Saturday, February 19, 2022

Day #2972

February 19, 2022 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for all types of flowers. 

Hubby brought these to me on Valentine’s Day. All week their aroma has filled the house and this is the last of eight blooms to open. 

Flowers are such a joy - colors, aroma, signs of season changes. Oh, and they usually make folks smile. What better thing could God have provided for our joy?!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2971

February 18, 2022 

Spring is coming…the first gopher has found its way under our fence into the backyard. ðŸ˜²

Now that is a better sign the season is coming than a Groundhog seeing its shadow or not, don’t you think!?

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2970

February 17, 2022

The word for the day…difficult. That is what endings can be…difficult. 

I firmly believe, however, that God will provide for us all in this new chapter. In fact, God already is. 

And, folks are being very supportive. Thank you!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2969

February 16, 2022 

Well, the process has begun. Following protocol for our denomination, I have begun to tell folks that I plan to retire from active ministry effective June 7 of this year. 

Wow, there it is in writing. And today I said it out loud to our council president, and to the Executive Committee. I will tell Congregation Council tomorrow evening and a letter will also be mailed to everyone in the congregation tomorrow. 

Perhaps what someone said is what I needed to hear the most - when you get to the age of retirement, there is only a narrow window of time when you will most likely be able to do the things you want before your body says, no more. So take this chance. 

My parents and my in-laws found that to be true. I hope hubby and I can enjoy this time a little more than they were able to do. 

Meanwhile, I pray thank you to God for an amazing 14+ years, 7+ in two wonderful places. I am beyond thankful. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2968

February 15, 2022 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. (NRSV)

The Golden Rule. Wikipedia defines it this way: 

The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in most religions and cultures. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently. 

But I wonder about that word in the last sentence - reciprocity. Or exchange. Have I treated others in certain ways expecting them to return the “favor?” Of course I have. I let someone in front of me at the store and expect that to happen to me when I am in a hurry and have only a couple of items. But, sadly, that is not always the case.

Perhaps, then, Jesus does not mean this exactly. Certainly treating others as we would want to be treated is a good thing, as long as we do not expect the same behavior back to us. After all, in this verse Jesus is in the middle of teaching about loving enemies, turning the other cheek, etc. That is behavior that is way past just being kind. 

And frankly, not something I can do on my own. Which, then, is where verse 36 gives me hope - God is merciful. God is able to do what I cannot on my own. And because God is merciful and loves in the way of grace (not expecting return), then I can, with God’s help, love my enemy and pray for them.

Is there someone or something you need God’s help in loving? God is waiting to help. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2967

February 14, 2022 

On this Valentine’s Day, what more could there be to smile about today, all week, and every day than God’s love:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2966

February 13, 2022

This is from the Women of the ELCA blog, Daily Grace, and is an excerpt from “Long Live Galentine’s Day!” by Mary Button in the February 2021 Cafe online magazine.

Leslie Knope, the eternal optimist of the television show Parks and Recreation, creates “Galentine’s Day,” a holiday to celebrate her women friends – every February 13. Years after this episode aired, women across the country still celebrate Galentine’s Day. 

I can’t reflect on the importance of friendships in my life without mentioning my favorite proclamation of love in Scripture: Ruth’s promise to her mother-in-law, Naomi, in Ruth 1:16. 

Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to abandon you… Wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” (Common English Bible) 

God’s love follows me wherever I go. My friends have loved me through worse than this. The type of love we have for our friends is the same type of love God has for us. God roots for us the way that our friends do!

So to all my “gal” friends, Happy Day!!

Blessings. And prayers. 

Day #2965

February 12, 2022 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for appliances. Things like washer/dryers, stoves, can openers, hairdryers, you name it, can all make life a bit easier. I cannot imagine washing clothes with a tub of water, washboard and soap (I know, I am definitely spoiled!). 

Needless to say, I have great admiration and respect for those who homesteaded without all these conveniences. And while I also know that some things just give us excuses to waste time (like those games on my cellphone), I am grateful for the time-savers, too.

Thank you, God, for the intelligence and curiosity that led to inventions like my vacuum cleaner and refrigerator. Amen. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2964

February 11, 2022 

I had a surprise this morning at o’dark o'clock. As I let Boomer out for his early morning break, the deck and yard were covered with a very pretty coating of snow (sorry for there being no pictures - it was too early!). 

God’s world can look so beautiful with a layer of snow. All is equal, clean and fresh. And the muffled sound is enchanting.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2963

February 10, 2022 

What an inspiring and exciting conversation was had at a committee meeting this morning - ways to reach out into the community, especially to youth. I enjoy dreaming and wondering, but I enjoy even more those who can possibly turn those dreams into reality. 

What will the summer bring? Who might find church people to be friendly and caring where they had been skeptical or even ignorant about them before? Who might be invited to participate? There is no telling what God might have in store that we can come alongside!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2962

February 9, 2022

Ahhh…Wednesday. Have I mentioned before that I LOVE Wednesday?! I certainly do! For many reasons.

One was today as we joked at High School Breakfast/Coffee that this is the first time it has not been cold, icy and snowy on the day we meet since we started this year (I think that is accurate - it is at least close). In other words, this Wednesday was a beautiful day, making it hard to believe the difference one week can make. 

And for Boomer, it was a beautiful day, also. His stitches are out and the Vet said he could not have healed better. Woohoo!!! Now he has another nickname - Snaggletooth. Poor boy!

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Day #2961

February 8, 2022 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Jeremiah 17:7-8: Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit. (NRSV)

Water. It is vital to our existence as humans, really for most all things - plants, animals, etc. It is also something we humans struggle and fight over - water rights, clean water, potable water, etc. Yet the prophet Jeremiah likens water to trust. 

When I was a kid, we lived in a house with a well. We were only two houses outside the city limits, but we were not a part of the municipality’s system. It was troubling. I often heard things like, “keep that shower short so we don’t run out of water.” Or “do you have to wash so many clothes?” Or, “use as little water as possible for doing dishes.” Fear of running out became the mantra in our household, made even more loudly in times of drought or little rain. 

I wonder how different my childhood might have been with the idea of trusting in the Lord being like a tree reaching its roots to the source of water? Hmm…

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2960

February 7, 2022

Whether it is your child or someone else’s, I imagine you probably know the feeling of what I hope brings a smile this week, especially the comparison to God's lap. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2959

February 6, 2022 

We had a guest speaker at worship this morning. He is from a local ministry for homeless Vets and one who has his own story of being on the street and without hope. He gave an inspiring testimony - he spoke honestly about who he is, where he has been and how God has been with him all along.

Thank you for sharing your story. And thank you, God, for tying it into the message from the gospel. God is good!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2958

February 5, 2022 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for healing, specifically today for the healing of animals. It is so hard to know how they hurt, or where they hurt, but we can often tell when they do. 

As I wrote on Day 2948, our Boomer had to have a tooth removed. He seems to be doing really well - healing is taking place (we can tell because he is tired of soft food and not being able to play). We will know more on Wednesday when he has a follow-up appointment with the vet, but all seems to be well. Thanks be to God!

Also, thank you for those who have asked about how he is doing. He’s a real trooper. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2957

February 4, 2022 

I am a woman on a mission - to have tax information ready for the preparer before February 15. Yes, that is early, but things will get really busy once Lent begins. And I am determined to be ready early this year. 

Also, for as many things as I put down on the list for her, I also seem to be putting pieces of paper in the box to shred (not for year 2021, but from ten years ago). I must say, it is freeing to be more unencumbered from paper! Amazing how a little thing can make one feel lighter. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2956

February 3, 2022 

The second part of the Continuing Education on trauma (see Day 2949) was also very helpful today. 

One of the things the instructor mentioned is that we have begun to see one another as “vectors of disease.” That seems to be true. But I wonder…what would Jesus say to that?! Probably that we should instead see one another as Children of God. That changes things, doesn’t it!?

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2955

February 2, 2022 

Today’s Intersection came in three ways:

1. It is 2’s day - 2nd month, 2nd day, 22nd year. Two’s day, and it will not happen again for 100 years. Someone very clever thought of this. I think it is cool and worth celebrating. 

2. It is also Groundhog Day. Now, I do not hold much stock in a groundhog predicting when winter will end, or spring arrive, but it’s a fun day. I also understand our Godson’s stepdad dressed for the occasion. 

He’s the one in the middle with the pink shirt, in case you are wondering. 😉

3. Early, on the way into work on this cold morning, I saw a simple “I love you” written in the snow on the back of someone’s car. It made me smile and hope it also helped the car’s owner smile and have a good day. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2954

February 1, 2022 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 5:4: When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” (NRSV)

It had been a long day, actually a long couple of days, with little rest or sleep at night. I was working on a retreat weekend and that is normal. Lots to do and little time to rest. 

Now someone was in pain, spiritual pain. They needed a pastor, now. They needed to talk and be assured. So I went to find one of the pastors (long before I became one) also working on the retreat. When I found him and told him what was happening, his words were: “My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak.” He was so tired, so weary. Yet, he found enough energy to go. And the person in need was helped and grateful. 

I thought of this when I read the verse above. The disciples had fished all night with nothing to show. No fish, no catch, nothing to take home for the family. And here Jesus tells them, go back out and try once again. I can imagine Simon thinking, what do you know about fishing, teacher?!?! I’m done!

But those were not his words. No, Simon answered, “…if you say so, I will let down the nets.” And the catch was beyond amazing. 

That is a message for me, also. If you say so, Jesus, I will try once again. I will let down my resistance, hesitation, fear, anger, etc., and try again. And it will be different this time, for I will trust you are with me. And with you, anything is possible. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Day #2953

January 31, 2022 

This picture is one I have seen several times, but each time it makes me smile. I hope it brings you a smile this week, also. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2952

January 30, 2022 

The word for the day - thankful. The Annual Meeting is complete. A new slate of leaders has been approved, along with a new budget and a decision for how to steward an overage of funds from 2021. 

What more is there to be thankful for? Well, another year ahead, of course. 

God is good. All the time!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2951

January 29, 2022 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for the opportunity to hold an Annual Meeting in the congregation. 

Every year, reports are generated reviewing the year. Ultimately, it is about what happened through committees/folks and their stewardship of time, talent and treasure.

I give thanks for this opportunity to see how God has been with us, led us, blessed us, and how we have been a blessing to others. Can we do more? Always. Should we give thanks. Oh, most definitely. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2950

January 28, 2022

Hubby and I had some errands to run today. One of the stores we went to was simply to ask for help. When we arrived, a young man was the only one there. As I looked at his attire and such, I wondered if this would be an effort in futility. 

How wrong I was to judge the “book by the cover.” He was so helpful and nice. We received more than we expected, or probably deserved. 

So I was reminded, and chagrined, to be careful in how I view others in the world. What I see on the outside is not what God wants me to ultimately see!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2949

January 27, 2022

Perhaps one of the best Continuing Education opportunities happened today. It was a Zoom event on Trauma in Our Bodies and Brains. A retired clinical psychologist led this event about what happens in our brains and bodies when we are subjected to prolonged trauma, such as the last two years of pandemic. In order to help us understand, she expanded on the meaning of the word trauma: 

Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.

What seems to happen is that our brains tell our bodies that we should be on the alert to “fight or flight,” sending us into a state of reaction instead of thinking clearly. This plays out in various ways - acting out, exhaustion, forgetfulness, sleep pattern changes, weight gain, etc. Ultimately, we spend more time managing crisis instead of visioning or creating for the future. And with this prolonged event of COVID, our brains are in this mode almost continuously, even when we are sleeping. We are, literally, waiting for the next trauma/disaster, or so our brains tell us. 

Are there answers to this state of being? As we spend more time reacting versus responding, how can we move ahead faithfully and without fear? One idea is to move slower. To create more safe space for folks to process. 

Seems to me, simply having this knowledge is important and valuable. Along with my asking God to help me care about others, and myself, by being patient and understanding. 

Thank you to our Synod for providing us with this education piece! It is truly a gift.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2948

January 26, 2022 

Several weeks ago, folks in our synod were given an invitation to write a devotion, or two, for the seasons of Christmas and Epiphany. They were then published into a booklet and shared widely. 

It was my pleasure to participate. Obviously, I find joy in writing (note: this IS blogging day 2,948), sharing ideas and thoughts about God. I share here the devotion I wrote that was included for yesterday:

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 

Conversion of Paul – Acts 9:1-22 

He stood behind his supervisor lightly tapping him on the shoulder. Our five-foot-ten intern was trying to get the attention of our six-foot- four pastor and it was not working. Eventually someone said to him, you will have to make it more obvious you need him. Get in front of him, tap him harder, or call his name loudly. 

This memory came to mind as I thought about what it took for Jesus to get Saul’s attention. A blinding light that knocked him to the ground and a voice that spoke directly to him. What are you doing, Saul? Why are you persecuting me?

Saul finally heard Jesus’ message and repented. He became humble enough to not only listen but allow his companions to help him. He even went for a time without food or drink. The encounter turned him completely around. He went from persecutor to fervent supporter and apostle. 

Similar to our intern years ago, is God lightly tapping on your shoulder? Perhaps it is because God has a task or call for you. Will it take a blinding light, or a moment of quiet, to hear God’s voice and respond? 

Blessings. And prayers. 

PS My thoughts today are also on our Boomer. He had to have a tooth extracted that he chipped while chewing. The procedure went well. Now prayers are for healing. And for us in keeping him as calm as possible while he heals. Yikes!

Day #2947

January 25, 2022 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 71, verse 6: I have been sustained by you ever since I was born; from my mother’s womb you have been my strength; my praise shall be always of you. (ELW)

I was baptized at age 19. I remember the day, the feeling in and of the water, the words, the surroundings. I also remember feeling that God was with me in a whole new way from that day forward. (Note - not every day did I “act” differently, just to be clear.) But the point is, I remember and am aware of the differences in my life and faith from before and after my baptism. 

But for those who have been a part of the church community and the Family of God since their earliest of days, and who have had the desire for a “conversion” experience, this verse in the Psalms could be comforting. From the very beginning of your life, even before you were born, God has been your sustaining one and your strength. God has known you (just as God knew me even before I was baptized) and has been with you. 

When it comes down to it, it really is about God being with us, loving us, caring for us, bestowing grace upon us, whether we are aware (or deserving) of it or not. It really is God’s action. And for that, our praise should always be of - and for - God.

Blessings. And prayers.