March 24, 2022
It seemed this entry for today in the Guideposts Devotional, “Walking in Grace,” was worth sharing:
Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV)
“Oh my goodness,” I say, as I catch myself in the mirror. “My earth suit is melting.”
Ah, yes, it’s true. Though I don’t usually take time to dwell on it, the skin on my face and neck, ever so slightly, like a slow-burning candle, creeps down. Though smiling sort of keeps things at an even keel, I can’t possibly smile all the time. So I simply accept the inevitable “melt.”
“Oh, well,” I say to myself as I jump into the day, “I won’t need this earth suit forever anyway.”
And to my way of seeing things, it does make sense. I seemed to have been sucked into this body with my first breath, and it’s been the vehicle to make my way through life ever since. I feel a keen responsibility to maintain it as best I can. Eating healthfully, exercising, taking long walks, appreciating beauty, and talking often to the Father are all ways to stay “tuned up.”
But I’ve always had a sense that I’m just a temporary resident of this earth form. You surely know the feeling. Gazing out a window, kicking through fall leaves, showing kindness, loving simply - they are all moments when our spirit flies free from this old earth suit and hovers ever close to the face of God.
A spirit “hath not flesh and bones” (Luke 24:39 KJV), so as the years pass by, and my earth suit grows more wobbly, I hope I can always remember that the “suit” is not who I am. I am hope, belief, joy flying free, a spirit on my way back home, where our Father waits.
Father, on the day I ditch my earth suit, spread Your arms and welcome me home. Pam Kidd
Wow - what an image a "melting earth suit" is for me. And a good reminder in this season of Lent that this "earth form" is only temporary. The relationship God has provided eternally is perfect. And amazing! Thanks be to God.
Blessings. And prayers.
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