Thursday, September 26, 2019

Day #2095

September 26, 2019

Some days there is a strong reminder of the differences between conversations. Some lead nowhere, an answer unavailable, so the need is to only listen. Some are amazing and hopeful, when ideas flow and planning comes easy. Some are filled with joy. Some are confusing, a seeking of answers or direction. Yet each conversation can be holy ground, because God is always present.

May each of your conversations be a reminder that God is with you and sometimes speaks through the words of the one you are talking with.


Day #2094

September 25, 2019

I want to give a “shout out” to parents of teenagers! Spending time with several on Wednesdays, I am impressed by their manners and how they care about others. These are just a few comments from today: “What about you, pastor? How has your week been?” “What is your high moment and your low moment of the week?” “Thank you for teaching us” and the simple yet powerful, “Thank you, pastor!” 

So I say thank you parents and thank you teens! You warm my heart and brighten my life!


Day #2093

September 24, 2019

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is about 1 Timothy 6:10: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains. (NRSV)

It is impossible for me to read this verse without thinking of my father. Sadly, he was one whose love of money pierced him, and others, with many pains. He was a proud man, a man who considered himself to be very smart and savvy. He was. Yet he was also a driven man. He worked long hours for years, trying many different ways to “get rich.” His failed attempts at investing in something new and cutting edge could fill a book (those stories are for another time). Suffice it to say however, his failures were often financially and emotionally difficult for the family. 

Yet I was fortunate that my mother was the opposite of my dad. Mom was very generous and trying to be rich never seemed to be a part of her life. Perhaps she realized that being rich had nothing to do with a bank balance or savings account. 

In the end I am grateful for both examples. Because of my father, I am able to see, through firsthand experience, the sadness that can come in bowing to the evil idol of money. It is my hope, and prayer, that we all are able to learn and grow away from the love of money to the riches found in faith. God is generous - we have no need to worry. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Day #2092

September 23, 2019 

In the midst of camping while off the grid, this funny from a couple of days ago seems appropriate to share. Don’t you just LOVE those robo extended warranty calls?!?! They could probably find me even without a cell signal. Haha!

And one more photo to share on an absolutely gorgeous day! Part of the beautiful Upper Missouri Breaks.


Day #2091

September 22, 2019 

After the installation, and following Sunday worship, the hubby and I went a little off the grid - camping. And on this first evening we went to see the elk. And we saw lots of them (this is only a sampling of the ones we were able to see).


Day #2090

September 21, 2019

And today we celebrated the installation of our new bishop. 

It was a wonderful worship celebration - and many are relieved all the planning has come to fruition.

Early in the morning, on the way there, we passed the butte looking lovely in all its glory. Pretty cool and a good indicator of the beauty of the day.


Day #2089

September 20, 2019

Today was our new bishop’s first time at a Synod Council meeting. As we gathered around the table, discussed business, made decisions, and talked about the future, there was a sense of excitement and anticipation of what a vision could look like for the years ahead. Of course, only God knows what tomorrow brings, but we can certainly hope and pray that we are faithful and open to all the possibilities.


Day #2088

September 19, 2019

I am a list maker. I make lists of things that need to get done, things that need to be included in packing or preparing, lists of people to contact and pray for, lists of bills to pay, etc. Lists and lists and lists! 

But the very best thing about making lists is checking things off of them when they are completed. And this week, as they all are, is one when each thing checked off the list makes me feel lighter. Especially items that have been on a list for months now! Yay!


Day #2087

September 18, 2019 

In the middle of today's Bible Study, one verse absolutely stopped me in my tracks. Acts 15:11 - …we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they are. (NET)

Jews and Gentiles, all saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus in the same way. Jews AND Gentiles! All saved. In the same way. 

Yes, the grace of the Lord Jesus is the same for all. Now that is certainly something that should stop us all in our tracks, isn’t it?!?!


Day #2086

September 17, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is Luke 16:10: Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much. (NRSV)

On the heels of one of the most difficult parables Jesus tells (seemingly commending dishonest behavior) is this line about faithfulness. And what comes to mind is the saying that goes something like, behave as if someone is always watching. After all, in this day and age, someone probably is watching. Therefore, what kind of behavior, what kind of faithfulness, do you want to be “caught” doing? Now there is a question to ponder!


Day #2085

September 16, 2019

A funny for the week:

I don't think at all, however, that the youth I know would do this. :-)


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Day #2084

September 15, 2019

Some days I just don’t have a clue what to do. Jump into someone’s life and try to “fix” it?! Reach out and risk breaking confidentiality?! Stand back and let them come to me?! Deciding is hard. 

But a reminder to pray - fervently - is most important. And always comforting, knowing God knows way better than I do what is best. Almighty God…


Day #2083

September 14, 2019 

Here we are in September, giving thanks for a simply beautiful day. Warm air, blue sky, light breeze - a little summer is left after all. Thankfully!


Day #2082

September 13, 2019

One last birthday celebration - a morning on the water with the hubby, doing some fishing (that’s his fishing line you see to the left of the beautiful scenery). 

Thank you, honey - just what I needed/wanted!


PS Fish were caught, but no pictures taken. Guess they, sadly, aren’t bona fide. You just have to trust us. ;-)

Day #2081

September 12, 2019

A full day began with reading these words from Richard Rohr in his daily meditation: “[Jesus] did not come to change God’s mind about us. It did not need changing. Jesus came to change our minds about God—and about ourselves—and about where goodness and evil really lie.” This was a good reminder that God’s mind is always turned toward us. 

And there is thanksgiving for a full day that included meetings, Ladies: Let’s Do Lunch, and lots of laughter. And prayer (we even included our server at lunch). All-in-all, a wonderful day. Busy, and wonderful!


Day #2080

September 11, 2019 

On this 18th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, I was reminded that the youth I meet with on Wednesdays are too young to remember that day, or, more than likely, were not even born. It makes me sad that in their lives they have always known America at war. And makes me pray even more fervently for an end.

Also, Wednesday's schedule is now complete - Confirmation Class has begun. Yay!


Day #2079

September 10, 2019

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 51:10: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (NRSV) 

I cannot read these words without putting them to the tune I learned in the Lutheran worship liturgy many years ago. I was blown away when I first realized this was scripture put to music. As we sang these words together in worship, it was us trusting God to work in our lives and transform us. I cannot attest to experiencing some sort of amazing change because of these words, but I do know I am different today than I was yesterday. And probably, hopefully, prayerfully, not the same today that I will be tomorrow. I trust that God is renewing me and creating in me what is pleasing in God's sight.

Perhaps "renew a right spirit within me" are also appropriate words for World Suicide Prevention Day. Those and a reminder from the ELCA that “You are never beyond God’s mercy and compassion.” NEVER!! 

PLEASE, if thoughts of suicide have ever, or do ever, cross your mind, know that I am here. As are many others. PLEASE call, reach out, seek help: 1-800-273-8255 is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and someone is there 24/7. Also, here is the link: Suicide Prevention LifelinePLEASE don't hesitate - seek help. You are too precious to wait or feel alone in your hurting.  


Day #2078

September 9, 2019

Warning - the funny for this week, borrowed from a FaceBook post, may be worthy of an eye roll. But I dare you not to chuckle!


Day #2077

September 8, 2019 

Just when I thought the celebrating was over, I was serenaded at worship - twice. My heart is full!

Just as was worship...a glorious day. 

Then we took a drive out to the annual What the Hay event (click the link for more information). Here is one of our favorite entries:

This is a fun way to spend a nice afternoon, celebrating the creativity of folks as they prepared "hay" and "bale" puns. 

Overall this was a day full of God’s presence and intersections, thanks to the generosity of many folks. I’m grateful!


Day #2076

September 7, 2019

Smiles abounded as we completed our last day of class. Here are the latest folks Coach Trained. 

I truly am looking forward to what is ahead. 

And I cannot go without saying how overwhelmed I am by the birthday wishes, cards, gifts, and overall celebration of the day (really, week). I have certainly been made to feel special and enjoyed a great day. Makes getting another year older "somewhat" ok. ;-)

Blessings. And thank you!

Day #2075

September 6, 2019 

At the end of day two of class, we went to dinner. We laughed and told stories and throughly enjoyed our time together. It was particularly special because our newly elected Bishop was able to join us. Concerning the jovial nature of the dinner, I share a quote from her, “the church needs to laugh.” I agree…totally!!!

Laughter is good!!


Day #2074

September 5, 2019

It’s been a couple of years or so ago since I attended a Continuing Education event on Coaching. Now this isn’t the type of coaching for a team, but a combination of intentional listening and asking deep questions to “coach” someone to find the answers to their hopes, plans, and dreams from within themselves. 

Unfortunately, the skills I learned before I didn’t continue using on a regular basis and they became rusty. Therefore, when an opportunity presented itself to attend another training, I decided a “reboot” was in order. So for the next couple of days, I’m in class. Looking forward to a new trainer, new classmates, and a new start, along with what the future holds for the newly fine-tuned skills.

Learning is good!


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Day #2073

September 4, 2019 

Wednesdays are almost back in full swing. Today was the first early morning gathering of the High School Youth. It is good to be back with them!

Then there was a meeting to put some plans together for 2020 (wow - 2020 really is right around the corner!). Lots of ideas and discussion will hopefully bear good fruit and events. 

All in all, a good day in the middle of a good, and busy, week!


Day #2072

September 3, 2019 

Today’s Thoughts on Scripture is Luke 14:26: "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.

Wow, Jesus, that’s some very strong language. Or as a co-worker used to say, “hate is a very strong word.” 

Hate IS a strong word. Hate is a strong emotion. Hate creates tension, destructive actions, barriers, and walls. I think of fingers being pointed, looks being exchanged, hateful words being spoken, even fists being swung. 

Hate kills. So why is this Jesus of love and grace so vehemently declaring that to be his disciple we must hate all those things we have been told to love - ourselves and our neighbors? This makes no sense and is too hard. We cannot do this - we are not able.

Maybe that is the point, however, that we are not able. We cannot turn from everything we know and love in order to blindly, faithfully, and without reserve commit to following Jesus and being his disciple. We cannot do it on our own. We need help - we need Jesus. And yet, we do not need Jesus only because of what we can receive from him. We need Jesus in order that we can, and will, live for others as God needs us to. 

This seems quite the paradox, and a stark reminder that being a disciple of Jesus is a commitment - an “all in” commitment. Thankfully, however, it is one we don’t have to rely only on ourselves for. Thankfully!


Day #2071

September 2, 2019 

A funny for the week for all the dog owners out there:

Then there is this for Labor Day, in Boomer's honor:

Guess Boomer really did think it was "Labrador" weekend since this is how he decided to spend most of his holiday:

Happy Labor Day, one and all. Hope there is a smile in your day and your week.


Day #2070

September 1, 2019 

It was our turn to host the annual Alley Rally, which is a joint worship and fellowship time with the Presbyterian congregation across the alley. This year we were “rallied” by the Accordion Players. One hasn’t lived until they have sung Christian hymns to the tune of polka music. 

But wait a minute….Martin Luther supposedly/possibly wrote hymns to the tunes of drinking songs 500 years ago. Guess our worship wasn’t so far out in left field after all. :-)

Either way, worshipping with our ecumenical neighbors is always a blessing and joy. 


Day #2069

August 31, 2019

Once again, at the recommendation of weather reporters, the hubby and I drove outside of town in search of seeing Northern Lights. Our chase, alas, did not pan out. Again!! So sad!!

One of these days…I just know that one of these days, there will be success. We’ll certainly keep trying! 
