June 4, 2019
This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 8: Philip said to [Jesus], “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” (NRSV)
I am so very thankful for this question from Philip. After following Jesus for years, watching him and learning from him, Philip still isn’t certain about who Jesus is. Just show us, he pleads.
This gives me hope as we humans seek some sort of proof. This gives me a sense of tolerance when we have questions about the reality of Jesus as Son of God, both human and divine. This gives me patience when others scoff at those who have faith.
We, who don’t have the advantage Philip did of spending physical time with Jesus, can take heart at his question and desire. And we can trust that the Holy Spirit works in the midst of all our doubts and questions. It certainly worked in Philip and all the disciples. And works in us, too. Thanks be to God!
And, a Simon "is" - finishing the school year. Here is a comparison of the first and last days:
You are becoming quite the young man! We love you!
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