Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day #716

December 17, 2015

Once again, Chris Cash has written words in d365 “think” that speak deeply to my heart:
We're not entirely sure why Mary chooses to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Neither of them had expected to become pregnant until angels showed up, bringing news of what was to come. Mary is younger, Elizabeth is older, but they both are experiencing the disruption of this life-changing event. The bonds of love between them include not just blood relation, but this shared experience. This is a joyous yet uncertain time for them both. God's love is shown to us in many different ways. Sometimes it comes in the form of the love and support of others who know a bit of what it's like to face what we are going through and walk in our shoes. Mary and Elizabeth are able to lovingly walk with one another through this time. Who has been that type of person in your life? Who around you is now going through something you've faced or are still facing? How might the two of you be able to help one another?
I have been fortunate to have countless folks in my life who have walked with me through good times and bad. Sometimes they are folks who experienced something similar - sometimes they are just empathetic folks who show they care - not by giving advice or fixing things, but by just being there to listen and care.

And so, I join with Chris Cash in praying, with deep appreciation:
God of Love, thank you for the gift of others to walk with me through the journey of life. May both my joys and struggles help me be a better friend to others who face similar things. Amen.

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