February 1, 2022
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 5:4: When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” (NRSV)
It had been a long day, actually a long couple of days, with little rest or sleep at night. I was working on a retreat weekend and that is normal. Lots to do and little time to rest.
Now someone was in pain, spiritual pain. They needed a pastor, now. They needed to talk and be assured. So I went to find one of the pastors (long before I became one) also working on the retreat. When I found him and told him what was happening, his words were: “My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.” He was so tired, so weary. Yet, he found enough energy to go. And the person in need was helped and grateful.
I thought of this when I read the verse above. The disciples had fished all night with nothing to show. No fish, no catch, nothing to take home for the family. And here Jesus tells them, go back out and try once again. I can imagine Simon thinking, what do you know about fishing, teacher?!?! I’m done!
But those were not his words. No, Simon answered, “…if you say so, I will let down the nets.” And the catch was beyond amazing.
That is a message for me, also. If you say so, Jesus, I will try once again. I will let down my resistance, hesitation, fear, anger, etc., and try again. And it will be different this time, for I will trust you are with me. And with you, anything is possible.
Blessings. And prayers.