighbor found in their yard will give you a smile this week. What a great idea!


Day #2042

August 4, 2019 

Athletes have them. Teachers have them. Doctors have them. Students have them. Officers, EMTs, clerks, etc., etc., all have them. What? Off days. Days when their ability to “do” their profession is simply, off. Maybe they didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Maybe they were distracted by a comment, a critical note they received, an argument they had with someone, or who knows what. Either way, the outcome is that they still do their job, but are just not at their best. 

Knowing everyone has them occasionally doesn’t make it easy, or fun, to experience one of these days. However, since today was one of those "off" days for me, I’m thankful that they are only 24 hours long. And that folks are still gracious - thank you! But mostly, I'm grateful that tomorrow is another day!


Day #2041

August 3, 2019

The word for the day - reading. While catching up on some important reading and learning, I realize how thankful I am for books, words, thoughts others put on paper, and being able to read them. What a gift!


Day #2040

August 2, 2019 

This spoke to me from Richard Rohr’s Daily Devotion: 
The black scientist George Washington Carver [1864?–1943] . . . stressed that “how far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.”
Good reminder. And very true.  


Day #2039

August 1, 2019 

Today included a reminder that sometimes being a follower of Christ and being faithful to God is a difficult calling. It can mean listening to God’s direction when it seems opposite of what I want. It can mean making difficult decisions that go against our own wishes. It can mean letting go of things that seem impossible to do without. It can mean putting the needs of someone else in front of what I think I cannot do without. It can mean asking the question, what is God up to in the midst of this, and truly being open to the answer. It can mean C - H - A - N - G - E. And it can also mean something wonderful and beyond anything we can imagine ourselves. 

Reminds me of the story Pastor Rob Bell tells of his son holding on so tightly to crushed shell pieces that he misses picking up a perfect starfish - afraid to let go of what he knows, even if it’s imperfect, to be open to something that truly is perfect. 

Good reminders!


Day #2038

July 31, 2019

Today during Bible Study we took a look at a couple of our fellow Christian denominations in answer to questions from last week. This meant doing some refresher on Church History. Professor Christiansen from seminary days would be proud. I just wish I could remember more of what I learned without having to look it up. Sigh!


Day #2037

July 30, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Ecclesiastes 2:21: because sometimes one who has toiled with wisdom and knowledge and skill must leave all to be enjoyed by another who did not toil for it. (NRSV)

Ecclesiastes is the same book that gives us the scripture in chapter 3: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”…a time to be born, a time to die, etc. And when it is our time to leave this earth through death, we know we do not take anything with us. We leave as we came into the world, without any “stuff” at all. And yet, while on the earth, we spend a tremendous amount of time toiling - learning to toil, growing into a vocation of toil, working hard and grinding away. Which begs the question, just how much do we put our trust in the “stuff” - bank accounts, health, retirement savings, material possessions, etc. - that we accumulate? And another question similar to that one - how does the world tell us that what we have accumulated will provide for everything we might ever need? Then there is this - we probably all know a family torn apart by fighting over the “stuff” amassed by the now deceased. 

Yet, what are we to do? Not work? Not collect? Not save? Just sit and let someone else take care of us when we are perfectly capable of doing our own share of toil? I really don’t think that is ultimately what this is about, accumulating “stuff.” I believe it is more about the Who we can put our trust in. We can trust God who provides all, including Jesus and the promise of eternal life. 

Besides, God actually is the owner of all anyway - we are simply caretakers/stewards. Makes trusting the “stuff” that doesn’t really belong to us seem foolish after all, doesn’t it?!


Day #2036

July 29, 2019

According to a Google search, Willis Wheatley of the United Church of Canada has been credited with the laugh for today - the original drawing of a laughing Jesus.

Thank you!! I can’t help but smile every time I see it!!!


Day #2035

July 28, 2019 

We took a trip back in time to see the Four Tops in concert at the local fair. We had the privilege of seeing them 30 years ago, and they are just as good today as then, even though only one of the Tops is an original (he's on the far right). 

And what fun to see some “local” folks we know playing in the back-up band. All in all a fun night!
