Friday, February 20, 2015

Day #414

February 18, 2015

And the Season of Lent begins again with Ash Wednesday. Lent is a season in the church year with a focus on penitence and reflection, a time of intentional focus on our lives of faith. I wrote this description as I thought about Lent, so I share it here:
On Ash Wednesday, we receive ashes traced on our foreheads in the shape of a cross. This is a reminder to us of the journey of faith that begins in baptism, when we are claimed as child of God and marked with the sign of the cross. Our journey ends as we return to dust again on this earth, being transformed into the glory of Christ through his death and resurrection. This season and its focus on repentance, disciplines of faith, and our overall relationship with God can move us toward deeper faith and understanding of the daily need for God’s love and grace. May our Lenten journey be fruitful and faithful.
And for some food for thought regarding what we might hope for an outcome of this particular Lenten Season, here’s a list to consider: 40 Things to Give Up for Lent

Seems Lent just might be more fruitful than simply 40+ days without soda, bread, chocolate or FaceBook. Hmm..


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