Saturday, July 29, 2017

Day #1301

July 24, 2017

The descriptor for this Monday regarding Jesus: Heart. Heart of flesh and heart of God. Jesus was open to perfect love and also susceptible to perfectly being broken. Yet, he was faithful in keeping his heart open and on God. And if Jesus is heart, we can be assured he wants our hearts open, too, to risk (and trust) being in relationship.

All this seems perfectly appropriate on the day we bring home a new addition to the family - this ball of fur:

Yes, I have a smile on my face as we pull away from his "birth home". But honestly, I’ve been really reluctant to make this move. I wanted to keep my heart protected - losing a beloved pet is just too hard and seems to come way too quickly! I was enjoying the “pet free” zone our house had become and my heart was really closed to the idea. But my loving husband was persistent - and won! So we’re off on a new adventure. 

Perhaps there is something to learn with Jesus as heart with us humans, too. It’s too hard to suffer broken relationships. It's too painful to be hurt, to lose someone, to be betrayed. Yet, Jesus desperately wants our hearts to be open to the joys of relationship - especially the perfection of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And we can trust Him to know what’s best!


Jesus as heart was inspired by Rev. Sarah Ciavarri. Thank you!

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