Thursday, November 19, 2020

Day #2506

November 10, 2020

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:11: Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing. (NRSV)

Do you have the gift of encouragement? Do you have someone in your life with that gift? Both are a true blessing. Being able to identify the gifts in someone else, and encourage them to use them for others, is a gift in itself. Being the recipient of encouragement is a gift, also. Truly!

Recently the Synod Council on which I serve talked about the idea of “equip.” How are the saints (all of us) equipped to build-up the Kingdom of God? What does that look like? One of the phrases that stuck with me was “to equip is to build up confidence.” That’s a large part of encouragement. To give support and to build up confidence. 

We all need those moments of encouragement. I would not be doing what I do without the encouragement of countless others. I would not be able to continue doing what I do without the encouragement of countless others. It is easy to hear the negative and believe it. It is more difficult to hear the words of encouragement and believe them. I pray that you can, and do, hear them. We are stronger when we build one another up with encouragement. 

Thank you, God, for those in our lives who see your presence in us and encourage us to trust you are with us. Amen. 

Blessings. And prayers.

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