Monday, April 25, 2022

Day #3024

April 12, 2022 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 24:1: But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, [the women] came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. (NRSV)

On this Tuesday in Holy Week, we jump to the end of the week. Well, really the beginning of the next week - the third day. Jesus has died on the cross, following a “mock” trial and flogging. When his disciples left him alone, abandoned, the women stood as witnesses to all the horror. 

I cannot imagine their despair, their fear, their gut-wrenching pain. It begs the question, how did they find the strength to do what needed to be done? To properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial? Perhaps the clue is in that simple first word…but. But no matter what has happened, there is more to be done. There is a loving task, a preparation. And they find the strength, or perhaps allow God to give them the strength, to make happen what is needed. And in doing so, they are blessed beyond imagining. They are the first to find the tomb empty. The first to be reminded of Jesus’ promise before his death. The first to be able to tell others about the amazing news. 

What in your life has seemed impossible to move forward from? But, in being buoyed by God to move ahead, how have there been blessings beyond compare? How has God helped you find new life? Unimaginable strength? Hope? 

Blessings. And prayers.

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