September 7, 2021
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from James 3:1-2: Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For all of us make many mistakes. Anyone who makes no mistakes in speaking is perfect, able to keep the whole body in check with a bridle. (NRSV)
Now, to be clear, the book of James contains some tough teaching, but this might be some of the toughest. Not many should become teachers - boy, I get that. Sometimes I am taken aback at what young ones remember that I say/teach. Whew! It is a BIG responsibility. And, as James says, all of us make many mistakes.
This brings to mind an encounter with a young one many years ago. He was a handful and on one particularly difficult day, I told him he was mean. As soon as I saw his face fall, I knew I had made a severe mistake. Oh, it took me a while to admit, but I did eventually tell him that I was sorry and that he was not mean, but had a hard time keeping his precociousness in check. He liked to pick on those younger than him, certainly, but he was not mean. I realized then, working with young ones was a big responsibility.
I also realize it is not just young ones in age. Those “young in the faith” look to others to teach them. We have the responsibility to be careful in how we teach - giving encouragement, being gentle in correction, etc. Oh, did I say this is a big responsibility?!?!
Blessings. And prayers.
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