Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day #1626

June 14, 2018 

To our Godson on his mommy’s 10th ordination anniversary: 

Today your mommy, dear Simon, celebrates 10 years of ordained ministry. Your mommy has been a pastor your whole life, so ten years may not seem like a big deal. It is. It means there are hundreds of people who have been blessed by your mommy’s presence in their lives. Weddings, funerals, baptisms, classes, worship services and sermons, hospital visits, homebound visits (to which you have sometimes accompanied her), conversations, prayers, etc., etc. Thousands of hours, tens of thousands of words, many tears and some laughter mark these years. I want you to know how proud we are of her and how much we know this vocation is difficult. It’s not easy to be away from her own family so that she can help someone else. But she does it out of love - love for God, love for you and your brother, and out of trust in the grace and love God has for us, desperately wanting others to know of that love, too. So give mommy an extra hug today, from us, and tell her Happy Anniversary. Oh, and here is what we looked like 10 years ago. Wish we were there again today!


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