October 12, 2021
Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 91:15b: They will call me, and I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble. (ELW)
Why do bad things have to happen? Does what has happened mean that God is mad at me, or has turned away from me? Isn’t what I have done so bad that God will never forgive me or pay attention to me again?
Perhaps these questions are ones that have crossed your mind before. If not, they have others, because I have been asked them. That is why these words from Psalm 91 stand out for me. The Psalm writer is reminded (and reminds us) that God will answer. God does hear. God is with us in trouble. God does not leave us. These are assurances that I need to be reminded of regularly. I give thanks someone wrote them hundreds of years ago so that I can be comforted again today, and each time I read them.
Blessings. And prayers.
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