October 18, 2021
The smile for the week is a tad naughty (or sad), but I laughed out loud when I saw it. Hope you do, also!
October 18, 2021
The smile for the week is a tad naughty (or sad), but I laughed out loud when I saw it. Hope you do, also!
October 17, 2021
What a day! Worship, the beginning of a Book Study led by Intern Sara, and a new Faithful Innovations training time for four congregations. Faithful Innovations is a process of asking questions of others and listening to their answers, then doing experiments, and finally reflecting on what we learn through them. The idea is to more deeply discover what God is up to in our world and where God is inviting us to come alongside in ministry.
One of the pieces of the learning today was some practice in asking questions and listening to answers. It included sharing with a partner a time when we felt closest to God or most spiritual. We were invited to talk about several questions: what was happening; how was the church a support during the time; what do you think God was teaching you in the spiritual moment? The last was the question that really stuck with me.
The event was easy to identify - when my grandma suddenly died and I was devastated with grief. The church showed the most support when my pastor drove an hour to attend the graveside service. But what surprised me was that I said I thought God was trying to teach me to trust the church and be open to the possibility it was not just a place to go to be made to feel guilty or forgiven. What an interesting thought - one I had never considered before. God is so good to help me see some of the good that came from that horrible event - even decades later!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 16, 2021
On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for those who are willing to go out of their way to help someone else.
On a beautiful fall day, a friend of Intern Sara was willing to take time to come help with something she needed for a class, and something we needed but did not know. So thank you for missing a hike, spending time indoors with a small but attentive group, and helping one Intern check off another task toward graduation. You are an inspiration.
Blessings. And prayers.
October 15, 2021
The word for the day - cooking! It has been a while since I was motivated to bake or make candy, but today was the day. Oh, hubby is so happy - he has a pumpkin pie to enjoy for the next few days (his absolute favorite).
Do not be too proud, however, because this odd motivation will probably not last. 😄
Blessings. And prayers.
October 14, 2021
One of the joys of being an Intern Supervisor is weekly hour-long meetings with our Intern. What did you learn this week? How can I help you with your classes? What are the challenges you are facing? What are the joys? Where did you see God? These are only a few of the questions we have the opportunity to discuss. And today was extra special as we have begun making visits to homebound folks together.
It seems impossible that it has been over a month with Intern Sara. She “fits” so well and I am delighted. I consider this/her to be a gift from God!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 13, 2021
And…we begin a new book of scripture to study on Wednesday. First Peter. I am grateful for the good discussion, honest struggling, and thoughtful questions. Actually, I am simply grateful for the opportunity to read and discuss together God's word. It is part of why Wednesday is usually a great day!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 12, 2021
Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 91:15b: They will call me, and I will answer them; I will be with them in trouble. (ELW)
Why do bad things have to happen? Does what has happened mean that God is mad at me, or has turned away from me? Isn’t what I have done so bad that God will never forgive me or pay attention to me again?
Perhaps these questions are ones that have crossed your mind before. If not, they have others, because I have been asked them. That is why these words from Psalm 91 stand out for me. The Psalm writer is reminded (and reminds us) that God will answer. God does hear. God is with us in trouble. God does not leave us. These are assurances that I need to be reminded of regularly. I give thanks someone wrote them hundreds of years ago so that I can be comforted again today, and each time I read them.
Blessings. And prayers.
October 11, 2021
The smile for this week is a bit different. Today is Indigenous People’s Day, and I think our recognizing the gifts native peoples are and bring is wonderful. It makes me smile.
Blessings. And prayers.
October 10, 2021
Wow! Just wow! The folks totally surprised me/us today at worship with beautiful flowers to adorn the sanctuary, cards, a gift, and a sign of appreciation with applause.
October 9, 2021
On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for prayer. Sometimes there is an inability to have a conversation with someone, but I can always pray for them. Sometimes what someone is experiencing is so painful there are no good words, but I can always pray for them. Sometimes the joy of an event is too “full,” and I can always pray with thanksgiving. Sometimes the needs seem so great that there are no clear answers, but I can always pray for guidance and direction.
In other words, there is always prayer. Anytime of day or night, there is opportunity to talk with, and listen to, God. Thank you for always hearing our prayers, no matter when or what! Amen!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 8, 2021
What a treat we enjoyed today! Our home congregation pastor who married us (and baptized me) called to say hello and chat. How wonderful to hear his voice, share some memories, laugh, find a tear in our eye, and simply catch up.
I hope you know what a joy it was to talk to you today. Thank you for thinking of us and reaching out. A reminder, once again, of the importance of relationships and maintaining them!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 7, 2021
The word for the day - thankful - for the chilliness in the air that indicates another change of seasons. Today’s day off included running lots of errands, and being out and about we saw much evidence that fall is here, or at least coming soon. Oh, how beautiful are the colors this year!
Now, I have to admit that fall is not my favorite season. It means that winter is just around the corner and I do not like having to wear socks and a coat. 😉 But God reminding us of the flow of life through the changing seasons is appreciated. And awesome!
May your days in this season also include a sense of awe at the amazingness of creation.
Blessings. And prayers.
October 6, 2021
There seems to be a theme this week - conversations on top of conversations…today in Bible Studies, Intern supervisory meeting, phone calls and one-on-one meetings. It occurs to me, yet again, how important it is to listen, and to have others to talk with. And, yes, I also believe God is in the midst of each one of them. Thankfully!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 5, 2021
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 13:1: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (NRSV)
In preparing weeks ago for our Intern, Sara, to preach this coming Sunday, we talked about a desire to focus on healing. Yes, this is for a class she is taking in seminary and the readings she has chosen (i.e. the above) allow for lament and healing. But what we did not do was make the connection that October 10 is Mental Health Day, a time to focus on mental health awareness. That is simply a God thing, I believe.
I say that because I think mental health often means recognizing the need to voice what is going on deep inside us, sometimes only to God. The Psalms give us words for lament, ways to verbalize to God our deep upset, grief, or fear, and even to ask God how long our pain might last. To cry out to God to remember us and turn God’s face to us so that perhaps our pain might lessen or even go away. Because, yes, it seems that in the midst of pain, God must have forgotten us.
However, the opposite is most definitely the truth. God does not ever forget us or abandon us. God is ALWAYS with us. No matter whether we “feel” God or not, God is always there. So I pray: give us faith, oh God, to trust your presence and care, so that our physical, mental and spiritual health might always be found in you. Amen.
Blessings. And prayers.
October 4, 2021
So it seems some may have thought the world was ending today (I say that very tongue-in-cheekily 😉). Due to some kind of networking issue, FaceBook was out for about six hours and it did not take long for clever folks to come up with these smiles for the week:
Blessings. And prayers.
October 3, 2021
The word for the day - busy! And connected!
Worship, the annual CROP Walk for Hunger, conversations and gatherings and more conversations and gatherings. It would be fair to say the events of the day were reminders of the thread that connects us all - God. Sometimes the connection is clear during worship and praising God, but it can be just as clear in shared laughter, tears, common interests and more. How wonderful to be reminded God connects us all in God’s family and kingdom.
Oh, and thanksgiving for a beautiful day for a CROP Hunger Walk! So far over $6,000 in donations, too! WOW!!!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 2, 2021
On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for the thank you note we received yesterday. Two young ones came by our house collecting for a school walk-a-thon several weeks ago and hubby gave them a little bit of cash. They came back with a thank you note to him for supporting their cause. How cool is that!
I am reminded how important it is to say “thank you.” I am grateful parents teach their children to do so and especially to write notes. My mom taught me and if she were alive, I would send her a thank you note and tell her that it was helpful teaching. Very helpful!
Blessings. And prayers.
October 1, 2021
Warning - rant coming! You may want to skip today. 😏
As I listened to another argument at a public forum over whether or not to wear masks, I found myself getting more and more frustrated. I just do not understand. What makes masks such a point of contention? Is it really scientific research, or is it stubbornness and selfishness?!
Let me say I do not like wearing a mask. I find it confining and sometimes it does make breathing difficult. And, I also confess, I am not as diligent now in wearing one as I was year ago. But I understand the argument for wearing them. Surely there has to be some benefit!
Which makes me wonder, what if the argument was about wearing shoes? Would someone as vehemently argue that no one should have the right to tell another person they have to wear shoes in public? That it is my decision whether or not to protect my feet. After all, doesn't research and experience show that wearing (some) shoes eventually hurts your feet by causing blisters, bone changes, stunting growth and overall is just plain silly. Hmmm....I actually wonder if that ever was an argument. There used to be signs: “no shirt, no shoes, no service.” Who had the right to post such a thing!?
It also occurs to me that maybe that is why sandals were invented. People wanted their toes to breath, like the folks who wear their mask over their mouth, but not their nose. 😉
Okay, the rant is over. I must say, I feel a tad better putting the problem on my feet instead of my face, because it helped put things in perspective for me. Maybe it helps you, also. After all, I do not think the argument is going to be settled anytime soon. 😢
Blessings. And prayers.
September 30, 2021
Dear Godson,
Your mom called me today. It was wonderful to talk with her and hear a little about what is going on in your life. But it was also a joy to be reminded of our relationship and its roots. We met on the first day of seminary back in 2004. You were not even close to being in our lives at that point, but your mom and I bonded quickly.
Now we share a call to ministry. Not in the same place or with the same people, but much is similar. We have joys and sorrows that are similar. We have frustrations and thanksgivings that are similar. We know some of the same people and we share some similar history. And, we both love you and pray for you regularly!
I hope that one day you will call or get in touch with a friend of yours and be reminded of the joys of knowing one another. Of having history together. That you will laugh at old jokes together, and simply be grateful to know one another. And that you will be thankful, like I am, that the thread of faith runs through both of your lives.
Love and hugs,
Your godmother
Blessings. And prayers.
September 29, 2021
In a recent discussion with someone, the comment was made how sad it was that the churches closed while the bars stayed open during the COVID shutdown of 2020. In the midst of the discussion, I did not respond. But this morning I awoke to this thought: The churches most certainly did NOT close. In fact, the churches NEVER close. Amen!
Here is the reason: the church is the people and as long as people are breathing, there is church. Now, certainly, there was a period when many congregations (ours included) did not gather for worship. But even then, the best was done to stay connected through various ways, the least of which may have been recorded worship services with messages, hymns, prayers and almost all the "parts" except Holy Communion and gathering together.
However, the gathering is really only a small piece of what church is about. When someone goes to a bar, they go for the purpose of gathering with others and usually having a drink. But when they leave, the purpose of going to the bar is done because it is basically confined to the walls of the establishment. After all, the one tending the bar stays inside the walls and does not leave with the patrons.
But the church is different. When someone gathers in a congregation, it is to be fed through fellowship and word, yes, but also to be reminded that the one who tends to them within the walls also goes with them out into the world. The person then becomes the hands and feet of the One (God) they came to worship, taking the message of God’s love and grace into the world by all that they say and do. And that work is never done, so that purpose of “church” never ends and never closes. Ever! Thanks be to God.
Blessings. And prayers.
September 28, 2021
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 8 (here in its entirety, simply because it is too beautiful to consider only a part):
O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!—you whose glory is chanted above the heavens out of the mouths of infants and children; you have set up a fortress against your enemies, to silence the foe and avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars you have set in their courses, what are mere mortals that you should be mindful of them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you have made them little less than divine; with glory and honor you crown them. You have made them rule over the works of your hands; you have put all things under their feet: all flocks and cattle, even the wild beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and whatever passes along the paths of the sea. O Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! (ELW)
All it takes is a few moments staring at the stars on a dark night to realize how vast and wide and amazing is God’s creation. If it has been a while since you gazed into the night sky, I invite you to do so as soon as possible.
Yet, even in the midst of such grandeur, God cares for each one of us individuals. Not just cares for us, but loves us. Crowns us in glory. Gives us work and responsibility. Invites us into relationship with God and with all God has made. Wow! Simply WOW!
Yes, Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Thanks be to God for allowing me, and all of us, to be a part of your creation!
Blessings. And prayers.
September 27, 2021
The smile for the week is this photo I wish I had seen before the Blessing of the Pets.
Blessings. And prayers.
September 26, 2021
What a fun event is the Blessing of the Pets. And how sad that no pictures were taken!!!
But suffice it to say that the most vocal and misbehaved was our Boomer. No, he is definitely not always as quiet - or behaved - as when he is at home and trying to nap.
But he’s been blessed, as have several others. May they all always know love and care on this earth!
Blessings. And prayers.
September 25, 2021
On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for the newly married. Folks who have committed their lives to one another, to working things out when the disagreements happen (and they will), celebrating the joy and lamenting the sorrow (and there will be both), and doing the best they can to love one another and put the other first.
Marriage seems to have been around almost as long as there have been humans on earth. Sometimes I wonder why God established such a union. After all, there is much discussion about marriage in scripture - and not always between one man and one woman and not always “happy.”
But then, I believe God establishes all relationships and that all are important. They can be a taste, if you will, of the type of relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But only a taste. Human relationships all have their imperfections, unlike the Holy Trinity.
So on this wedding day for two associated with the congregation, I give thanks that God sees the importance of people being together. Not only in committed relationships like marriage, but friendships and congregations and communities and neighborhoods and countries and the world. Oh, that we humans would remember (and act accordingly) that ALL these are a taste of God’s perfect union found in the three-in-one.
Blessings. And prayers.
September 24, 2021
I should have remembered the comment from the pre-wedding conversations - our friends are always late. Oh well, an hour behind schedule at the rehearsal means the wedding will go just fine, right?!
It is important to remember that while this is certainly not my first wedding rehearsal, it is the couple's first one. How hard is it to show a little tolerance and understanding? Hopefully, that is what I demonstrated. Anyway, in the end, it all went just fine. Now prayers for the big day tomorrow.
Blessings. And prayers.