Thursday, October 29, 2020

Day #2494

October 29, 2020 

Today, this from the “Daily Meditation” blog distributed by the Henri Nouwen Society spoke to me and begged to be shared. Henri Nouwen once wrote:

It is central in the biblical tradition that God’s love for his people should not be forgotten. It should remain with us in the present. When everything is dark, when we are surrounded by despairing voices, when we do not see any exits, then we can find salvation in a remembered love, a love that is not simply a wistful recollection of a bygone past but a living force that sustains us in the present. Through memory, love transcends the limits of time and offers hope at any moment of our lives.

Perhaps Nouwen's words from the past reminded me that they still apply today. Perhaps they simply reminded me of Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture (see Day #2492). Perhaps I needed to read and share them as folks are pandemic fatigued, worried, sick or grieving. 

Here is the promise - God loves God's people, us. Write it down and read it daily, hourly, every minute. It is a promise we can trust!! Thanks and praise to God!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2493

October 28, 2020 

There are two “organized” opportunities to remain connected in prayer within our congregation. One is a prayer partner way where someone is randomly drawn for you to remember daily for a period of three months. Most folks do not know who is praying for them, but trust someone is. It’s a bit fun and simply a way for each of us to be remembered before God. 

The other way is a more traditional Prayer Chain. Prayers for folks in all sorts of situations are included and many are not even known by most of us. What an honor to pray for folks. And what a joy to often hear prayers are answered and healing has taken place. 

I suppose all this could be summed up in a word for the day - thankful. Thankful that God hears our every prayer and utterance. Thankful for folks who pray for others. Thankful for answers to prayers, even if they are not what we hope or expect. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2492

October 27, 2020

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 34:8: Taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are they who take refuge in God! (NRSV)

What does it mean to be happy? Without a care in the world? Wonder where we can find a place like that?!?! Satisfied, with all my needs met? Well, that may work, until my stomach starts to growl, which happens fairly regularly. When I think of happy, I think of a feeling. An often fleeting feeling. 

But what if we look at the word “happy” from a Hebrew language perspective - blessed. That may give us a totally different take on the feeling happy. As the New English Translation says about blessed: “the word often refers [ ] to the happiness that God-given security and prosperity produce.” Now that is very different, and really has nothing to do with feeling. It is a deep sense of trust in something (God), no matter how I feel on a particular day or at a particular time. 

Trusting deeply in God can also be fleeting, if we rely on our own power or ability to do so. God helps with that. What does life really look like when applying all of our senses to God (taste and see, as our verse suggests)? Hard to know in our humanness. But taking refuge in God - trusting that God is with us no matter what - can be a little easier to imagine, or even do. 

May the Holy Spirit help you in these uncertain days to fully and completely take refuge in God. God will not disappoint us. And we are blessed by God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Day #2491

October 26, 2020 

The smile for this week is my last about masks (I promise), but I couldn’t resist when I saw it posted on FaceBook. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2490

October 25, 2020 

Today we celebrated the Affirmation of Faith of one of our youth. This now 9th grader affirmed the promises made on her behalf by her parents when she was baptized. This was not done as a statement of truth or promise, not really, but through the person who is truth, Jesus Christ. The One who shows us God and loves us without condition or requirement. 

That is the truth we can trust - and what a joy to watch someone affirm that and be comforted by it. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2489

October 24, 2020

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for those folks who write devotions that help us all think about God and learn. Here is an example written by Stella Perrin for the “Think” portion of the daily d365 devotion. It is based on 1 Thessalonians 2:4-5:

Have you ever considered that God trusts you? Usually we focus on our need to trust God daily for guidance and grace. But today’s verses say God trusts us to share the good news of forgiveness and reconciliation through Christ. If the world is going to know the redeeming love of God, it must come through us. God could tell the world in any number of ways, but God chose to do it through us who have experienced this good news firsthand. 
Are we trustworthy of this magnificent message? Do our words and actions give voice to love, justice, and mercy for all the world? Do we speak out against hate and injustice? This isn’t always going [to] be a popular message when our world values power, competition, and putting self first. So, we must stay focused on the One who called us and rely on God’s strength whenever living out the good news is hard. We are in this together. Together let’s drown out the world’s noises with love. 

Blessings. And prayers. 

Day #2488

October 23, 2020 

Two things from our annual Bishop’s Convocation stuck with me today. The first is an exercise our Bishop guided us through in discovering all the synonyms for the word “equip.” There were dozens that spurred ideas about what it means to equip others and how to go about doing so. However, the idea that meant the most to me was “building up the confidence of another.” It begins with helping to identify the gift(s) someone has been given by God and then walking with them to trust God will utilize that gift(s) for the building up of God’s Kingdom. What an awesome thought and invitational idea. 

The second thing was the reminder that we all can only do our part in this challenging time of COVID-19 and distancing. Let it be said that reminder helped me feel much better about saying something to the unmasked couple yesterday (see Day #2487). What is our part? From what we know so far, it is wearing a mask, cleaning and sanitizing, limiting our access to crowds (even within our own families and friends), checking in on one another, being intentional in planning, and prayer. Lots of prayer!

Blessings. And prayers.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Day #2487

October 22, 2020 

Warning - somewhat of a rant coming..

Well, it finally happened. I finally lost my cool with someone not wearing their mask. Hubby and I had gone to get a quick lunch. We went when there should not have been a crowd to a place we know requires masks and distance and sanitizing. Today was no exception. We had a good lunch and on the way out, a couple coming in were without masks. After giving the employee a hard time, they decided to leave. I went out with them and said, “I’m glad you aren’t eating here.” “Why, did they give you a hard time, too.” “No,” I said sternly, “I’m wearing a mask.” Well, it went downhill from there. As we went across the parking lot, they got more obnoxious (maybe I did a little, too - although I did say to kiss my FOOT). Anyway, the last comment I heard from them was, “I’m not sick. You’re the sick one - sick in the head for wearing the mask.”

Well, there you go. When I got to the office, I called the place where we had eaten and thanked them for requiring masks. “We get 2-3 of those a day,” he said. “Thank you for calling and letting us know we are appreciated for doing the right thing.” 

Now, the rant: when will this name calling and mask war be over? How hard is it to just wear a mask? Is it really about your personal freedom or just your personal stubbornness? Perhaps if we would walk with a healthcare worker for a day, we might have a little more tolerance, understanding, and wisdom. Please, because we have science that proves it helps, wear a mask. And if we find out at some later point that it really doesn’t help, well, we all just look a little silly. But please wear one until we know more about ways to help protect one another. You are that important to me - even if you call me names and shoot me the bird. Lastly, if you insist on not wearing a mask, how about you stay out of places that say - no entry without a mask! There’s a reason the sign is there - they care about others. 

Rant over. Thanks!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2486

October 21, 2020

What a great start to this morning by way of a text message: “I just wanted to say good morning. I hope your day is off to a good start.” 

How nice to be thought of and have someone reach out. Thank you - my day IS off to a good start!!! Hope yours is, too!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2485

October 20, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Jeremiah 31:34: No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, "Know the LORD," for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more. (NRSV)

How nice it is to be somewhere and hear your name called (in a pleasant way - haha) by someone you know and who knows you. Catching up “by accident” can be such fun. And learning that you have the same interests, like in a restaurant or store, can also be fun. 

So imagine, then, the importance of the promise that God will be known by everyone. Not because we have to be taught, necessarily, but because of God’s love and magnificence. And that knowing God means that we are loved and forgiven - forever. 

Wait!!! That sounds a lot like grace to me. And as we prepare to commemorate the Reformation and Martin Luther’s teachings, that sounds like a perfect reminder for Sunday. God will be known to each of us - may it be so!!

And just because this was an awesome sight in the neighborhood field as I left for work this morning - there are these beautiful animals for today, too:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2484

 October 19, 2020 

When I saw this on one of our member’s FaceBook page, I thought…yes! A smile for this week! 

Thanks, Amy!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2483

October 18, 2020 

Take five youth, a member of each one's family, and the Holy Spirit and mix them together. What do you have? A lively and fun discussion about Holy Communion and God’s assurance of love and grace.

We began in March preparing for first Communion on Maundy Thursday - and then COVID stalled us. Finally, we were able today to complete the instruction for this important step in the faith life of these young ones. Sadly, the tradition of baking bread will have to wait, but the important things were included. 

I cannot wait for them to participate on All Saints Sunday. What a fitting time - through Jesus Christ, the saints at the banquet table from the past to the present and into the eternal future all come together during Holy Communion. I think this might even be better than Maundy Thursday! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 17, 2020 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for some much needed moisture. Sure, it’s in frozen form, but that’s ok. It IS October. 

Hopefully all places too dry are getting a bit of moisture falling. Thanks be to God for providing for our needs!

Blessings. And prayers.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Day #2481

October 16, 2020 

This year has brought so many challenges. The disease known as COVID19 and its far-reaching affects will, sadly, forever define most of the memories of 2020. And as we reach the middle of October, this disease is not letting up here where we live, but getting worse. Keeping a positive focus can be difficult. I so look forward to a day when we can look back and realize that God was with us even (and maybe especially) in the midst of all this. Until then, we do all we can to promote health and safety. And pray!!! God hears and knows our fears and pain and will not forsake us! That I believe with all my heart.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2480

October 15, 2020 

Whew!! What a busy day, with lots of joys and prayers. But there was a highlight - some time with a couple of the High School Seniors. Oh, how I miss getting together regularly to catch up and share about life. Thank you for taking some time out of your crazy busy lives today, on your day off, and helping make me smile, laugh, and give thanks. And know I missed the rest of you - next time!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2479

October 14, 2020 

You made my day today, godson. Thank you for the surprise call. Always great to hear your voice, and even better to see your face. 

Thank you for thinking of me!!! You are very special!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2478

October 13, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 45:5a: I am the LORD, and there is no other; besides me there is no god. (NRSV)

Someone once said: remember to keep the main thing the main thing. So what is the main thing? God! No exceptions. And yet, how many gods (note the little “g”) do we attempt to make for ourselves - money, fame, sports, health, popularity, power, and on and on. 

I suppose there is only one question that comes to my mind that puts things in perspective - which of any of those little “g” things gives us life, breath, and eternal hope? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2477

October 12, 2020

Yep - this made me smile. 

Disclaimer: Please know I do not mean to take anything away from those who do real canning. Thank you for your work - you rock! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2476

October 11, 2020 

Today was CROP Walk day. Boy was it different - "virtual" walking just isn’t quite the same. But…we didn’t let the differences stop us from having fun for a good cause. After all, it was a beautiful day!!

Also, it was a good chance for some service project time for the Confirmation Class (the local recipient of a percentage of the donations is the Helping Hands Ministry of one of the participating confirmation congregations).

Here we are getting instructions for our various tasks - and beginning our time with prayer:

And here are a couple of our youth holding signs to encourage folks to “drive-by” with their donations:

All in all, a good day. Thank you, folks, for supporting this cause. 

Blessings. And prayers.

PS: Thank you to the director of Helping Hands for these photos!

Day #2475

October 10, 2020 

On this Satisfied Saturday, which is also Mental Health Awareness Day, I am thankful for those who work in mental health services. I give thanks for your work to decrease the stigma of mental health disorders and the strides you are making toward better medicine, diagnosis and treatments. Thank you for what you do.

And please, if you are someone who needs help, reach out. I am here for you and will do my best to get you the help you need! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2474

October 9, 2020 

The word for the day - appreciation. Today we took the opportunity to get out and about to appreciate some of the beauty of nature that surrounds us and we saw these guys hanging out just off the road:

Wow! There is so much beauty out there to see! God is amazing!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2473

October 8, 2020 

The word for the day - accomplishments. It feels so good to get some things done that have been hanging around in a pile, waiting for me to get to them. Oh, how I enjoy checking things off the list and seeing the piles get smaller!!! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2472

October 7, 2020

What a great thing to hear: you made my day. And what a simple thing I did - called a family member of a recently deceased congregation member, asking about them and listening to their memories. 

It can be lonely right now, folks, especially for those grieving. Is there someone’s day you could make by giving them a call? I have a feeling there is. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2471

October 6, 2020

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Philippians 4:6: Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (NRSV)

Stop worrying! There isn’t anything to worry about! Just do not worry! The last thing you need to do is worry about that! 

Do any of those sentences work to help you stop worrying? I venture to say, no, not even a little bit. How about this one: when you are praying, you are not worrying! That one, which is very similar to the verse above, can even be unsuccessful. 

What about this picture from Mindful Christianity, a visual reminder that what we worry about will most likely never happen? I can see it, and I know it is true, but it still comes up short. 

So what do we do about all our worrying, which seems especially prevalent these days? Well, I go back to: when you are praying, you are not worrying. We can (and God invites us to) pray about everything, especially those things that give us the most worry. Remember, we cannot control what we cannot control, but God is able and faithful. 

Then….I invite you to read, and take to heart, Philippians 4:8: Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (NRSV) We may not be able to stop ourselves from worrying, but we can train ourselves to change the things we regularly think about and concentrate on. 

Timely scripture? I think so, what about you?

Blessings. And prayers.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Day #2470

October 5, 2020

This made me smile and I hope it does the same for you:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2469

October 4, 2020 

Today in worship was the third part of a focus on stewardship - time, talent, and now treasure. I am thankful for the opportunity to share these messages about the gift of stewardship. God gives us so much - everything - and we are honored to be able to return a portion to share with others. 

And I was honored by someone who made a statement of appreciation for the sermon as they left worship. Thanks be to God for the words to share - and the gift of being able to do so. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2468

October 3, 2020 

On this Satisfied Saturday I am thankful for memories. Those made with friends and family that make me smile, cry, laugh, give thanks, and even worry. Memories are precious. How sad there are diseases that rob folks of those gifts - prayers for them all. 

So today I give thanks for things like pictures, letters, cards, other people, etc., that help keep memories alive for us. And I am grateful for the gift of being able to remember. I want to cherish all the memories I can for as long as I can and look toward making as many new ones as possible!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2467

October 2, 2020

Today is hubby’s Baptism Birthday. I am grateful to celebrate the day he was welcomed into God’s Kingdom through the sacrament of Baptism - God’s amazing gift! 

Happy Baptism Birthday, dear!! I thank God for you and for you being a fellow member of the Kingdom!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2466

October 1, 2020 

We took a couple of days to go to where the elk are plentiful and easily viewed. This picture was from last evening, but shows the beauty of the place, the moon rising, and those dots in the field to the right, they are elk! 

Today was a beautiful fall day, too, with lots to see, but I did not get any pictures. How beautiful, however, is God’s world!!!! And how grateful I am to be in a place where I can easily go and enjoy it. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2465

September 30, 2020 

Richard Rohr, in his daily blog posting, shared the following, The Lorica of St. Patrick (The Deer`s Cry) and it seemed appropriate to share here: 

I arise to-day:

vast might, invocation of the Trinity,—
belief in a Threeness
confession of Oneness
meeting in the Creator. . . .

I arise to-day:

might of Heaven
brightness of Sun
whiteness of Snow
splendour of Fire
speed of Light
swiftness of Wind
depth of Sea
stability of Earth
firmness of Rock.

I arise to-day:

Might of God for my piloting
Wisdom of God for my guidance
Eye of God for my foresight
Ear of God for my hearing
Word of God for my utterance
Hand of God for my guardianship
Path of God for my precedence
Shield of God for my protection
Host of God for my salvation . . .

Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ under me, Christ over me,
Christ to right of me, Christ to left of me,
Christ in lying down, Christ in sitting, Christ in rising up
Christ in the heart of every person, who may think of me!
Christ in the mouth of every one, who may speak to me!
Christ in every eye, which may look on me!
Christ in every ear, which may hear me!

I arise to-day:

vast might, invocation of the Trinity
belief in a Threeness
confession of Oneness
meeting in the Creator. 

Richard Rohr notes that the above is: "Attributed to Saint Patrick (373?–463?). See The Irish Liber Hymnorum, vol. 2: Translations and Notes, ed. J. H. Bernard and R. Atkinson (Henry Bradshaw Society: 1898), 49, 50, 51." 

I hope you enjoyed and found peace in his words.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2464

September 29, 2020

Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 21:33 - “Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a watchtower. Then he leased it to tenants and went to another country. (NRSV)

Jesus is on a roll in telling parables, making a point with those listening: the Kingdom owner is generous, yet has expectations for its care. Note that in the scripture above, everything needed for success was given by the landowner - planting, fencing, digging, building. Even those who were needed to care for what would grow were found. The expectation, it seems, was that a portion of the harvest would be shared with the landowner.  

As the parable continues, the tenants do not act as they should. At the appropriate time, they decide they do not want to share a portion of the crop’s harvest and even kill those sent to collect it, including the landowner’s son. Somehow, the ownership of the vineyard seems to have become confused in their minds. 

How like these tenants are we with all God provides for us?! God has created a world that includes all we need for success - air, water, land, animals, plants, even other people. Yet, we often tend to think of what we have collected as ours - my house, my clothes, my family, my job, my money.

All of this begs the question - how does thinking about ownership help me to be generous in returning a portion to God for use in helping others? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2463

September 28, 2020

This picture always makes me smile. 

Twelve years ago today, I was ordained with these two great pastors/friends by my side, cheering me on. The pastor on my left has celebrated over 30 years in ministry (one of the trailblazers!!!!) and was the first intern at my home congregation. The pastor on my right is my best friend from seminary and our Godson’s mom. I am very proud of these two and give thanks for them being in my life.

And...happy Ordination Anniversary to me. :-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2462

September 27, 2020 

In the midst of a pandemic with the need to wear masks, physically distance, wash hands often, and stay away from crowds, three pastors work to make a way to begin confirmation class jointly. The weather was beautiful so we met outside. Chairs were positioned with proper distance. Masks were required. Hand sanitizer on the ready. And families were on board. The year will look different, but we are ready to go!

How exciting to be back in the “classroom” with these youth. I look forward to another year of learning - especially from - these 6-8 graders. What a joy to talk about Jesus!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2461

September 26, 2020 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for colleagues who are willing to lead in times of change and show the way in adapting to new realities. Also, I am grateful for those who are quick to remind others that all is in God’s hands. A very helpful reminder in these difficult times! 

Blessings. And prayers.