Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Day #2488

October 23, 2020 

Two things from our annual Bishop’s Convocation stuck with me today. The first is an exercise our Bishop guided us through in discovering all the synonyms for the word “equip.” There were dozens that spurred ideas about what it means to equip others and how to go about doing so. However, the idea that meant the most to me was “building up the confidence of another.” It begins with helping to identify the gift(s) someone has been given by God and then walking with them to trust God will utilize that gift(s) for the building up of God’s Kingdom. What an awesome thought and invitational idea. 

The second thing was the reminder that we all can only do our part in this challenging time of COVID-19 and distancing. Let it be said that reminder helped me feel much better about saying something to the unmasked couple yesterday (see Day #2487). What is our part? From what we know so far, it is wearing a mask, cleaning and sanitizing, limiting our access to crowds (even within our own families and friends), checking in on one another, being intentional in planning, and prayer. Lots of prayer!

Blessings. And prayers.

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