Saturday, February 2, 2019

Day #1853

January 27, 2019

A hearty shout-out to all those who contributed to the Annual Report - ministries, committees, financials, stewards of the congregation - by preparing a summary of the year and submitting it for inclusion. The reports were received at the Annual Meeting without question. Thank you! And a thank you to our Parish Administrator for getting it, and the updated directory, ready a week ahead!!!

A hearty shout-out to all who stayed following worship to participate in the meeting and vote and hear the latest. Your presence is deeply appreciated.

And a hearty shout-out to the Stewardship Committee and helpers who provided lunch following the meeting. Delicious food and lively conversation filled our temporary fellowship space (we are still waiting for the redecorating to be completed) and there is gratitude.

All in all, as I said in the meeting, I am thankful to be serving where I am and appreciate the congregation allowing me to be their pastor. I am, and have been blessed, in these ten years!


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