Monday, April 25, 2022

Day #3030

April 18, 2022

A smile for the week...and a cartoon returns. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3029

April 17, 2022 

Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Oh how grateful I am for joy-filled worship, amazing Good News to share, and a group of young folks to share it with. Alleluia!

Thanks to a member who took this picture, I have a wonderful reminder of the day.

Thanks be to God that we could celebrate together once again! Alleluia! He is risen indeed!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3028

April 16, 2022

On this Holy [Satisfied] Saturday, I am thankful for hope. The promise that our waiting is not in vain. The trust that new life comes from death, that there is resurrection, and that the seed which fell into the ground will grow into something amazing. 

Hope. It is what makes waiting for tomorrow worthwhile. And possible. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3027

April 15, 2022 

Good Friday. The tomb is closed with Jesus inside. We “heard” the rock rolled in front of the tomb. We exited worship in silence. 

Now we wait. But not without hope. It is, after all, Good Friday.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3026

April 14, 2022

On this Maundy Thursday, as we focused in worship on Jesus’ commandment to love one another, it occurred to me that we might actually need Judas. We need a traitor to be one of Jesus’ closest companions and disciples. 

What on earth am I talking about?! Well, consider that Jesus welcomed Judas, even though he knew what he would do. Consider that Judas was at dinner with all the rest and also had his feet washed. Consider that Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another - even Judas. 

What could we possibly do that would be more unimaginable than betraying the Son of God to arrest and death? And yet, if Judas was still loved by Jesus, certainly we will be. Surely and truly.

So it is Judas, of all people, who can remind us of this truth! Amazing!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3025

April 13, 2022 

This from the [Henri] Nouwen Meditation for today spoke deeply to my soul: 

The word faith is often understood as accepting something you can’t understand. People often say: “Such and such can’t be explained, you simply have to believe it.” However, when Jesus talks about faith, he means first of all to trust unreservedly that you are loved, so that you can abandon every false way of obtaining love. That’s why Jesus tells Nicodemus that, through faith in the descending love of God, we will be set free from anxiety and violence and will find eternal life. It’s a question here of trusting in God’s love. The Greek word for faith is pistis, which means, literally, “trust.” Whenever Jesus says to people he has healed: “Your faith has saved you,” he is saying that they have found new life because they have surrendered in complete trust to the love of God revealed in him.

Imagine that having faith is not some kind of courage, but instead about trusting we are loved?! Already! And that Jesus is the embodiment of that love! Something to deeply ponder!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3024

April 12, 2022 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 24:1: But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, [the women] came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. (NRSV)

On this Tuesday in Holy Week, we jump to the end of the week. Well, really the beginning of the next week - the third day. Jesus has died on the cross, following a “mock” trial and flogging. When his disciples left him alone, abandoned, the women stood as witnesses to all the horror. 

I cannot imagine their despair, their fear, their gut-wrenching pain. It begs the question, how did they find the strength to do what needed to be done? To properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial? Perhaps the clue is in that simple first word…but. But no matter what has happened, there is more to be done. There is a loving task, a preparation. And they find the strength, or perhaps allow God to give them the strength, to make happen what is needed. And in doing so, they are blessed beyond imagining. They are the first to find the tomb empty. The first to be reminded of Jesus’ promise before his death. The first to be able to tell others about the amazing news. 

What in your life has seemed impossible to move forward from? But, in being buoyed by God to move ahead, how have there been blessings beyond compare? How has God helped you find new life? Unimaginable strength? Hope? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3023

April 11, 2022 

Perhaps a “cartoon” is inappropriate for Holy Week, yet this visual reminder of its events does make me smile...and give thanks!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3022

April 10, 2022 

Following two Palm Sundays without in-house worship, it was a joy to add a procession to the worship experience that begins Holy Week. Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. 

Also, today was the last instruction class for this year’s Confirmation students. The next time we meet will be the yearend “celebration” and presentation of final projects. It is hard to believe the year is almost over. 

Today’s class was important as we read through the events of the Passion with the students, stopping to explain and invite questions. I was overwhelmed when a student who is usually shy in speaking up came to me at the end of class to say a sincere “Thank you.” Wow! The story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem certainly deserves a thank you…and a wow!

May your Holy Week be filled with wonder, hope and assurance. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Day #3021

April 9, 2022

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful that God is always with me, as I was reminded by Courtney Jones Willis in her writing today for the daily devotion, d365:

What is the last thing you faced that was really hard? Perhaps you are in the midst of a difficult time right now. Sometimes it feels like we might always feel sad or disappointed or angry. In those times we might turn to the advice of friends, to our phones, or to unhealthy habits to offer us relief from those feelings. 

But, our scriptures remind us that we can always turn to God in those tough times. We can go to God with any of our emotions and trust that God will hear our prayers. While God doesn’t promise to take away the hard things, God does promise to be close to us. 

Next time you are sad, what might it look like if you asked God to be with you in your sadness? How might that turn your stress and disappointment into peace? 

Remember that God wants us to draw closer when life gets tough, and God promises to be there.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3020

April 8, 2022 

The word for today - beautiful. As in the weather. Warm, sunny, a bit breezy, but not too bad. A beautiful spring day!

But…sounds like winter will soon be back. Yikes! Guess it really is still spring. Haha!

Blessings. And prayers.

PS If the winter-like weather brings moisture, all the better. It is certainly needed!!

Day #3019

April 7, 2022

The word for the day - accomplishment. A project at the congregation that has been in the works for a while took another step toward being completed today. Woohoo!! 

I am so excited for the new “parlor” to be finished. Thank you to those who have worked hard (and will) to make this happen!


Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3018

April 6, 2022 

Happy 406 Day - a point of pride for the state. Yes, we only have one area code (406), so April 6 is a day to celebrate this beautiful state. 

To celebrate, I share a picture of the beauty (the Rocky Mountain Front) we see most days when we leave our neighborhood. 

Happy 406! So thankful to call you home!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3017

April 5, 2022

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 19:29-31: When [Jesus] had come near Bethphage and Bethany, at the place called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of the disciples, saying, "Go into the village ahead of you, and as you enter it you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, 'Why are you untying it?' just say this, 'The Lord needs it.’" (NRSV) 

There is plenty about the events of Holy Week that seem odd or cause us to ponder. From Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, through his arrest, trial, crucifixion and his resurrection, there are so many questions - how did he endure, why was he betrayed by one of his own disciples, why did the people turn from shouting hosanna to crucify him in just one week, how did he rise again? These are only a few of the questions the week can bring, beginning with this scripture for Palm Sunday.

The idea that Jesus sent two of his disciples ahead of all this with the instruction to “borrow” a colt and the only collateral offered was that “The Lord needs it,” is certainly cause for head-scratching. Imagine being the owner of said colt. What?! The Lord needs it?! What Lord? For how long? Will I get paid? I mean, imagine going to a car lot and asking for the keys to a new car because “the Lord needs it” (imagine a grin on my face as I wonder about this). 

Yet, all that is in motion is for a reason. Certainly the prophesy was that Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a colt. Was that enough for the owner of the colt to willingly let it go? Or is it just another of the seemingly amazing parts of the week? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3016

April 4, 2022 

Whew! Another busy day included me sharing my “journey” with the folks at the Young at Heart gathering. What a gracious group of folks - and what a large gathering. It was a bit overwhelming, but also fun to talk about me (who doesn't enjoy - at least a little - talking about themself?!) and God’s touch on my life, including the important people who have helped and guided me along the way. 

Somehow, this smile for the week seems appropriate. Hope you enjoy!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3015

April 3, 2022 

We completed the Catechism Refresher class today. What fun I had, and I think others did, also. It was wonderful to learn once again about the Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments and more. Oh, and the questions were great. 

What a joy! What an important reminder about God and God's desire for relationship.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3014

April 2, 2022

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for Tax Preparers. As I looked through the wealth of paperwork that went into figuring our 2021 taxes, I am grateful someone else knows how to do all this. 

Thank you for faithfully taking care of us every year. You are a gift!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3013

April 1, 2022 

Another April Fool’s Day. 

I have to admit, I sorta miss some of the tricks we used to play at various places of employment. One of the most fun was the day the boss walked in and we told him the power was out, so we might as well go home. He promptly went to the wall and flipped the switch, but nothing happened (we had thought to pull the breaker). We almost had him convinced. Fun times!

But today was the opposite of a trick - the idea for the sermon came together rather easily. Thank you, God, for the gift of proclaiming your Word and you helping me figure out how to do so!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3012

March 31, 2022 

In the article, ““Mary” Easter,” written by Angela !Khabeb for LivingLutheran magazine's April, 2022, issue, she reminds us that Mary does not recognize Jesus when she first encounters him out of the tomb on that original Easter morning. “Mired in misery, Mary can’t make out the Messiah’s voice.” 

This reminded me of the times I cannot see the way out of a dilemma or bad situation. In those times, I recall being so “mired” in the situation that I cannot imagine a way through it. To that end, Angela writes:

In these few short hours, Mary has traveled a vast emotional landscape: devastating and traumatic grief at the murder of her dear friend, fear of meeting a smilier fate, the intricate honor of maintaining burial traditions, astonishment, confusion and agony at the tomb and in the garden. But all these disparate feelings give way to sheer, abundant and unencumbered joy when Jesus calls her by name!

Wow! To have the Master call me by name! What an amazing experience that would be. 

But then, Jesus does call us by name - claimed in the waters of baptism as a beloved member of God’s family, Jesus also calls to us in the meal - the body of Christ given for you, the blood of Christ shed for you.

Do we hear him?

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3011

March 30, 2022 

Whew, the days are getting busy! Certainly it is Wild and Wacky Wednesday, but there seems so much extra to plan and do.

Ahhh…I know what it is! Holy Week is coming! Will not be long now. Wow! And yikes!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3010

March 29, 2022

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is from Isaiah 43:19: [Thus says the Lord] I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. (NRSV)

Stephen Ingram from the Daily Devotion, d365, had this to say about this scripture:

I love camping with my family. When we go camping my kids discuss all of the fun things we will do, the hikes we will go on, and the place where we will camp. Do you know what they do not discuss? Food, how to get there, if Dad packed the tent, firewood, water. They do not worry about any of the things that really and truly matter because they trust that their mom and I have it all taken care of.  

I wonder how different the adventures God calls us on would be if we took on that same mentality? What we often forget is that when God calls us, God also equips us. If you feel God calling you into something, big or small, stop counting the cost and living in fear of not having enough provision, because that is a part of the call. When we follow, God provides. 

What new thing might God be calling you to investigate? What new thing might God be calling your congregation to explore? What new thing might God be calling our world into? God provides what we need, including our hands and feet and minds. Can we trust that God makes the way, even when we are not able to see it?

Blessings. And prayers.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Day #3009

March 28, 2022 

Here is a smile for the week:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3008

March 27, 2022 

I had a humbling experience in Catechism Refresher Class. I did the very thing I was talking about - I lashed out at someone and thereby, asked for forgiveness. 

It is hard to admit when I am wrong, but I was this morning. I am thankful, however, to know that I also can be forgiven. And hopeful that I learn from the experience. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3007

March 26, 2022 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for having the opportunity to see an amazing sight - God’s creation experienced through the migration of Snow Geese. 

The picture tells a part of the story, yes, but the sounds and the beauty experienced in person are incredible. I am so thankful for the opportunity to witness this, for this amazing part of the country, and for God’s beauty in creation. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3006

March 25, 2022

The word for the day - thankful!! 

When I had cataract surgery months ago, a large (really large) portion of the bill was denied for payment. I have been concerned about what we might do if this is not resolved. I have also been frustrated waiting for an answer. Today I discovered there has been a lack of communication on many levels and a really nice and understanding claims representative has promised to help me. I am so grateful!!

Sometimes God’s intersection comes in unexpected places. Today, it came through the claims department of an insurance company where prayers were answered. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3005

March 24, 2022 

It seemed this entry for today in the Guideposts Devotional, “Walking in Grace,” was worth sharing: 

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return to God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV)

“Oh my goodness,” I say, as I catch myself in the mirror. “My earth suit is melting.”

Ah, yes, it’s true. Though I don’t usually take time to dwell on it, the skin on my face and neck, ever so slightly, like a slow-burning candle, creeps down. Though smiling sort of keeps things at an even keel, I can’t possibly smile all the time. So I simply accept the inevitable “melt.” 

“Oh, well,” I say to myself as I jump into the day, “I won’t need this earth suit forever anyway.” 

And to my way of seeing things, it does make sense. I seemed to have been sucked into this body with my first breath, and it’s been the vehicle to make my way through life ever since. I feel a keen responsibility to maintain it as best I can. Eating healthfully, exercising, taking long walks, appreciating beauty, and talking often to the Father are all ways to stay “tuned up.” 

But I’ve always had a sense that I’m just a temporary resident of this earth form. You surely know the feeling. Gazing out a window, kicking through fall leaves, showing kindness, loving simply - they are all moments when our spirit flies free from this old earth suit and hovers ever close to the face of God.

A spirit “hath not flesh and bones” (Luke 24:39 KJV), so as the years pass by, and my earth suit grows more wobbly, I hope I can always remember that the “suit” is not who I am. I am hope, belief, joy flying free, a spirit on my way back home, where our Father waits. 

Father, on the day I ditch my earth suit, spread Your arms and welcome me home. Pam Kidd

Wow - what an image a "melting earth suit" is for me. And a good reminder in this season of Lent that this "earth form" is only temporary. The relationship God has provided eternally is perfect. And amazing! Thanks be to God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #3004

March 23, 2022 

On this Wonderful Wednesday, I enjoyed a gift. Because she is preaching on Sunday, our Intern led Bible Studies today. What a joy to hear another voice and other insights. Oh, she has been such a gift this year, and today was just one example. 

Blessings. And prayers.

PS Another word for the day is thankful - for some work that needed to be done on our house getting completed. We had begun to wonder if it would happen, since we had been rescheduled several times. But it is now done. Yay!!!

Day #3003

March 22, 2022

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Second Corinthians 5:20a: So we are ambassadors for Christ, since God is making his appeal through us. (NRSV) 

The dictionary defines ambassador as: an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. Also, a person who acts as a representative. 

The writer of Corinthians indicates we are those for Christ, God’s own Son. What kind of responsibility is that?! One, quite frankly, that seems overwhelming and too much. Yikes! What about the times that I act in ways that are not Christ-like? What about the times I am selfish with the gifts God has entrusted to me? What about the times I lose my temper, respond inappropriately, or look at others with a judging attitude? Those are certainly not ways that I act as ambassador, but as one focused on myself. 

Therefore, I find comfort in the second half of the 20th verse: we entreat you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (NRSV) Why? Because God does reconcile us to God’s self and even helps us have faith in the promise of reconciliation through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. 

Please, Oh Lord, may I be faithful to your gift of faith and grace that reconciles me to you so that I may be the ambassador you need to help others also believe. Amen. 

Blessings. And prayers.