Saturday, June 29, 2019

Day #2006

June 29, 2019

Grief. Shock. Sadness. Regret. What do you do when you are numb? 

You carry on. And you pray! As much as you can. And trust that when the words can’t come, the Holy Spirit intervenes.


Day #2005

June 28, 2019

This morning we received a text that meant the world had changed forever for many folks we love. My hubby’s cousin has died in a private airplane crash, along with a person in the home where, tragically, the plane hit. We don’t know lots of details, but what has happened is devastating! He leaves a wife, a daughter, a business, a brother, many cousins, and other family and friends. 

There are no words…at all! Only prayers for the Lord to have mercy. 


Day #2004

June 27, 2019 

A guest writer for Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation posits that God can not only be the interruptions that come in our lives, but also be in them. This idea struck me because I think we often believe we must have absolute quiet to effectively pray or have quality time with God. However, the messiness of our sometimes chaotic lives interrupts that time with other needs or events. But this writer’s idea is that God is actually in those moments, too, speaking to us and guiding us. That the interruption is actually God. 

Yes, I think that sometimes to hear God we do need some undisturbed time. But today I’m thinking about God speaking to us in the chaos. The times when the phone rings with an emergency need. Or someone comes by wanting to talk. Or when a loved one needs a hug or a listening ear. Maybe that’s actually when God speaks the loudest. And is a moment when we can learn something about ourselves, and God, that we would not have done so otherwise.

That helps as the day has been quite busy and chaotic and full of holy interruptions. 

But here’s something fun - a picture of that VBS I wrote about Monday. The kids have surely been having fun and learning. 


Day #2003

June 26, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. For a visit from the congregation’s former Parish Administrator and her twin baby boys! They are all doing well and the boys are growing so quickly. It was great to meet the little sweethearts!

But there’s another word for the day - regret. I didn’t take a single picture! Rats!! I won’t make that mistake next time!


Day #2002

June 25, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 9, verse 62: Jesus said to him, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” (NRSV)

Years ago, for some reason, I had the idea that riding my bicycle looking backward might be great fun. I went a short distance and did just fine, thinking that yes, it was as much fun as I thought it might be. Then the idea came, let me take this to the next level by closing my eyes. The thrill was even greater, right up to the moment when I hit the curb, flipped over the handlebars and busted my chin open. No longer did this seem like such a good idea and the scar remains today as a reminder of its folly.

I cannot imagine that Jesus was thinking about riding a bicycle when he said that looking backward was a bad idea. But I can understand his desire to warn folks about looking behind as they commit to moving forward, following Jesus. Looking backward can even limit our ability to move forward because it narrows the possibilities in our lives. No longer can we look to the future with hope if we are limited by focusing on the experiences of our past. What do we learn from them? Sometimes to be afraid to try again because things once turned out badly. 

For Jesus, looking back meant keeping a focus on our earthly life and what we try to accomplish on our own in it. Conversely, the Kingdom of God focuses on the present and looks with hope and trust to the future, leaving behind regrets of the past or wondering “what if.” The Kingdom of God focuses on Jesus and his call to commit our lives, and future, to trusting him. And that trust is not in vain.


Day #2001

June 24, 2019 

Some days are “normal,” with various activities and conversations. And they can be good days. 

Like today. It began with the opening of Vacation Bible School. We are blessed to join with another congregation in town, bringing some youth helpers, kids, and adults, to have this learning and fun time together. I give thanks for the opportunity and the cooperation.

Later, there was conversation with a colleague, and the offering of a heartfelt prayer of thanks for our serving in the same place. Yes, we are fortunate here to work together in many ways.

Then, there was a good ending to the day as I hosted the monthly Book Club at our home. We laughed and enjoyed one another's company as we discussed the latest book we have read. 

Yes, thankfully, “normal” days are good days. 


Day #2000

June 23, 2019 

As I planned for day #2,000 of blogging about intersections between God and daily life, I originally thought I would share some highlights of the first 1,999 writings. But as I looked back, I wondered how I could possibly pick “favorites.” After all, there are over 5 years of events, prayers, reflections, joys, sorrows, highs and lows to choose from. 

So I went back to Day #1, remembering as I began that I had two goals: 
“One is for our Godson, Simon, to have this as a way to get to know me and how I see life and faith intersecting, hopeful that one day it will somehow help him in his own walk with God. The second is to be a reminder to me, and anyone who happens to stop by, that God is ALWAYS blessing us (present), is ALWAYS loving us, is ALWAYS forgiving and giving to us. That God, simply, is grace.
I cannot say that I have faithfully achieved either of these. Simon is still young enough that I can’t imagine him reading this every day. And, quite honestly, some days it feels as if I just talk about what happened, almost like a diary. But hopefully there are more days that are truly about God’s intersection with life. I do believe this has taught me, if nothing else, that God IS present every day. And for that I am eternally grateful.

So, as day #2000 comes to a close and tomorrow will dawn as day #2001, who knows where we’ll go together in the next 1,000 or more entries. But thanks be to God, none of us will go alone!


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Day #1999

June 22, 2019 

Remembering that mom died 12 years ago on this day, a “thinking of you” card from someone (thank you again) and this I snatched from FaceBook brought comfort:


Day #1998

June 21, 2019

Happy Summer! And the longest daylight day of the year!

But with a high temperature of 60?!?!

The calendar seems to know something Mother Nature doesn’t. Haha!


Day #1997

June 20, 2019

Today would have been my mom’s 90th birthday. Wow! Happy Birthday in heaven, mom. You taught me so much and I miss you everyday. Thankfully, our relationship bond hasn’t ended! I love you!


Day #1996

June 19, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. That the hubby’s surgery went so well and that he is now in physical therapy, which also seems to be going well. I’m proud of him for doing what he should, and thankful for the gifts God has given others to help bring him to this point. Mostly, thank you God! 


Day #1995

June 18, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Galatians 3:26: for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. (NRSV)

For those who may not know, I am an only child. From the time I remember, I wanted an older brother and begged my mom for one, but she quickly explained that was not going to happen. I do remember times of being lonely, but mom was good at making certain I had opportunities to play with friends and join others in classes, etc. 

When I was baptized, and became active in a congregation, I was overwhelmed with learning that I suddenly had dozens of new brothers and sisters of all ages, other children of God, through faith. How amazing this was for me! And just like any family, there are good days and not so good days, but the family remains. The bond is unbroken. 

God knows, as the whole and Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, how important relationship is. None of us are an island. And all of us are God’s children, cared for lovingly by our holy Father. 

Two tangible ways also reminded me today of the importance of the “family” connection. One was being honored to help a couple celebrate their own family with 25 years of marriage at a renewal of vows ceremony. Another was being reminded by a sister in the faith to listen to my spirit and body and provide proper care. Perhaps the prayer from the devotion d365 she shared with me would also be helpful for you (after all, sharing is what "family" does): 
Re-creating God, I don’t always listen when I’ve hit my limit. I sometimes push until I hear my spirit - and body - beginning to break. Give me the wisdom to notice when I need to hear your call to care for my body before I get too run-down. Amen.

Day #1994

June 17, 2019

A busy Sunday melted into a busy Monday of serving and listening and planning and meeting/spending time with folks. But mostly, being thankful for all the opportunities! Every single one!


Day #1993

June 16, 2019

A full, busy day! We celebrated Father’s Day, remembering and giving thanks for all the ways men mentor and care for others, whether they are fathers, brothers, sons, etc. Thank you, men of God!

Then, our soon-to-be-retired Bishop shared the message in worship. She talked about one aspect of mission for the synod, our companion synod. She shared ways of accompaniment, especially remembering the trip last fall to celebrate their 80th year. The information was heart-warming and the response to the invitation of ways we might be of help overwhelming. 

Then we had a surprise dinner with friends from out of town. Always a joy to be with them.

Lastly, the hubby and I stayed overnight at the congregation for our turn during our Family Promise host week. This is always an honor. 

What a blessed Sunday! 


Day #1992

June 15, 2019

There are many holy moments with what I do. I have been with folks in many ways and at many times, occasions that brought joy and those that brought sadness, and sometimes those are mingled together into one event. 

Today I was with a family at a graveside. The loved one had passed a while ago, but now the time had finally come to lay them to rest. I was honored to be asked to join them. Certainly there were tears and lumps in throats as they remembered the one now missing from the circle. But there was also laughter and joy as they were celebrated. Truthfully, the circle between then, now, and the future was, and remains, unbroken. 

Thank you, God, for the hope of the resurrection. And for the power of relationships that do not end, just change. And for all the moments in life. 


Friday, June 14, 2019

Day #1991

June 14, 2019

Today marks the 11th anniversary of our Godson’s mother’s ordination. She wrote on her FB page:
Eleven years ago on Father’s Day, on the hottest day of the summer at Grace Lutheran Church in State College surrounded my family and friends, I was ordained into word and sacrament as an ELCA pastor. My journey in ministry has taken me many, many places. It has allowed me the opportunity to meet many, many people. It has changed me as a person inside and out. Some days it fills me with so much joy I could burst. Some days the weight of the office is so heavy I feel like I can barely stand. But through it all there is nothing else I’d rather be doing than living out the calling God placed upon my heart. Thank you to everyone who has supported and walked along side of me for eleven’s to a few more.
I’m so grateful for you and your ministry, your collegiality, your faithfulness, and all those who walk with you. But mostly, I’m grateful to have you in my life and that we were able to be there 11 years ago to be a part of such a special and important day! 


Day #1990

June 13, 2019 

More thoughts from the devotion d365, this time by Erin Spengeman Hutchison:
We are not defined by fear. We are defined by love — God’s love. We don’t rejoice in the suffering; we rejoice that suffering cannot destroy our hope. We have hope that God loves us today, just as we are, whatever we’re going through. God’s love for us is greater than our fears.
Imagine...suffering cannot destroy our hope, because hope lies in the fact that God loves us. Wow!!


Day #1989

June 12, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful - for a passionate reminder from someone that our hearts need to be changed by God. I agree and am thankful God provides the way for that to happen; through the Holy Spirit Jesus promised in the verses following yesterday’s Thoughts on Scripture.

Also, I have to share something that happened yesterday that has me overwhelmed (and thankful I was not close to it). A truck transporting beehives (see Day #1593) overturned and some 40,000 pounds of bees, roughly 133 MILLION of them, were at risk. And angry. And escaping. But thanks to the work of many, only a small portion died. Still…yikes! 


Day #1988

June 11, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of John, chapter 16, verse 12: [Jesus said,] “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (NRSV)

Jesus will soon be leaving his disciples and he has so much to say to them and so much to teach them. But there is not time, nor the capacity in the disciples’ minds and hearts, to receive it all at once. We further read that Jesus promises to send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who will continue to teach them along the way. 

Could this be compared in a small way to learning something like math? Perhaps 1st graders should be taught calculus, right? Of course not, because our brains don’t work that way. We begin with the basics - addition, subtraction, etc. and with teachers who understand the appropriate progression helping them, students can learn calculus at the proper time. Maybe that is a simplistic comparison, but it helps me realize why lifelong learning about God, with the help of the Holy Spirit, is not only vital, but possible. 


PS There is also reason for giving thanks - the hubby’s shoulder is doing really well and he’s out of his bulky sling. Yay!! Thanks be to God for healing, and for giving surgical gifts to the physician!

Day #1987

June 10, 2019 

The day could not go by without remembering it’s Boomer’s 2nd birthday. 

He’s a tad less of a puppy now, but don’t tell him that! 

Note: Full disclosure - the picture was taken a day late. He had to spend his special day and night at his favorite “doggie spa” because the hubby had a surgery follow-up appointment. But what could be a better birthday than spending it playing with lots of friends?!?!


Day #1986

June 9, 2019

The “think” portion of the daily devotional d365 caused me to ponder. Daniel Ingram wrote that it takes two months for something to become a habit. I think that is actually a rather long time, considering it may only take a couple of days or so of not doing something for a habit to be broken. Either way, creating good or healthy habits takes work, intentional work. 

What really caused me to ponder, however, was the question he posed: “What could you do every day for the next 60 days that would help you to love more and fear less?”



Saturday, June 8, 2019

Day #1985

June 8, 2019

Angie Shannon wrote an article called “We’ve Got People” for the September, 2011, Gather magazine. It was redacted for today’s Daily Grace blog by the Women of the ELCA. She writes:
Baptism names, claims, and confers salvation. It is not “fire insurance,” but rather it commissions us for a life of love and service as a child of God.
This perspective and definition is most helpful. Thank you God for adopting us into your Kingdom, and for giving us purpose and work!


P.S. This may have been my longest stretch ever of getting behind in posting for the Daily Intersection. Thank you for being patient with me and continuing to read my musings. Hopefully they remind you that God is with you everyday, all day, and may they help you to make connections between God's grace and your life, too. 

Day #1984

June 7, 2019 

Danita Jones’ article, “Connecting the Dots,” from the June/July Guideposts spoke to me. She wrote about her Mama, who said to her after she lamented over something not being fair, “‘It’s just a dot, Danita.’” When she told her mama she didn’t understand, she wrote that her mama “pulled a sheet of paper out of her desk drawer, a worksheet with numbered dots all over it.” It was a dot-to-dot picture, but Danita couldn’t make sense of it because it just looked like a bunch of dots with no apparent shape. Then her mama explained, “‘That’s how life is,’ she said. ‘God places things in our lives, and sometimes they seem confusing or out of order. Most of the time, we have no idea why things happen the way they do.’ ‘So…we’re the dots?’ ‘No, we’re the pencil,’ my mother said, handing me one. ‘The pencil never knows what the dots make up - it just goes from one dot to the next. But God sees the big picture.’”

I thought this explanation helpful. I believe God allows things in our lives (not necessarily placing them there) that we cannot understand and that seem unfair. Yet, because God has the knowledge of the big picture, there is always something to learn from them or use in the future. And sometimes the dots make a beautiful picture. 

May we all trust the artist, who loves us and is with us, always. 


Day #1983

June 6, 2019

It seems as though the last couple of weeks have been exceptionally busy. I’m trying to catch up, but I don’t seem to be getting too far along. Yikes!!

On another note, today there have been many reminders that 75 years have passed since D-Day. A good thing to remember, and pray nothing like it ever has to happen again. 


Day #1982

June 5, 2019 

School’s out (almost) for summer! Well, at least Wednesdays are done for summer. The High School Youth met for the final time of this school year. 

And the Confirmation Students enjoyed their celebration dinner. I am going to miss this great group of kids:

I'm going to miss seeing ALL of you on a regular basis, but have a blessed, safe, and relaxing summer!


Day #1981

June 4, 2019

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 8: Philip said to [Jesus], “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” (NRSV)

I am so very thankful for this question from Philip. After following Jesus for years, watching him and learning from him, Philip still isn’t certain about who Jesus is. Just show us, he pleads. 

This gives me hope as we humans seek some sort of proof. This gives me a sense of tolerance when we have questions about the reality of Jesus as Son of God, both human and divine. This gives me patience when others scoff at those who have faith. 

We, who don’t have the advantage Philip did of spending physical time with Jesus, can take heart at his question and desire. And we can trust that the Holy Spirit works in the midst of all our doubts and questions. It certainly worked in Philip and all the disciples. And works in us, too. Thanks be to God!

And, a Simon "is" - finishing the school year. Here is a comparison of the first and last days:

You are becoming quite the young man! We love you!


Day #1980

June 3, 2019 

Three things about today spoke to me of God’s love and grace at the Intersection of life. 

The first, a person who listens and understands is worth their weight in gold. It was a long weekend and the mind, body and spirit needed some refilling. Thank you for hearing that in my voice and sensing my need to be heard.

Next, a song I sang long ago came to me. These are some of the lyrics:
Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is your name. When I fall down you pick me up, when I am dry you fill my cup, you are my all in all. 
Thank you, God, for this reminder when I certainly needed it.

And then a fun thing. Last fall a neighbor boy told me about his excitement that he was getting a four-wheeler at the end of the school year. Tonight as I checked the mailbox, he called out to tell me he gets it tomorrow. The fact that he remembered he had told me so long ago made me smile. Oh, by the way, I did remind him to be careful and to wear his helmet!


Day #1979

June 2, 2019

Almost as quickly as it began, the Synod Assembly ended. 

This is the final Holy Communion Bishop Jessica will serve at an assembly and she gave the assurance of God’s love in the Body and Blood with her usual grace and pastoral presence.

When we left the assembly, we went to the graduation for one of the High Schools where three of the youth from the congregation received their diplomas. What a joy to witness this special and important day in their life. Well done, guys - I believe you will all go far!


Day #1978

June 1, 2019 

As the Assembly progressed, the voting that seemed overwhelming at the beginning was completed. There is a new bishop-elect, Rev. Dr. Laurie Jungling. There is thanksgiving and anticipation. 

I also found this to be ironic - three years ago at another Synod Assembly, I took this picture of Bishop Jessica on the screen as she gave her annual report. In the audience is the back/side of Pastor Laurie. She is in the blue shirt at the right side of the picture. 

Who could have known that three years later Pastor Laurie would be elected to follow Bishop Jessica upon her retirement. Only the Holy Spirit knew, and certainly led us all throughout the day. 


Day #1977

May 31, 2019 

Today was a busy day. It began with a Synod Council meeting, including the final preparations for the upcoming annual Synod Assembly.

Then I was honored to attend a celebration for some of the servant work of the congregation I serve. For many years, the congregation has been assisting the ministry of the Transition Center, a place for those leaving incarceration and returning to their lives “outside”. The administration and Board of Directors of the Transition Center invited several of us to lunch in order to give the congregation this award. 

Certainly the award is appreciated, although the real gift is the congregation’s heart for the ministry.

Then there was the beginning of the Synod Assembly, including worship and Holy Communion. This will be a “big” meeting as a new bishop will be elected. Many prayers for all the business and the attendees.


Day #1976

May 30, 2019

On the fortieth day following the Resurrection, the church celebrates the Day of Ascension, when Jesus returned to the Father by being “taken up,” with his followers looking on as witnesses. This day comes on Thursday, meaning the congregation I serve does not usually have a worship service to commemorate this important moment in time. Yet, I stopped today to wonder about what this all means. That Jesus came, died, rose and ascended. 

It came to me that perhaps it is less about wondering what it “means” and more about simply being thankful. That is truly what makes all the difference - receiving, and responding, in thanks.


Day #1975

May 29, 2019

I was blessed to attend one of the High School in town's Baccalaureate service tonight. I find these services to be meaningful and I am grateful they continue, thanks to the commitment and help of many parents. The message this year from the speaker - God is in love with you. And desires for you to be in love with God. 

Thank you! I think I will be pondering this for a while. Hopefully, others there will do the same.

And for all those students about to graduate...prayers! 


Day #1974

May 28, 2019 

Today’s Tuesday's Thoughts on Scripture comes from Revelation 22:13: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (NRSV)

“Pastor, I have a question,” the confirmation student said to me as we studied the beginning in the book of Genesis, “if God made the earth and everything in it, then who made God?” I wish you could have seen their face when I said, “God wasn't made...God just always was.” Doubt and skepticism were just a couple of the thoughts that looked as though they ran through the confirmation student’s mind. Always was?!?! That cannot be - there had to be a beginning to God. 

I thought about that exchange when reading this verse from Revelation, which isn’t something that makes logical sense at all. Yet, this mystery of God as always being shows but a piece of the magnitude of God. The awesomeness of God. The inability of us to fully understand God. Yet we are invited by God to receive God’s love and grace in faith, from beginning to end, first to last, A to Z….from always and now and forever. 


Day #1973

May 27, 2019 

As we take a day - Memorial Day - to give thanks for those who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of others, I express my gratitude for all who have given their lives while in service. And I pray for the day no more lives are needed to be given!
