June 23, 2019
As I planned for day #2,000 of blogging about intersections between God and daily life, I originally thought I would share some highlights of the first 1,999 writings. But as I looked back, I wondered how I could possibly pick “favorites.” After all, there are over 5 years of events, prayers, reflections, joys, sorrows, highs and lows to choose from.
So I went back to Day #1, remembering as I began that I had two goals:
“One is for our Godson, Simon, to have this as a way to get to know me and how I see life and faith intersecting, hopeful that one day it will somehow help him in his own walk with God. The second is to be a reminder to me, and anyone who happens to stop by, that God is ALWAYS blessing us (present), is ALWAYS loving us, is ALWAYS forgiving and giving to us. That God, simply, is grace.
I cannot say that I have faithfully achieved either of these. Simon is still young enough that I can’t imagine him reading this every day. And, quite honestly, some days it feels as if I just talk about what happened, almost like a diary. But hopefully there are more days that are truly about God’s intersection with life. I do believe this has taught me, if nothing else, that God IS present every day. And for that I am eternally grateful.
So, as day #2000 comes to a close and tomorrow will dawn as day #2001, who knows where we’ll go together in the next 1,000 or more entries. But thanks be to God, none of us will go alone!
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